Why You Want To Sleep All The Time: Reasons And How To Deal With It
Why You Want To Sleep All The Time: Reasons And How To Deal With It

Why do you want to sleep all the time and how to deal with it

Sleepy Edward Norton
Sleepy Edward Norton

Throughout the work week, you wait for the weekend just to get some sleep. But Saturday and Sunday pass, you even slept well, but still Morpheus pulls you into his tenacious embrace. If the phrase “I want to sleep more than to live” is about you, then get acquainted with the possible causes of this increased sleepiness and methods of dealing with it.

Why do you constantly want to sleep

Drowsiness and fatigue can be symptoms of a wide variety of conditions. We simply cannot bring them all - then this article will stretch over hundreds of pages. But we will consider the most common disorders of modern man.

Sleep disturbance

This is the state that I know, unfortunately, too much. Due to the lack of a standardized working day, I constantly change my routine - sometimes I am awake for several nights in a row, squeezing my sleep in a few hours of the morning, then I try to be a "lark" and get up at 6-7 am, and then peck my nose all day. Such constant changes in the schedule is a habitual way of life for me. As well as eternal sleepiness.

Try to remember if you recently broke your sleep schedule? Maybe you work in shifts, and therefore alternate sleepless days and weekends when you sleep to the fullest? By the way, a common habit of office workers to sleep off on weekends is also a sleep disorder. If you do not get enough sleep during the week (sleep less than 6 hours on weekdays), then ten-hour night marathons on weekends will not save you. On the contrary, you will feel even more overwhelmed.

Girl with coffee
Girl with coffee

Mugs of coffee and energy drinks are not a substitute for a good night's sleep

Poor sleep quality

Even if you honestly sleep 7-8 hours every day, this does not guarantee that you will not be sleepy during the daytime. Perhaps the reason lies in how you sleep. After all, the quality of sleep also affects your daytime well-being.

The quality of sleep is formed from the environment of the sleeper and his state. If conditions are unfavorable, then the dream is superficial. The body does not fully rest, and as a result, such an 8-hour sleep can be equated in efficiency to a 2-hour nap. How long can you last if you only sleep two hours a night?

So, here are the factors that make sleep deficient:

  • shine. Ideally, the room should be completely immersed in darkness - your eyes can still see the light sources through the eyelids;
  • noise. If it is impossible to get rid of the noise source, buy earplugs;
  • heat. Sleep much better in a cool room. Get in the habit of airing your bedroom in the evenings;
  • nervous excitement. A couple of hours before bedtime, it is better to give up any activities and activities that make you feel strong emotions, angry or happy, and also provide a lot of food for the mind. The best things to do before bed are the quietest. Re-read a familiar book, wash the dishes, meditate;
  • physical discomfort. An uncomfortable bed, a blanket that is too thin or thick, or a poor pillow - all this does not allow you to fall asleep soundly. A full stomach is also referred to physical discomfort - it is for this reason that experts recommend not eating a couple of hours before bedtime.

Improper nutrition

These include two nutritional problems - excess caffeine and lack of vitamins.

If you cannot imagine your day without a cup of strong aromatic coffee, then perhaps the problem lies in it. The same applies to energy drink lovers. The large amount of invigorating substances prevents your body from sleeping properly, which makes you feel sluggish and drowsy even after eight hours of sleep.

Another reason for daytime sleepiness may be a lack of vitamins of group D and B. The former are found mainly in fish, and the latter are found in green vegetables, cereals, beans, mushrooms. If you are not sure that you are getting enough of these elements from your diet, then purchase a good mineral supplement for adults.


There are a number of diseases, one of the symptoms of which is drowsiness. These primarily include psychological disorders such as depression. If you have a strong suspicion that something is wrong with your mind or state of mind, see a psychologist for advice.

Other diseases and conditions that can cause drowsiness:

  • diabetes;
  • hypotension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • anemia;
  • ARI or ARVI;
  • thyroid disease;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

How to deal with daytime sleepiness

The most unpleasant thing about such daytime sleepiness is the constant lack of desire and motivation to do anything. Even what you like. The only desire that overcomes you is to lie with your eyes closed (it is not even necessary to sleep). As a result, life turns into an empty existence, full of responsibilities and devoid of joys. Is there anything you can do about it?

Restoring the mode

First, let's eliminate possible violations of the regime. Let's note right away that this process can take a month or two. Don't expect amazing results in the first week! Perseverance is your best friend in this business.

Consider your sleep routine. It should be approximately the same (plus or minus an hour) for every day - both on work and on weekends. Lights out and wakes up at approximately the same time. The daily duration of sleep should be equal to 6-8 hours - this is how much the WHO staff advises to sleep.

And now the most difficult thing is to accustom yourself to this regime. If you set yourself to hang up at 23:00, then even if the world collapses - at this time you should be in bed with your eyes closed. Pull the curtains tighter, put on earplugs and go to bed. The morning alarm clock cannot be ignored either. Yes, even if it's a day off. Yes, even if the bed is very comfortable and you want to doze for another hour or two. This period will surely be difficult - you will have to endure. It will be easier further.

Alarm clock by the bed
Alarm clock by the bed

A clear sleep routine is the key to daytime vitality

Correcting nutrition

First of all, give up energy drinks and strong coffee. However, you can afford one cup of espresso in the morning. But during the day it is better to refuel with green tea (or weak black). Its invigorating effect is much softer and therefore will not interfere with a night's rest.

Add more fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet. Don't forget about grains. Replace at least some of the meat with fish. Don't forget about clean water - drink at least 4 glasses a day. Improving your diet will not only help you fight sleepiness, but it will also improve your overall well-being.

Frozen fish
Frozen fish

Fish is one of the most valuable sources of vitamin D

We contact a specialist

If drowsiness is caused by a medical condition, then the above measures can only slightly improve your condition. To completely get rid of daytime lethargy, you have to deal with the root cause - the disease itself. To do this, you have to run to the doctors. In advance, identify the most pronounced symptoms that bother you in addition to drowsiness - for example, regular headache, tearfulness, reduced performance. Start with a therapist - he will refer you to other specialists who may be able to determine the cause of your condition.

If daily sleepiness is not caused by a disease, then you can correct it on your own. But in the case when it is only a symptom of a disorder, you will have to see a doctor.