Why The Cat Began To Sleep Between The Legs - Signs And Real Reasons
Why The Cat Began To Sleep Between The Legs - Signs And Real Reasons

Fluffy question: why did the cat sleep between the legs?


Cats sometimes choose the most unpredictable places for themselves to sleep. Many pets love to sleep between a person's legs. Most people give it a special meaning. The question arises, what drives cats when choosing such a place. Let's take a closer look at why this happens.

Why did the cat start sleeping between the legs

Some pets start sleeping at their feet for no reason. Superstitious people believe that in this way an animal heals a person, taking diseases upon itself. Some esotericists think that the choice of such a place to sleep is not accidental. The human body is energized from space. At the same time, it begins to resemble a battery. Positive charge on top and negative charge on bottom. It is the latter that is not very good for health. Lying between legs or on legs, cats absorb negative energy, stabilizing biological processes in the human body.

Cat between the owner's legs
Cat between the owner's legs

Sitting between the owner's legs, cats absorb negative energy

Previously, people believed that if a pet sleeps in bed with the owner, then the latter will have frogs in his head. Of course, for a modern person, such a statement is delusional. However, it is not so absurd and is based on the rules of hygiene. Previously, cats were not particularly bathed or vaccinated, so they were not encouraged to be in bed. One could easily get infected with something.

If we consider the real reasons why a cat can sleep between the owner's legs, then there is nothing supernatural in the fact that the pet seeks to settle down on or next to a person. The animal loves warmth. It's no secret that cats can periodically lie on hot batteries without feeling any discomfort. A man for a fluffy is also a kind of heater, so they tend to lie down between their legs, where they are much warmer.


Between the legs or on the legs, pets are always warmer, so they often prefer such a place to sleep

Also, breeders believe that the reasons are as follows:

  • the pet thereby shows that the owner is in a leading position;
  • the animal shows its love.

When I had a cat, she loved to sleep in various places. I often noticed that she was nestling between her legs. I never gave much meaning to such a choice of a favorite. But she always slept with me. I think that this is how animals show their love. They want to be closer to the owner.

Expert opinion

Veterinarians believe that cats sleep on their feet or on their feet for several reasons, the main ones have already been named. These include love for the owner, the desire to warm up, and jealousy.


Seals are jealous creatures, so they often lie on the feet of their owners, demonstrating their territory

Why cats prefer human legs for sleeping - video

Cats are cunning creatures that many breeders sometimes underestimate. These cute pussies always love to settle in the warmest places, which are human legs. However, there are versions that in this way pets have a healing effect on the owner, balancing energy. Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence for this.
