Raspberry Varieties Brusvyana: Description And Characteristics, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews
Raspberry Varieties Brusvyana: Description And Characteristics, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews

Malina Brusvyana: we grow a tree-like beauty in the garden

raspberry brusvyana
raspberry brusvyana

Raspberry Brusvyana is a popular variety among gardeners, known for its aromatic, healthy and tasty fruits. It is chosen because of its powerful tree-like bushes, which are abundantly covered with berries at the beginning of summer. But in order for cultivation to give the desired result, you need to pay attention to the rules of planting and caring for the plant.


  • 1 Description and distinctive features of Brusvyana raspberries

    1.1 Video: culture overview

  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages

    2.1 Table: strengths and weaknesses of the variety

  • 3 Landing features

    3.1 Video: features of planting raspberries

  • 4 Plant care

    • 4.1 Watering
    • 4.2 Table: features of watering raspberries
    • 4.3 Top dressing
    • 4.4 Table: order of top dressing
    • 4.5 Cropping
    • 4.6 Preparing for winter
  • 5 Potential diseases and pests

    • 5.1 Table: Cultural Diseases
    • 5.2 Photo Gallery: Variety-Specific Diseases
    • 5.3 Table: raspberry pests
    • 5.4 Photo: insects infecting crops
  • 6 Tips for Harvesting
  • 7 Reviews of gardeners

Description and distinctive features of Brusvyana raspberries

Brusvyana berries
Brusvyana berries

Brusvyana is a remontant variety of domestic selection

Brusvyana is a domestic breeding raspberry that belongs to remontant varieties. This means that the crop has double fruiting: the berries ripen on the branches of the previous year and young shoots.

The characteristic features of the variety are as follows:

  1. The bush is tall, tree-like, reaching 2–2.5 m. The plant is highly branched, the stems are covered with a few thorns.
  2. The shoots are 4 cm thick. Thanks to this, they do not bend under the weight of the berries, which eliminates the need to install a trellis. The shoots are covered with fruits along the entire length.
  3. The leaves are large, green in color, have a relief surface.
  4. A feature of the variety is the size of the berries, the weight of which can reach 15 g. But the average weight varies within 7-9 g.
  5. Fruits of purple color with dense pulp and sweet-sour taste, have a cone-shaped elongated shape. The tasting score is 3.9 points out of 5.

Among the remontant varieties, Brusvyana is considered one of the highest-yielding varieties. It is also characterized by such a feature as long-term fruiting. The first harvest can be taken in June, and the end of the season borders on the first frost.

Video: culture overview

Advantages and disadvantages

Raspberry Brusvyan berries
Raspberry Brusvyan berries

Brusvyana gives a bountiful harvest of weighty berries, but the taste has a noticeable sourness

This raspberry has a significant number of positive properties. But it has some disadvantages. Let's consider these aspects in more detail.

Table: strengths and weaknesses of the variety

Benefits disadvantages
Large fruit size Poor formation of replacement shoots, which complicates plant propagation
Few spikes Dependence of taste on the weather
No garter needed
High yield (up to 6 kg)
Dense structure of the fruit, which allows you to maintain their integrity during transportation
No damage by raspberry beetle and mosquito
Unpretentiousness to climate conditions

Landing features

Raspberry seedlings in the pits
Raspberry seedlings in the pits

Raspberries are planted in a sunny place, protected from the wind

It is possible to carry out work on planting raspberries in April (before the start of kidney formation) or during October. Brusvyana is grown in various climatic zones. Planting time should be chosen depending on weather factors. In areas with a mild southern climate, where the weather is fairly warm in autumn, the procedure should be performed during this period. Before the onset of frost, the plant will root well, and in the next season it will begin to actively develop.

Spring is hot in areas with southern climates. Seedlings in such an area open their buds before rooting, which is why they do not take root well. In the northern regions, where the weather is humid in spring. Thanks to this, the seedlings take root well. And plants planted in autumn often freeze slightly.

The requirements for the landing site are as follows:

  1. When choosing a site, one should take into account the high need for raspberries in sunlight. If you plan to plant several bushes, it is recommended to place them from the north to the south or from the north-east to the south-west. This will provide the plant with the necessary lighting.
  2. Raspberries need to be protected from the winds.
  3. The soil can be light loamy or sandy loam.
  4. The plant develops well in a weakly acidic environment, therefore, at a high acidity level (above pH 7), it is necessary to add 400-500 g of lime per 1 m2 to the soil.
  5. Raspberries do not like excess moisture, so a place with underground waters at a depth of 1–1.5 m from the surface is selected for it.
Raspberry seedlings
Raspberry seedlings

It is better to buy seedlings in a specialized nursery

It is advisable to purchase seedlings in horticultural nurseries. It is recommended to choose a plant with a short stem, about 20 cm high and 1 cm thick, as it takes root better. Quality material has 3-4 buds at the base of the shoot and a developed moist root system. In a healthy plant, the tissue under the skin is green in color.

Trench preparation
Trench preparation

Raspberries can be planted using the trench method or the classic method - in the holes

You can plant Brusvyan's raspberries using a bush or trench method:

  1. In the first version, the bushes are placed in pits 40 cm deep and 50 cm wide, leaving a distance of 1 m between them, and the rows are placed every 1.5 m.
  2. In the second case, trenches are dug, which must correspond to similar parameters. But the so-called "nutrient cushion" about 20 cm high is laid on the bottom. It can be rotted manure with fertile soil (in a 1: 1 ratio), plant residues or tree branches. The task of such a nutrient layer is to decompose, feed and warm the raspberry root system during the first years of its growth in the garden. For a better effect, about 10 cm of soil is poured on top, which will also protect young seedlings from direct contact with the decaying layer.

These works are carried out in advance: for a month, if the planting is planned for the fall, and in the fall during the spring planting.

The planting process is carried out as follows:

  1. The upper soil layer is removed and thoroughly mixed with 30 g of potassium sulfate, 20 g of superphosphate and 15 kg of compost mass or humus.
  2. This composition is poured into a recess, after which a seedling is placed there. The root collar should be level with the surface.
  3. Then the pit is covered with a nutrient mixture, slightly shaking the plant. This will help prevent voids from forming.
  4. In conclusion, the bushes are watered at the rate of 5 liters of water per plant.
  5. The seedlings are covered with a layer of mulch 5 cm thick.

Video: features of planting raspberries

Plant care

Raspberries are a demanding crop for growing conditions, therefore, attention should be paid to each stage: watering, pruning, feeding, protection from frost. Correct implementation of such measures will protect the plant from attack by diseases, and will also ensure stable fruiting.


Watered raspberry bushes
Watered raspberry bushes

Timely watering is a prerequisite for caring for raspberries

Raspberries are crops that dry out the soil. Deficiency of moisture negatively affects the yield, and also slows down the development of the plant. Moisten the soil to a depth of 30 cm to the level of the root base. Watering is carried out in the grooves dug out 30-40 cm from the bushes. After the completion of the procedure, the holes are filled up and loosening is carried out in the aisles. From the second half of August, watering is stopped. During this period, the wood of the plant is formed, and the flow of moisture will cause the ripening of weak shoots.

Table: features of watering raspberries

Time Water rate per plant
In the third decade of May 5 l per bush
Twice during June
Two waterings in July
In early August
In the second half of October

Top dressing


Raspberries need nutrients to form tasty and large berries

In order to grow healthy raspberries and consistently receive a decent harvest, it is necessary to fertilize the bushes in a timely manner. Top dressing should be carried out with mineral and organic compounds every season. For their introduction, you need to prepare holes 20 cm deep at a distance of 30 cm from the bush.

Table: order of top dressing

Application period Nutrient formulations
In the spring after the snow melts 10 g of urea per 1 m 2
In July 2 tbsp. l. nitrophoski, 2 tbsp. l. sodium humate per 10 l of water, consumption - 2 l per plant
In the last decade of August or early September
  • 2 tbsp. l. potassium chloride and superphosphate per 10 liters of water;
  • 5 g of manganese sulfate, 3 g of zinc sulfate per 1 m 2;
  • 50 g superphosphate, liter can of ash per 1 m 2


Raspberry pruning
Raspberry pruning

Pruning increases yields in large-fruited raspberries

Under bushes and between rows, weeds should be removed as they form. They absorb the nutrients needed for raspberries from the soil and also contribute to the spread of pests and diseases. In October, the bush is pruned.

There are two options for carrying out this procedure for remontant varieties:

  1. To get a double harvest in the new season, you need to remove only two-year-old branches that have fruited. With the onset of April, shoots that have suffered under the influence of winter cold are cut off. If the stems are partially frozen, they must be shortened to the height of a healthy bud. In May, the tops are cut by 10-15 cm. As a result of this procedure, fruiting occurs later, but its duration increases. 5-7 strong shoots are left on the bush. Extra branches are removed. They can be used as planting material.
  2. If all branches are shortened to ground level in the fall, the next year the raspberries will yield only one harvest. But this method helps to get rid of infections, viruses and pests that mainly affect the stems. Also, the berries will be larger and richer in taste, since the plant spends all its energy on the formation of only one harvest.

Preparing for winter

Covered raspberry
Covered raspberry

Raspberries are tied and covered for the winter so that the bushes can withstand frosts comfortably

If during the autumn pruning all shoots were removed, the raspberry roots are covered with a layer of straw, peat or leaves obtained from healthy trees. When snow falls, it can be heated to the roots, forming a cover. When pruning only two-year-old stems, the remaining annual shoots must be tied up and bent at a height of 30 cm from the ground. At this level, they will be covered with snow, which will protect the raspberries from freezing.

The bushes are tilted to the required height and tied together in the form of an arch. But this must be done before the onset of frost, since then the shoots lose flexibility and often break when trying to bend them. First, leaves must be removed from all the stems by running your hand from the bottom up. This will help preserve the kidneys. When wet, the leaves come into contact with them and provoke rotting. At the final stage of preparing raspberries for the winter period, the bushes are covered with a film or non-woven material.

Potential diseases and pests

The fruits of the Brusvyana variety are not affected by raspberry gnats and a beetle, however, there are a number of other misfortunes from which the culture is not immune.

Table: diseases specific to the culture

Diseases Symptoms Methods to restore a plant Prevention
Purple spot
  1. This fungal infection infects stems, petioles, buds, and leaves.
  2. The disease manifests itself in the form of lilac spots with black dots.
  3. Cracks form on the shoots, then they dry out.
Two weeks before the start of flower formation, spraying with a solution of Bordeaux liquid (10 g per bucket of water) or Hom preparation (40 g).
  1. Removal of damaged stems.
  2. Thinning bushes.
White spot
  1. Brown spots appear on the stems and leaves, which subsequently brighten, but the brown edging remains.
  2. The affected areas are covered with black dots.
  3. The bark is cracking.
Ulcerative spot
  1. On the shoots in the longitudinal direction, brown blurred spots are formed, which are covered with black formations.
  2. The berries become smaller and lose their flavor.
  1. Light gray spots appear on the stems, surrounded by a purple border.
  2. On the leaves in the affected areas, the tissue dries up and falls off.
Three times spraying throughout the season with Homa solution.
  1. Use for planting healthy bushes.
  2. Pruning diseased stems.
  3. Destruction of fallen leaves.
  1. In the spring, yellow pads form on the outside of the leaves.
  2. In summer, they spread to the lower surface, but at the same time they acquire an orange color.
Hom treatment when signs of illness appear.
  1. Compliance with the landing pattern.
  2. Systematic digging of the soil.
  3. Destruction of infected stems.
Overgrowth (bushiness)
  1. Slowing down the growth of bushes.
  2. Deterioration of the taste of berries.
  3. The presence of tumor formations on the roots.
Sick bushes do not respond to treatment. They must be immediately uprooted and burned until the disease spreads to neighboring bushes. Transplanting raspberries to a new place in 3-4 years.

Photo gallery: diseases characteristic of the variety

Raspberry anthracnose
Raspberry anthracnose
Anthracnose leads to leaf shedding
White spot
White spot
White spot damages leaves and stems
Overgrowth (bushiness)
Overgrowth (bushiness)
Overgrowth completely oppresses the bush
Raspberry purple spot
Raspberry purple spot
Purple spot attacks shoots, causing them to crack
Ulcerative spot
Ulcerative spot
Pitting weakens bushes, reducing yields

Table: raspberry pests

Pests Signs Ways to fight Preventive measures
Sprout gall midge The pest can be detected by the presence of galls on the shoots - formations 2-3 cm in size, in which the larvae are light yellow in color. Before the onset of the flowering stage, treatment of the bush with 0.6% emulsion of 10% Karbofos. Pruning and burning of shoots affected by larvae.
Raspberry fly
  1. Females place their eggs in the leaf axils at the top of the stems.
  2. The larvae gnaw through the passages under the skin of the shoots, which leads to their wilting and death.
  3. The pest can destroy up to 30% of the stems.
  1. At the stage of bud formation, use of 0.9% Karbofos emulsion.
  2. Before swelling of the buds and after harvesting the fruits, spraying with Fastak (5 ml per bucket of water).
  1. Removing and burning dry shoots in May or June.
  2. Digging the soil between the rows.
Raspberry glass
  1. Insects debug eggs at the base of the shoots.
  2. The appeared caterpillars make moves in the stems, which are covered with swellings from the outside.
  3. Fruiting of the affected bushes is reduced.
  4. Shoots become brittle.
Before bud break and before flowering, the plant is treated with Phosbecid (1 ampoule per 10 liters of water, the norm is 1 liter per bush).
  1. Pruning fruiting stems.
  2. Loosening of soil between rows and under bushes from May to July.
  1. Pests eat holes in the leaves, which causes the plates to dry out.
  2. Beetles also damage peduncles, this leads to the loss of flowers.
  3. As a result of the activity of the larvae, the buds dry out.
  1. Before the onset of the flowering stage, the use of Iskra (10 g per 10 l, consumption per 100 m 2).
  2. After harvesting, treatment with Phosbecid.
  1. Destruction of fallen leaves
  2. Digging the soil.

Photo: insects infecting culture

Weevil provokes drying of buds
Raspberry fly
Raspberry fly
Raspberry fly damages berries
Raspberry glass
Raspberry glass
Raspberry glass jar inhibits productivity
Sprout gall midge
Sprout gall midge
Shooting gall midge damages the stems of bushes

Harvesting tips

Raspberry jam
Raspberry jam

Brusvyana is ideal for blanks: it is large, fruitful and sour

Brusvyana gives the first harvest in June. The second fruiting begins in mid-August and lasts until frost. 4-6 kg are obtained from one bush. Harvesting should be done in dry weather in the morning. Due to their dense pulp, the berries are highly resistant to transportation. Fresh fruits are stored in the refrigerator for 5-6 days. At room temperature, they can lie for 12-24 hours.

Before sending for storage, you need to inspect the berries and select those that are damaged. This will help prevent rot spread throughout the crop. Brusvyana fruits have a universal purpose. They are suitable for grinding with sugar. In this form, the berries will be stored in the refrigerator for up to three months. Also, the fruits can be frozen or dried in the oven at 60 ° C. This will increase the shelf life up to two years. In addition, compotes, jellies, jams, preserves are prepared from berries and consumed fresh.

Gardeners reviews

Brusvyana's variety gives a high yield with standard care. This raspberry can thrive in a variety of climates. But with a lack of sunlight, the berries become sour. Strong, thick shoots allow you to grow raspberries without support, and low thorniness makes the harvesting process easier and more enjoyable.
