How To Get Rid Of Snakes At Their Summer Cottage: Means Of Dealing With Creeping Reptiles
How To Get Rid Of Snakes At Their Summer Cottage: Means Of Dealing With Creeping Reptiles

Snakes in the country: how to deal with pests


With the arrival of spring, nature wakes up, and our summer cottage comes to life. Unfortunately, not only pleasant meetings await us. Among the various pests that can ruin your stay at the summer cottage, snakes occupy a special place - creatures not only unpleasant in appearance, but sometimes poisonous, which can be dangerous to the health and life of a person or his pets.


  • 1 Where do snakes come from in personal plots
  • 2 Precautions to be followed at all times
  • 3 Must know: first aid to a victim of a snakebite
  • 4 Beginning to Drive Out Serpents: Purity Is the Key to Success
  • 5 Animals on guard of your site
  • 6 What will help you avoid colliding with the snake?
  • 7 Chemical, folk, mechanical and technical means of fighting snakes
  • 8 Video on how to get rid of snakes on the site

Where do snakes come from in backyard plots?

In our latitudes, the usual habitat of creeping reptiles is forests. More recently, snakes could be found very rarely within the city or residential sector. But the woodworking industry and construction are developing rapidly, so forests near populated areas are being cut down. The snakes have no choice but to look for a comfortable place to live.

And there are a lot of such places on the equipped site. It can be a garbage pit or a cesspool, and even more so a compost pit, where it is warm enough, humid and quiet - optimal conditions for life and breeding. Rhizomes of trees and fruit shrubs will also provide shelter to the snake family. And even the barn in which you store your gardening tools can serve as a good place for nesting.

Most often at their summer cottage you can find:

  • snakes;
  • copperheads;
  • runners;
  • vipers.

The first three types of snakes are not poisonous, and do not pose a serious danger to the life of people and animals. True, this does not diminish the fear of them: there is nothing pleasant about being able to stumble upon them at any moment. But vipers are a real disaster. The bite of this snake is deadly, so you should definitely get rid of them completely.

how to get rid of snakes at their summer cottage
how to get rid of snakes at their summer cottage

Beware of vipers in your area - their venom is deadly poisonous

By the way, snakes can appear not only from the forest. The area in which I live is rich in forests, but we have seen snakes very rarely, and even then - snakes. The city authorities conceived the repair of roads, and the material for it was imported from another region. Together with the rubble, they brought us many of these wriggling surprises. Snakes crawled through the city center, let alone the private sector on the outskirts: there were few areas where a couple of families did not nest. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of snakes in the summer cottage, in the garden, in the yard and on the street became especially acute for us. I will tell you about the measures that we took in the fight against this living creature.

Precautions to be followed at all times

It has long been known that in fact, snakes are very rarely the first to attack. Their aggressive behavior is a measure of protection in the event that the snake feels danger to itself or its nest. True, this does not make it easier for us. You may simply not notice that a snake is warming itself in a raspberry bush or in a strawberry bed. Step on it or touch it with your hand - and you will surely get a couple of tangible bites. And if the snake or the snake will only leave traces of teeth and the consequences of fright, then the viper will give you a lot of big trouble - that's why she is a viper.

snakes at their summer cottage
snakes at their summer cottage

Snakes love to lie in thickets of plants

Therefore, if you suspect the presence of creeping reptiles in your garden, try to walk on it in rubber boots. Look closely at the vegetation in the beds: snakes love to lie down in places well warmed by the sun and slightly shaded by plants.

Chasing the snake away when you find it in the garden, you need to use special methods. It is unlikely that you can simply drive her away with a stick - this will only anger the reptile. It is best to create noise and vibration, such as stamping your feet. If the snake just basked in the sun, and its nest is not in the immediate vicinity, then it quickly retreats.

Need to know: first aid to a victim of a snakebite

These rules need to be learned by heart. They will come in handy if you have just discovered these intruders in your domain, and have not yet begun to fight them. Everyone is at risk of being bitten by a snake, so remember what the victim needs to do.

  1. Drink plenty of water, it will help speed up the elimination of the poison from the body, and slow down its absorption. At the same time, try to move as little as possible and not panic so as not to cause tachycardia.
  2. Do not drink tea or coffee: these drinks speed up blood circulation. Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited when bitten by a poisonous snake. You can't even treat a wound with alcohol: ethyl thinns the blood, accelerates its run through the vessels, and the poison will quickly disperse through the body.
  3. Do not overtighten the wound with a bandage: this can create stagnation of harmful substances at the site of the bite, which will lead to tissue infection.
  4. You can gently suck blood with poison from the wound immediately after the bite. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that any wound on the oral mucosa, and even a destroyed tooth, can serve as a way for the poison to enter the body. At the same time, the swallowed poison is absolutely not dangerous for the body: the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus is immune to this substance.
  5. After the poison has been removed from the wound, the edges of the bites can be treated with brilliant green, iodine or alcohol. But in no case should you use oxidizing substances, for example, potassium permanganate, as well as alkalis or objects hot on fire.
  6. A bitten person needs to lie so that his head is lower in relation to the body: this way it is easier for blood to enter the brain.

After all preliminary measures have been taken, be sure to take the victim to the hospital, where the appropriate serum will be injected.

first aid for a snake bite
first aid for a snake bite

Keep a first aid kit with the necessary funds in your summer cottage

Always keep a first aid kit in close proximity, which should contain the following items:

  • antipyretic;
  • pain relievers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • drugs for the cardiovascular system and increasing blood pressure;
  • antibiotics.

If there are too many snakes in your area, or you are afraid to get rid of them on your own, then it is better to contact herpetologists. But if you are in the mood for a serious fight, then our advice will be useful to you.

Beginning to chase away snakes: cleanliness is the key to success

Thorough cleaning of the entire summer cottage will surely help you get rid of the snakes. For a creeping asp, anything can be an attractive refuge: fragments of boards, slate, logs, heaps of branches and debris. All unnecessary and unused should be taken out of the site or destroyed.

snakes at their summer cottage
snakes at their summer cottage

Maintain order in your summer cottage so that snakes have nowhere to nest

Mow the grass regularly in your garden or lawn. Thick, tall thickets are a great place for a snake. By the way, a working lawn mower makes such a noise that the snakes, due to discomfort, will be forced to move to a place where it is quieter and calmer. Therefore, regular use of such a tool will only benefit both the garden and you: the snake will crawl away to look for a place with higher grass, in which it is easy to hide from the sun and prying eyes.

Snakes are very fond of arranging their nests in compost heaps, where optimal temperature conditions are formed for laying eggs. Therefore, such places should be as far from home as possible. The snake will protect its nesting place with the offspring to the last, therefore it is better not to allow its appearance than to try to get rid of the whole family.

By the way, snakes are useful for the garden. They feed on toads, small rodents and moles, which are very harmful to your beds. If you are not afraid of these amphibians, then they can become your allies (when it comes to non-venomous snakes). But remember that snakes love strawberries and strawberries. You will have to choose: either you have a rich harvest of these berries, or snakes with copperheads destroy other pests.

Animals guarding your site

The main enemy of snakes is a hedgehog. Therefore, make sure that this thorny animal takes root in your area. He will save you from other pests - moles, toads, mice and rats. Few people think that hedgehogs are still predators capable of exterminating those who interfere with your harvest.

A small amount of alcohol (preferably beer or wine) will make a real warrior out of a hedgehog. Place the saucer with beer on the site, and the hedgehogs "taken on the chest" in a state of light intoxication will destroy everyone who is the slightest competition on their territory. This is the so-called "Hungarian way" of fighting snakes, or "drunken hedgehog".

fighting snakes on site
fighting snakes on site

Hedgehogs are considered the best snake hunters

Hedgehogs can also be lured with milk. But don't forget that, like snakes, they love strawberries. At least hedgehogs are much more useful.

Cats can also hunt snakes. It is believed that the feline body can resist snake venom. But do not forget that the striped mustaches love to show off their prey. Be prepared for the cat to put the killed snake in the most prominent place.

Dogs of the Jagd Terrier breed are simply created to fight all types of snakes. In all other cases, it is better to wear a muzzle on them: Jagd terriers can be aggressive towards people.

Natural animal hair will help keep snakes away from your area. Just spread it in strands in those places where there may be nesting sites. Over time, the snakes will leave the site.

What will help you avoid colliding with the snake?


Chemical, folk, mechanical and technical means of fighting snakes

First of all, you need to decide whether you want to ward off the snakes from your site, or destroy them. In the first case, these amphibians can easily return to you during the summer. The second option will provide a guarantee for at least one season.

how to get rid of snakes at their summer cottage
how to get rid of snakes at their summer cottage

Deprive snakes of food: remove rats, mice and frogs from the site

  1. Snakes are highly susceptible to odors. Try scattering dry mustard over the area (1 kilogram per 10 acres is enough). Also, several beds of garlic, broken in different sides of the site, can scare off the snake.
  2. If you find old snake skin, take it away from the site. During molting, the snake sheds its skin at the place where it is going to live, therefore it will definitely return to the old skin. But in no case take the kosha with your bare hands, so as not to leave your smell on it.
  3. Try to burn an old car tire on the site: snakes cannot stand the smell of burnt rubber. As, however, and ash, and burnt areas. If you practice burning grass annually on your site in the spring, snakes will not fly into your garden.
  4. Naphthalene balls, saltpeter, ammophoska, garden herbicide will drive away reptiles from the summer cottage. Snakes don't like chemicals very much, so rags soaked in diesel fuel or herbicide scattered around the area will scare them away. You can buy in the store special poisonous agents for the destruction of cold-blooded.
  5. Try to enclose the area with a fence with a high plinth, which is sprayed with chemicals.
  6. Hang Chinese bells, rattles and turntables in the garden to make noise and vibrations in the wind. Snakes love peace and quiet, and cannot stand noise. Therefore, they will flee from uncomfortable conditions in search of better housing. Electric mole repellents will also work well in the fight.

The most effective way to prevent snakes from emerging in an area is to deprive them of food. Get moles, mice, frogs, rats out of the cottage - everything that cold-blooded people like to eat so much - and the snakes will not find anything interesting for themselves on your territory.

Video on how to get rid of snakes on the site

We hope that our tips will help you to protect yourself from the invasion of snakes. Maybe you have your own secrets for dealing with these pests; share them in the comments. We wish you sunny days, easy work and comfort in your home!