Signs About The Plug, Which Will Save You From Money Problems
Signs About The Plug, Which Will Save You From Money Problems

5 popular signs about a plug that will save you from financial problems and troubles


A fork is a cutlery that people use every day, so it is very sensitive to positive and negative energies. To protect yourself from various troubles, try not to perform with a fork those actions that, according to beliefs, can lead to problems with money.

Prick bread

You cannot prick bread on a fork, otherwise you can involuntarily cause trouble. This is due to the fact that bread is the most respected product with a great charge of positive energy.

It is generally better not to touch butter products with metal appliances - they have a special energy charge that is incompatible with bread.

Fell on the floor

Many people know that if the fork falls to the floor - this is for the arrival of a woman, and, most likely, unpleasant, as indicated by the sharp teeth of the device, symbolizing a prickly character. However, not everyone knows that this sign can be neutralized.

Make sure that no one else touches this fork - if the device is lifted by the wrong person who dropped it, the foregoing will come true anyway.

Store upside down


To avoid being pricked by life's troubles, avoid storing the fork with the prongs facing up. Otherwise, negative energy will "get stuck" in them, which is fraught with quarrels, scandals and financial difficulties.

It is especially bad if you often touch the teeth sticking up. Therefore, you need to protect yourself: always lay the appliances with the sharp side down.

Scrub across the plate while eating

When you scrub hard on the plate, you kind of send a signal to the universe that you have so little food that you have to scrape every last crumb. In this way, you will attract poverty to you, and the plates in the house will really be empty.

Lies on the ground

If you find a fork on the street, do not rush to pick it up and even more so take it home - with it you will take your troubles. It may turn out that this device was used to neutralize or, conversely, to induce damage - in this case, you will take on a huge dose of negativity.

If you drop your own fork on the ground, pick it up and wash it with water - this will clean the cutlery not only of dirt, but also of unwanted energy that the ground may have absorbed.
