Cat Food For Hair Removal: When It Is Necessary, How It Works, Popular Brands, Reviews Of Veterinarians And Owners
Cat Food For Hair Removal: When It Is Necessary, How It Works, Popular Brands, Reviews Of Veterinarians And Owners

The 8 Best Cat Foods for Breeding Hair

how to get hair out of a cat's stomach
how to get hair out of a cat's stomach

Being very clean creatures, cats spend almost a third of their lives licking fur. Such a hygienic procedure allows the animal to independently get rid of extraneous odors, dirt, and keep the "fur coat" clean. The hairs accumulated in the stomach are normally excreted from the body together with feces or by regurgitation. However, such a natural self-cleaning process becomes impossible when the lumps become too large and dense. In this case, special wool-removing feed will help to cope with the problem.


  • 1 Danger of wool lumps in the stomach
  • 2 When to feed your cat a wool-removing food

    2.1 Rules of use

  • 3 Product composition
  • 4 8 best wool-removing feeds

    • 4.1 Monge Cat Hairball
    • 4.2 Hill's Mature Adult Hairball Control
    • 4.3 Royal Canin Hairball Care
    • 4.4 Advance Affinity Cat Sterilized Hairball
    • 4.5 Eukanuba Adult Hairball Control
    • 4.6 Gemon Cat Hairball
    • 4.7 IAMS Adult Cat Hairball Control rich in Chicken
    • 4.8 Carnilove Hairball Control Duck & Pheasant

Danger of wool lumps in the stomach

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the tongue (it is covered with small sharp papillae directed into the larynx), the cat cannot spit out dead guard hairs, so the wool inevitably enters the stomach. Due to the impossibility of digestion by gastric juice, it gets knocked down into dense balls (trichobezoars) and clogs the gastrointestinal tract. Veterinarians call this phenomenon "gastric trichobezoar". In case of untimely treatment, it threatens the following complications:

  • anorexia due to a false sense of satiety;
  • obstruction of the small intestine;
  • constipation;
  • violation of the digestive process;
  • pain in the digestive tract;
  • ingrowth of villi into the mucous tissues of the oral cavity;
  • inflammatory processes.

Due to the presence of trichobezoars in the stomach, the cat experiences constant discomfort. She will independently try to get rid of a foreign body by vomiting, but due to severe clogging, only liquid will come out. If you do not help your pet in time, surgical intervention is inevitable.

Trichobezoar of the stomach is most susceptible to:

  • long-haired cats (Maine Coon, Persian, Siberian, etc.);
  • elderly cats;
  • animals that are obese or lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • cats with any type of coat (with the exception of bald sphinxes, bambinos, elves, etc.) during molting.

    long-haired cats
    long-haired cats

    Long-haired cats are most prone to gastric trichobezoar

Personally, for the purpose of prevention, I always give the cat special homemade weed (it is sold in pet stores). It is a natural remedy for cleansing, contains minerals, amino acids, B vitamins, which not only improve digestion, but also have a beneficial effect on the pet's appearance.

home grass for cats
home grass for cats

Sprouted wheat is the best way to prevent the formation of wool lumps

When to feed your cat a wool-removing food

The following symptoms indicate the presence of hairballs in the pet's stomach at an early stage:

  • anxiety, nervous excitement;
  • mucus in undigested food or stool;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • dry cough;
  • the coat becomes greasy and tarnished.

In the case of severe blockage of the gastrointestinal tract, the cat has frequent vomiting (without hair, but with blood), complete absence of stool for a long time (despite the animal's unsuccessful attempts to relieve natural need), as well as refusal to eat. At the same time, it cannot be said that the pet has no appetite: on the contrary, it begs for food, but cannot overpower even the minimum portion. This is due to the fact that the cat does not receive the required amount of nutrients due to the feeling of false satiety. In the presence of such symptoms, the owner urgently needs to start treatment.

Terms of use

Special feeds for wool breeding are enriched with essential vitamins and minerals, have the correct ratio of BJU, therefore they are complete. In the event of symptoms indicating the presence of trichobezoars in the stomach, the cat must be completely transferred to the "medicinal" food and given until the problem disappears.

Before use, be sure to read the information on the packaging: the manufacturer gives clear instructions and recommendations. The daily consumption rate is on average 15–20 grams per 1 kg of animal weight. If desired, the portion can be increased (the cat can eat as much as she is used to). The course usually lasts about a month. The first positive changes are observed already within the first week. As a preventive measure, feed can be given 1-2 times a month.

My cat, although he ate shop canned food for cats, flatly refused to special food. He was able to remove the hairballs with the help of a cleansing paste, which he absorbed with particular pleasure. Each pet has individual tastes, so the owner will have to find a suitable remedy by trial and error. If the cat refuses to eat one food, I recommend trying to buy 1-2 more products from different manufacturers. Surely from them there is that food that the fluffy will like.

Products composition

The composition of the wool-removing ones contains several types of insoluble fiber, which softens the lumps and accelerates their transit through the digestive tract. Natural plant components (plantain seeds, flax seeds) and oils envelop the walls of the stomach (serve as something like a lubricant), which allows trichobezoars to leave the pet's body without hindrance. The presence of vitamins and minerals helps to normalize digestion and has a beneficial effect on the quality of the coat: it becomes shiny, smooth, does not shed so much.

8 of the best wool-free foods

The best manufacturers of cat food have developed a special line of products for the treatment and prevention of gastric trichobezoar. The main part is made up of dry food, less often wet ones. These products can be purchased at pet stores or specialized online stores.

Monge cat hairball

The products of the Italian brand belong to premium food. The cost of 1.5 kg of packaging varies between 950-1050 rubles. There are also packages of 400 grams (295 rubles) and 10 kg (3890 rubles). The dry food contains two sources of prebiotics, about 4% fiber, which helps to normalize digestion. Granules are enriched with magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E, which are necessary for the full life of the pet.

The disadvantages include the presence of undesirable vegetable protein - corn gluten. The manufacturer also indicated that the main ingredient is chicken, but this is not entirely true. The percentage of fresh meat is only 10%, dried - 26%. This suggests that the feed was created on the basis of grain, and it clearly lacks animal protein.

Monge cat hairball
Monge cat hairball

Monge Cat Hairball is a premium food

Hill's Mature Adult Hairball Control

The products of the famous European manufacturer Hill`s are intended for mature cats. The cost of a 1.5 kg package is about 1100 rubles. Dry food consists of large granules, which helps to clean teeth from tartar. Main ingredients:

  • chicken and turkey flour (46%);
  • corn;
  • animal fat;
  • corn gluten flour.

Due to the high fiber content (7.5%), the wool in the stomach softens and is excreted faster. Taurines, vitamins, amino acids improve the well-being of a cat, replenish the loss of essential trace elements.

The disadvantages include the high content of corn and the almost complete absence of meat. You should also pay attention to the high percentage of fat - 20.1%. Cats prone to overweight or obesity should be fed small amounts of food.

Hill's Mature Adult Hairball Control
Hill's Mature Adult Hairball Control

Hill's Mature Adult Hairball Control is High in Fiber

Royal Canin Hairball Care

Dry and wet wool-removing food from the French manufacturer is suitable for cats of all breeds and ages. The cost of dry food is slightly more than 300 rubles per 400 g package, wet food - 57 rubles for 85 g. The composition in both variants is identical.

The triangular bulging granules in the dry food have an appetizing aroma, so the pets are happy to eat the crunchy treat. In addition to the main components that contribute to the elimination of wool, the feed contains cereals, animal proteins, beet pulp, vitamins and minerals. Suitable for daily pet feeding.

This food was recommended to my friends by veterinarians when a cat (Maine Coon breed) had problems with wool lumps in the stomach. Positive results were noticeable on the second day: the pet went to the toilet for the first time in a long time … with wool. In addition to the normalization of digestion, changes in appearance began to be visible: until recently, the dull coat became shiny, silky. After a short course of treatment, the friends could not wean the fluffy from the food of this brand. Only now, together with wool-removing granules, they give the usual, but the same company.

Royal Canin Hairball Care
Royal Canin Hairball Care

Royal Canin Hairball Care is suitable for daily pet feeding

Advance Affinity Cat Sterilized Hairball

The products of the Spanish manufacturer are specially designed for neutered cats. The cost of 1.5 kg of dry food packaging is 855 rubles, 10 kg - 4800 rubles. Malt extract and oat fiber remove wool lumps from the body. L-carnitine helps to normalize weight and prevents obesity. Zinc and fatty acids keep the coat and skin healthy, while natural polyphenols slow down the aging process of cells.

The food has an appetizing meaty aroma. The granules are small in size, oval and flat. The protein content is as much as 39%. The main ingredients are:

  • turkey meat (15%);
  • dehydrated chicken and pork;
  • whole grain barley (8%);
  • beet pulp;
  • corn protein.
Advance Affinity Cat Sterilized Hairbal
Advance Affinity Cat Sterilized Hairbal

Advance Affinity Cat Sterilized Hairbal not only removes hairballs, but also helps to normalize weight

Eukanuba Adult Hairball Control

This dry food is specially designed for domestic cats that don't go outside. The cost of 2 kg of packaging is 1220 rubles, 400 g - 310 rubles. More suitable for feeding pets during molting, as a prophylactic agent, rather than for removing dense lumps that have already formed.

The composition includes:

  • chicken meat (40%);
  • chicken liver (15%);
  • corn;
  • fish fat;
  • dry whole egg;
  • fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6.

The food contains fiber, calcium, minerals that help strengthen bones, as well as vitamin E, which strengthens the immune system.

Eukanuba Adult Hairball Controll
Eukanuba Adult Hairball Controll

Eukanuba Adult Hairball Control Promotes Strong Bones

Gemon cat hairball

Dry food from the Italian manufacturer is suitable for cats of all breeds from 1 to 10 years old. The cost of a 400 g package is 180–210 rubles.

The composition includes:

  • meat and meat offal (of which 8% raw chicken);
  • hydrolyzed chicken liver;
  • corn gluten;
  • fish and fish by-products;
  • flour and salmon oil.

The low fiber content (2.5%) indicates that the feed is more suitable for preventive purposes. It improves digestion and is enriched with essential vitamins and microelements. The high percentage of protein content makes it quite satisfying.

IAMS Adult Cat Hairball Control rich in Chicken

Dry food of the American manufacturer is intended for long-haired cats. The cost of 1.5 kg of packaging is 700 rubles, 10 kg - 3650 rubles, 300 g - 187 rubles. The main ingredient is chicken (there is at least 26% of it here), so the food is quite satisfying. Hairballs are quickly eliminated from the body thanks to plant fiber. The only negative is the presence of wheat and corn grits in the composition (they are poorly digested).

The food does not contain preservatives and dyes, has a neutral odor, but a specific taste, so some pets find it difficult to get used to new food. The positive effect is visible already in the second week after the inclusion of food in the main diet of the cat.

IAMS Adult Cat Hairball Control rich in Chicken
IAMS Adult Cat Hairball Control rich in Chicken

IAMS Adult Cat Hairball Control rich in Chicken does not contain dyes or preservatives

Carnilove Hairball Control Duck & Pheasant

Dry food from a Czech manufacturer is suitable for adult cats of all breeds. The cost of a 2 kg package is about 900 rubles, 400 grams - 241 rubles. Does not contain potatoes and cereals, 60% consists of meat products. In addition to prebiotics and plant fiber, the feed contains vegetables, fruits, medicinal plants, and amino acids. All these components improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and effectively remove trichobezoars from the body.

Round granules have a pronounced jerky smell. Due to the increased ash content (high content of minerals in the product), the pet rarely likes such a delicacy the first time, but soon he gets used to the unusual taste. It is desirable to combine the food with the food familiar to the cat.

Carnilove Hairball Control Duck & Pheasant
Carnilove Hairball Control Duck & Pheasant

Carnilove Hairball Control Duck & Pheasant should be combined with the main food.

It is impossible to completely exclude the ingress of wool into the stomach, but in the hands of the owner it is to prevent the formation of dense lumps and preserve the health of the pet. Special wool-removing food will help improve digestion and remove trichobezoars from the body in time. During the treatment period, they can be given as the main food, and during the molting period and for prevention purposes, they can be combined with the food that is familiar to the animal.
