Table of contents:

How To Remove Yellow Spots From Underarm Sweat On Clothes (white And Other Colors), How To Remove Traces Of Deodorant + Photos And Videos
How To Remove Yellow Spots From Underarm Sweat On Clothes (white And Other Colors), How To Remove Traces Of Deodorant + Photos And Videos

Video: How To Remove Yellow Spots From Underarm Sweat On Clothes (white And Other Colors), How To Remove Traces Of Deodorant + Photos And Videos

Video: How To Remove Yellow Spots From Underarm Sweat On Clothes (white And Other Colors), How To Remove Traces Of Deodorant + Photos And Videos
Video: How To Remove Yellow Armpit Stains (Quick, Easy and Cheap) 2024, October

How to get rid of sweat and deodorant stains from different fabrics

How to remove sweat stains
How to remove sweat stains

Excessive sweating often causes the appearance of yellow stains under the armpits. These footprints have an unpleasant odor and attract the attention of others. Deodorants work with sweat, but they also leave stains on clothes that are difficult to remove. How to save your favorite things and remove underarm spots?


  • 1 Causes of underarm spots
  • 2 Why sweat and deodorant stains are difficult to remove
  • 3 How to get rid of white marks of deodorant
  • 4 How to remove sweat stains on different fabrics

    • 4.1 Means for removing stains from different fabrics - table

      4.1.1 How to remove sweat stains - gallery

  • 5 Universal yellow stain remover

    5.1 Aspirin against stains and sweat odor - video

  • 6 How to clean cotton fabrics

    6.1 Removing yellowness from a cotton T-shirt - video

  • 7 Cleaning linen and cotton

    • 7.1 How to quickly wash stains from a white shirt
    • 7.2 Remove sweat stains from a colored shirt - video
  • 8 How to remove underarm stains from silk, synthetics, wool and fur
  • 9 How to remove yellowness from colored fabrics
  • 10 Saving Black Clothes and a Sweaty Leather Jacket

    10.1 Removing yellow marks under the armpits from a dark T-shirt - video

  • 11 Prevention of underarm spots

Causes of underarm spots

The human body has three million glands capable of producing about 1 liter of sweat per day. When it settles on clothing, it causes yellow spots in the armpits.

Sweat stains on clothes
Sweat stains on clothes

Armpit sweat can ruin your flawless appearance

Sometimes increased sweating, which has a pungent and unpleasant odor, may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body. In this case, medical assistance is needed.

Why sweat and deodorant stains are hard to remove

Not every industrial product is able to cope with such contamination, especially stubborn ones. This is due to the multiplication of microorganisms and the process of evaporation of moisture. The combination of bacteria with chemical components forms a mixture that eats into tissue.

The use of phosphate powders in washing causes the formation of a silicone yellow coating between the fibers. This complicates the process of getting rid of stains, as a result of which even the washed laundry is sometimes not clean and fresh.

Sweat stains on the T-shirt after washing
Sweat stains on the T-shirt after washing

Poorly washed sweat stains - the result of using phosphate powders

Use expensive detergents in combination with bleach to wash whites. Use reactive oxygen and enzyme stain removers to remove perspiration from colored fabrics.

How to get rid of white marks of deodorant

In order to clean clothes from traces of deodorant and not spoil the thing, pay attention to the composition and color of the fabric.

  • Wipe fresh white deodorant marks on any fabric with vodka.
  • Wash dirty synthetic items in cool water with the addition of laundry soap.
  • Use shampoo to cleanse delicate fabrics.
  • Remove stains on woolen and knitwear with vinegar.

How to remove sweat stains on different fabrics

To remove sweat stains from different fabrics, you need to choose a product that will quickly cope with the problem and will not spoil the material.

Means for removing stains from different fabrics - table

Means What fabric can be used on
Laundry soap A fresh stain on any fabric
Hydrogen peroxide Any white fabric
Aspirin Any material
Salt, brine, soda Wool, silk, linen, cotton
Table vinegar Light thick cotton
Vodka Any fabric
Denatured alcohol and yolk Any colored fabric
Ammonia Any dark fabric
Ammonia Fur
Sodium hyposulfite Silk, synthetics

How to remove sweat stains - gallery

Laundry soap
Laundry soap

Laundry soap will help get rid of sweat stains on any fabric

Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a universal remedy for removing sweat stains from any white fabric
Aspirin effectively removes sweat impurities from any clothing
Salt removes traces of sweat from silk, woolen and linen fabrics
Soda will get rid of yellow marks under the armpits formed on clothes made of wool, cotton, linen and silk
Table vinegar
Table vinegar

Table vinegar removes perspiration from light-colored cotton products

Sodium hyposulfite
Sodium hyposulfite
Sodium Hyposulphite will help wipe sweat from silk and synthetics
Vodka removes sweat stains from any fabric
Ammonia will cleanse sweat from fur products
Denatured alcohol
Denatured alcohol
Denatured alcohol combined with yolk will remove sweat from any colored clothing

Universal yellow stain remover

Aspirin is a universal remedy to get rid of sweat marks on all types of fabrics, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.


Aspirin will help get rid of yellow stains on clothes

Instructions for removing stains with aspirin.

  1. Take a few tablets and crush them.
  2. Add a little water to the resulting powder.
  3. Stir the composition until you get a gruel.
  4. Apply it to dirty areas and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  5. Do your laundry as usual.

Aspirin against stains and sweat odor - video

How to clean cotton fabrics

If the yellow stains on the cotton fabric were not removed in time, you can use a composition made on the basis of hydrogen peroxide. With this recipe, you can easily remove dirt on white T-shirts, tracksuits, shirts and blouses.

  1. Take a container and add 2 tsp into it. soda, 1 tsp. any detergent and ¼ a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Stir the ingredients and apply the resulting composition to the stains.
  3. Scrub sweaty areas with a brush.
  4. Leave the laundry for 1 hour.
  5. Machine wash in the usual way.

We remove yellowness from a cotton T-shirt - video

Also for cotton fabrics you can use 6% wine vinegar.

  1. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of water. l. wine vinegar.
  2. Apply the solution to the stain.
  3. Wait half an hour.
  4. Machine wash the item.
Wine vinegar
Wine vinegar

Wine vinegar treats sweat stains on cotton fabrics

We clean flax and cotton

If you have sweat stains on your linen and cotton clothes, use the following recipe.

  1. Take baking soda, salt, and liquid soap.
  2. Mix ingredients until thick.
  3. Add ammonia and apply the mixture to the contaminated areas.
  4. Leave the laundry for 30 minutes and then wash it normally.

For an emergency removal of stubborn sweat stains from white cotton fabrics, use 9% vinegar.

  1. Apply table vinegar to the stains.
  2. Leave the laundry for a few minutes.
  3. Rinse the product in clean water.

Vinegar quickly removes stubborn sweat stains from cotton items

How to quickly wash stains from a white shirt

Use hydrogen peroxide to remove sweat stains from a white linen or cotton shirt.

  1. Stir 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Soak your shirt in the solution.
  3. Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  4. Then wash it and rinse thoroughly.

Remove sweat stains from a colored shirt - video

How to remove underarm stains from silk, synthetics, wool and fur

If sweat stains have formed on silk and synthetic clothing, use sodium hyposulfite. You can buy it at a photography store or pharmacy.

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. sodium hyposulfite in a glass of water.
  2. Moisten a dirty cloth liberally.
  3. Rinse clothing in clean water.

Sweat stains on silk can be removed with rubbing alcohol. Wipe the dirty areas with it, and then rinse the clothes thoroughly in boiled water.

Sweat stain on a silk blouse
Sweat stain on a silk blouse

Rubbing alcohol to remove yellow stains on silk

A saturated saline solution can deal with yellow spots on woolen clothes.

  1. Mix half a glass of salt and 1 liter of water.
  2. Leave dirty clothes in the solution for 1 hour.
  3. Rinse it in clean water.

If fur items are damaged, mix salt, ammonia and water in a ratio of 1: 10: 100. Manually treat the contaminated areas with the resulting solution, then rinse it off with clean water.

Sweat removal from fur
Sweat removal from fur

Clean fur products from sweat stains only by hand

How to remove yellowness from colored fabrics

In case of contamination of colored fabrics, a mixture consisting of a 10% solution of denatured alcohol and one yolk will help.

  1. Apply it to contaminated areas, wait for the yolk to dry.
  2. Scrape it off by hand or with a little warmed up glycerin.
  3. Wash the product as usual.
Washing colored clothes
Washing colored clothes

After removing sweat stains, things must be washed using special products that preserve the brightness of the color

Saving black clothes and a sweaty leather jacket

If spots from sweat or deodorant appear on black clothes, it is enough to wipe the stains with vodka. Other effective recipes can be used:

  • rub the stains with table salt, without making great efforts, so as not to spoil the structure of the fabric;
  • use ammonia diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Usually, after such treatment, the stain disappears within two to three minutes.
Deodorant stain on black clothes
Deodorant stain on black clothes

To get rid of traces of deodorant on even clothes, wipe the soiled areas with vodka

If you notice a fresh stain while wearing your leather jacket, cut the onion in half and wipe the soiled areas with its juice. You can also use orange peels. Their essential oils help cleanse natural skin.

We remove yellow marks under the armpits from a dark T-shirt - video

Prevention of underarm spots

In order to avoid the appearance of yellowness or white marks from deodorant, follow these simple rules:

  • apply deodorant to dry, clean skin, wait until it dries completely, and only then put on clean clothes;
  • Use over-the-counter burnt alum instead of deodorant to prevent yellow spots. This powder effectively adsorbs moisture.

You can remove sweat or deodorant stains from almost any fabric. Choose the right product carefully, consider the origin of the dirt and the type of fabric. With the right processing, you can restore your clothes to a flawless appearance with a minimum of effort.
