Why You Want To Sleep After Lunch - How To Deal With Afternoon Sleepiness
Why You Want To Sleep After Lunch - How To Deal With Afternoon Sleepiness

8 causes of afternoon sleepiness and how to combat it

sleepiness after eating
sleepiness after eating

Everyone has encountered the desire to take a nap after a hearty lunch or dinner. What is the reason for this? What if you can't sleep? Let's try to answer all the questions.

Causes of drowsiness after eating

The causes of drowsiness are conventionally divided into natural and pathological. The latter can be associated with both disease and mild disorders in the body.


Natural causes include the following:

  • Non-compliance with the daily regimen. It manifests itself most strongly at work. A person simply does not have enough energy, and food only serves as a catalyst.

    Night shift
    Night shift

    People with a floating work schedule are at risk

  • Lack of oxygen. If the room is poorly ventilated, you will feel unwell. Eating will only bring the onset of sleepiness closer.
  • A spike in blood glucose levels. With the intake of fast carbohydrates, the concentration of sugar rises sharply. Because of this, a person first feels a surge of vigor, but after the same rapid decrease in glucose levels, the activity of neurons in the brain decreases. The result is drowsiness.
  • Redistribution of blood. The body completely switches to digesting food, so energy costs for other tasks are reduced.
  • Hormonal surges. The process of digesting food is accompanied by the active production of certain substances. For example, insulin, amylin and glucagon for the correct functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the level of serotonin and melatonin in the blood rises, which provokes drowsiness.

In itself, one reason is unlikely to cause drowsiness, but when overeating and after a hearty meal, the situation is aggravated. The body does not have enough time and energy to digest, so it tries to take a break and throw all its energy into processing food.


Drowsiness can occur with the following disorders:

  • Dehydration. Due to the lack of water, the blood becomes thicker. Pressure and pulse drop, lethargy appears.
  • Diabetes. Sleepiness is associated with changes in blood sugar levels.

    Abdominal pain
    Abdominal pain

    Sleepiness after eating can also occur with digestive disorders; for example, with dumping syndrome

  • Diseases of the circulatory system. Lethargy occurs due to difficulty in digesting.

Also, the appearance of drowsiness may be associated with taking medications after meals. For example, feeling unwell can be observed when combining Lovastatin with grapefruit juice.

After what food you really want to sleep

Slow carbohydrate sources cause drowsiness in the first place. These include baked goods, mashed potatoes, pasta, etc. Because of them, there is a sharp jump in glucose levels. Recently, scientists have shown that food rich in protein and salt can also cause sleepiness. It causes a decrease in neuronal activity.

How to get rid of sleepiness

The most effective are the following methods:

  • Nap. 10-15 minutes may be enough to get back on track.
  • Stroll. If possible, go outside. Physical activity and oxygen deficiency replenishment will relieve drowsiness.

    Cold shower
    Cold shower

    In the absence of problems with the heart and blood vessels, you can take a cold shower

  • Charging. Thanks to increased blood circulation and increased pressure, the state of health is normalized, but the effect can only be temporary. If you are at work, you can do exercises for your back and neck while sitting in a chair.

These methods will help when you need to urgently cheer up, but it is better to deal with the source of the problem. First of all, you need to give up heavy meals, protein foods and meals with fast carbohydrates. If there are diseases or abnormalities, they need to be corrected. Then sleepiness will cease to disturb.

Lethargy is not always an alarming but annoying symptom. To eliminate it, you need to completely revise the lifestyle and menu. Light exercises or a short walk can help you quickly relieve sleepiness.
