Raspberry Varieties Yellow Giant: Description And Characteristics, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews
Raspberry Varieties Yellow Giant: Description And Characteristics, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews

Raspberry Yellow giant: description of the variety and secrets of cultivation

raspberry yellow giant
raspberry yellow giant

Many large-fruited raspberry varieties are unpretentious, famous for the quantity and quality of the harvest. Yellow raspberries also have other properties that are absent from red berries. The breeder V. V. Kichina managed to combine these qualities in one variety, Yellow Giant. According to the author's description, this raspberry is also resistant to the main diseases of the culture.


  • 1 Variety description

    1.1 Table: the advantages and disadvantages of this raspberry

  • 2 Landing features

    • 2.1 Choosing a place for the berry
    • 2.2 Landing dates
    • 2.3 Soil preparation
    • 2.4 Planting seedlings
    • 2.5 Video: planting raspberries in the fall
  • 3 Care

    • 3.1 Fertilization
    • 3.2 Regular watering
    • 3.3 The variety is not remontant - what kind of pruning and shaping is needed
    • 3.4 Shelter for the winter
  • 4 Control of diseases and pests

    • 4.1 Table: raspberry pests

      4.1.1 Pests of raspberries in the photo

    • 4.2 Table: possible diseases of raspberries

      1 Photo Gallery: Yellow Giant Raspberry Disease

    • 4.3 Video: protecting raspberries from pests with folk remedies
  • 5 Harvesting raspberries
  • 6 Reviews of gardeners about the Yellow Giant

Description of the variety

The bush is more than 2 m in height, the branches are thick, but flexible, straight, covered with numerous small thorns. The root shoots are abundant. Blooms in large flowers, collected in a brush.

Raspberry Yellow Giant
Raspberry Yellow Giant

Numerous large berries of the Yellow Giant ripen at the same time

Ripens in early July. Fruiting lasts 3-4 weeks. The berries are large, up to 4 cm long and 2 cm wide, light yellow, conical, with a blunt spout, weighing 4–8 g. The berries are dry. The taste is sweet. Seeds are small, drupes are dense, do not crumble.

Table: the advantages and disadvantages of this raspberry

Advantages disadvantages
Large one-dimensional berries. Berries cannot stand transportation.
Sweet dessert taste.
Diet berry, does not cause allergies like red raspberries. Approved for use by diabetics.
Produces abundantly. The raspberry variety is intended for fresh consumption; it is better to use other varieties for harvesting.
Ripening of berries is extended for 3-4 weeks. Ripe berries crumble.
In the southern regions, the second harvest is ripening at the ends of the shoots of the current year. Gives a lot of root growth. To contain the growth of the bush, it is necessary to dig in restraints around the bushes.
Resistant to raspberry-borne diseases.
It is not affected by most raspberry pests.
Withstands frosts down to -30 o C. Numerous thorns interfere with berry picking.
Easy to bend down to cover with snow, shoots are powerful but flexible.
The yellow giant bushes do not require special care.

Landing features

When growing this raspberry in the garden, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the variety. Only in this case all the advantages of the Yellow Giant will be fully revealed.

Raspberry bush variety Yellow giant
Raspberry bush variety Yellow giant

Raspberry yellow giant has powerful flexible shoots

Choosing a place for the berry

Yellow raspberries love the sun and, unlike red, cannot stand even slight shading. The seedlings of the Yellow Giant are planted in a well-lit area protected from cold winds.

Choosing a place for a raspberry
Choosing a place for a raspberry

Yellow raspberries cannot stand even slight shading

Landing dates

The best time to plant raspberries is the end of August - beginning of September. Spring planting is carried out very early, before sap flow begins.

Soil preparation

For planting, holes are prepared with a depth of 50 cm and a diameter of at least 70 cm. The distance between them is 1 m, in the aisles - from 1.5 to 2 m. The prepared holes are filled with a soil mixture. Each bush will need at least 1 bucket of compost or humus, 1 liter can of ash. Sand is added to the clay soil. Since these raspberries tend to give abundant root shoots and creep over the site, it is useful to fence off the planting site by digging a root barrier into the ground.

Raspberry trench
Raspberry trench

Raspberry seedlings are planted in holes or trenches

Planting seedlings

Before planting, the seedlings are soaked for 2 hours in water with a dissolved root growth stimulator Kornevin or Heteroauxin.

Step by step process:

  1. A prepared hole or trench is watered abundantly with water.
  2. Place the seedling, spreading the roots well so that the ends do not bend up.
  3. The raspberry bush is covered with earth along the root collar, watered again so that the voids around the roots are filled with soil.
  4. Mulch with a layer of 10-15 cm. Mulch can be very different: rotted sawdust, compost, rotting straw, mowed and dried grass.

Video: planting raspberries in the fall


High-quality care will allow the Yellow Giant raspberries to show their qualities to the fullest.


The most essential element is nitrogen. For top dressing, fresh manure is best suited, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. You can also use chicken manure diluted 1:20. These fertilizers can be replaced with infusion of weeds. Fill half of the plastic container with chopped grass: nettle, clover, calendula, weeded grass, add a few handfuls of ready-made humus, add water and leave for a week. Dilute the resulting solution with water 1: 1 and water the bushes, put the remaining grass under the plants. Raspberries are fed with one of these products in the spring at the start of the season.

Organic fertilizers
Organic fertilizers

At the beginning of the season, raspberries are fed with organic fertilizers

In summer, weeds, carrot tops and beets are thrown under the bushes after thinning. With regular watering, all these plants quickly rot, enriching the soil in the raspberry tree.

Ash is required specifically for yellow raspberries. It must be brought in in July, during fruiting (1 tbsp is enough under the bush). In October, under each raspberry bush, you need to add 1 bucket of humus mixed with 2 tbsp. ash.

Regular watering

The yellow giant shrinks without moisture, the berries lose their taste. Water the raspberries at the beginning of the season 1 time per week abundantly, 2-3 buckets of water under each bush. During the ripening of the berries, watering is reduced to 1 bucket per bush per week. In wet weather, irrigation is stopped.

Watering raspberries is recommended in two ways:

  • in grooves dug around the bush along the perimeter of the crown or along a trench with plants;
  • sprinkling, but in regions with damp and cool summers, this method of irrigation can cause an outbreak of fungal diseases.
Watering raspberries
Watering raspberries

Sprinkling raspberries on raspberries can cause disease in cool weather

After harvesting, the plant lays buds for the next season and needs to be continued to water. If the fall is dry, the raspberries are watered abundantly at least once a week.

The variety is not remontant - what kind of pruning and shaping is needed

Due to its special "half-way" remontance, pruning of the Yellow Giant has its own characteristics. It is individual for different regions.

In the southern regions, this variety gives two harvests. The first is plentiful on the entire branch of the second year. These shoots should be root cut after harvest. The second crop ripens at the ends of the annual growth. After picking the berries, this part of the stem is removed (it will still dry out), and the remainder of the next season will have a new harvest.

Raspberry pruning
Raspberry pruning

In the fall, two-year-old, fruiting shoots are cut out at the root

In regions with cool summers and early onset of cold weather, flower buds are laid at the ends of annual branches at the Yellow Giant, but the berries do not have time to ripen. Two-year shoots are cut at the root immediately after harvest. And all annual stems, when they reach a height of 1.5 m, are shortened by 10-15 cm, as in ordinary summer varieties. A branch deprived of its top immediately throws out lateral shoots in the leaf axils. The next spring, all dried and frozen ends of the branches must also be cut off.

Shelter for the winter

The bushes can withstand frosts up to -30 o C. without shelter. But in the middle lane there are also colder winters. Therefore, it is best to bend the bush in the fall so that it is under the snow. The branches of the giant's bushes are powerful, but flexible, do not break from bending.

Preparing raspberries for winter
Preparing raspberries for winter

If raspberry stems are bent to the ground in autumn, snow will cover them in winter

Disease and pest control

The author of the variety V. V. Kichina, in his description, noted resistance to all major diseases and pests of raspberries. But still, especially in a humid summer, this raspberry can also get into trouble.

Table: raspberry pests

Pest Damage Means of protection and prevention
The strawberry-raspberry weevil is a black beetle with a long proboscis. Lays eggs in buds, hatched caterpillars gnaw the bud from the inside. Hibernates under fallen leaves (often under strawberry leaves).
  1. Shake off beetles early in the morning. In cool weather, the insect cannot move, so it easily falls on the fabric spread under the bushes.
  2. Spray plants with Fitoverm or Akarin (Agrovertin) every 10 days before picking berries.
  3. Surround raspberry bushes with marigolds, which scare away harmful insects with their smell.
  4. Spray raspberry bushes with strong-smelling substances (for example, you can use birch tar) at the time of bud setting.
The raspberry fly is a small fly that lives in raspberry thickets. Clutches eggs next to a young shoot on the ground. The larva, having hatched, immediately penetrates the stem, gnawing long passages in the form of spirals.
  1. Mulch with any materials. A thick layer of mulch with a thickness of at least 5–8 cm does not allow a fly hatched from a larva to come to the surface.
  2. Spray the bushes with Fitoverm or Akarin (Agravertin) every 10 days before picking berries.
  3. Surround the plantings of raspberries with marigolds, which scare away harmful insects with their smell.
  4. Sprinkle the ash mixed with mustard powder and hot pepper under the bushes.
The raspberry beetle is a small, hairy, orange-gray beetle. Gnaws a bud or ovary, lays eggs there. The larvae eat flowers and fruits.
  1. Shake off beetles early in the morning.
  2. Spray plants with Fitoverm or Akarin (Agrovertin) every 10 days before picking berries.
  3. Surround raspberry bushes with marigolds.
  4. Spray raspberry bushes with strong-smelling substances during the period of setting buds and berries.
The stem gall midge is a small insect with transparent wings, similar to a small fly. The larvae hatch from eggs laid in early spring at the base of the leaves. Forms swellings on the stem - galls filled with larvae. Infected branches dry up.
  1. Remove and burn damaged branches in a timely manner.
  2. Preventive spraying of raspberry bushes in the spring before the buds open with 3% Bordeaux liquid.

Raspberry pests in the photo

Strawberry raspberry weevil
Strawberry raspberry weevil
Strawberry-raspberry weevil lays eggs in buds
Raspberry beetle larva
Raspberry beetle larva
Raspberry beetle larva eats raspberry fruit
Raspberry fly
Raspberry fly
Raspberry fly lays eggs on the ground next to a young shoot
Gall midge larvae
Gall midge larvae
Raspberry branches covered with swellings with gall midge larvae dry up

Table: possible diseases of raspberries

Name Signs Reasons for the appearance Treatment Prevention
Gray rot Berry spots, gray fluffy mushroom bloom. It is caused by a fungus with thickened plantings, high humidity.
  1. Remove diseased berries
  2. Treat with Fitosporin.
  1. Preventive spraying of raspberry bushes in the spring before the buds open with 3% Bordeaux liquid.
  2. Regular spraying of the bushes with Fitosporin at least once every 10 days.
  3. After the end of fruiting, cut out all the shoots of the second year and treat with Cytovit.
Purple spot (didimella) Purple spots on the stem under the leaves that crack and wither and die.
  1. Remove and burn all diseased branches.
  2. Treat the bushes with Zircon.
Raspberry mosaic Yellow-green mosaic color of the leaves.
  1. The virus is carried by sucking insects.
  2. Infected planting material.
Dig up and burn the diseased bush.
  1. Acquire healthy planting material.
  2. Destroy sucking insects.

Photo gallery: yellow giant raspberry disease

A raspberry leaf infected with mosaic becomes yellow-green in color
Purple spot
Purple spot
Purple spot appears due to fungus when plantings are thickened and high humidity
Gray rot
Gray rot
With gray rot, raspberries are covered with a fluffy coating

Video: protecting raspberries from pests with folk remedies

Raspberry picking

This is an unusually productive variety. By properly caring for the plants, you can get up to 6 kg of berries from one bush. As the fruits ripen in stages, a delicious dessert is provided throughout July. The berries are tender, cannot stand transportation, and are intended for fresh consumption. But you can also make preparations for the winter from them. These are syrups, jellies, liqueurs, juices. Berries can be frozen, ground with sugar, compotes can be cooked.

Raspberry Harvest Yellow Giant
Raspberry Harvest Yellow Giant

Best Uses for Raspberries - Eating Berries Fresh

Reviews of gardeners about the Yellow Giant

The yellow giant, like all yellow-fruited varieties, was not created for industrial cultivation. Delicate, fragrant and sweet berries delight summer residents with freshness and taste. Disease and pest resistant, these raspberry bushes require little maintenance.
