How Many Days After The Act Can You Find Out About Pregnancy, Learn About Conception By The Test, Before The Delay And After
How Many Days After The Act Can You Find Out About Pregnancy, Learn About Conception By The Test, Before The Delay And After

How many days after intercourse you can find out about pregnancy

Pregnancy test results
Pregnancy test results

Not every unprotected sexual intercourse ends in pregnancy, because for a successful conception it is necessary to ensure the meeting of the sperm and the egg in a time-limited period depending on the woman's menstrual cycle. The real timing of the appearance of the first signs of conception after sex can fluctuate, so sometimes you can find out even before the delay, a few days before the expected menstruation, and sometimes only a few days after.


  • 1 When can you find out about pregnancy after intercourse

    • 1.1 Pregnancy test
    • 1.2 Blood test for hCG
    • 1.3 ultrasound
    • 1.4 Visual and subjective signs
  • 2 Reviews of women about the timing of determining pregnancy

When to find out about pregnancy after intercourse

The process of conception has a number of physiological periods, and signs of pregnancy that can be clearly established do not appear immediately after intercourse. In general terms, the path of the egg to the first manifestations of successful conception goes through the following stages:

  1. A mature cell comes out of a ruptured follicle in the ovary - this is called ovulation. From this moment, only 36 hours remain for conception, otherwise the egg will die.


    Ovulation is the release of an egg from a mature follicle in the ovary

  2. The oocyte enters the fallopian tube and moves to the ampulla - the place where fertilization is to take place.
  3. Immediately after the penetration of one sperm into the egg, it becomes inaccessible to the rest, and after 2 days the first division is completed. The formed zygote moves along the tube to the uterine cavity.
  4. It enters the uterine cavity approximately on the 4th-6th day, after which the embryo is suspended for about 2 days.
  5. The next stage is implantation. It is after immersion in the mucous membrane of the walls of the uterus that the cells of the single-layer epithelium of the formed embryo (trophoblasts) become overgrown with villi and begin to secrete chorionic gonadotropin - this pregnancy hormone is determined in the blood and urine of a woman. This occurs on average 6-7 days after the meeting of the egg and sperm.


    It is after implantation into the lining of the uterus that the production of hCG begins - a hormone with the help of which the presence of pregnancy is established

Trying to calculate how many days after intercourse you can find out about pregnancy, you need to take into account the fact that sperm can wait for an egg in the fallopian tubes for up to 5 days. Therefore, the first signs that can be tracked by modern medicine appear in the period from 6 (if sex was during ovulation) to 12 days (if the sperm had to wait for ovulation for 5 days). To establish the fact of pregnancy, you can use different methods, some of which are more accurate, while others do not always provide reliable information.

Pregnancy test

The pregnancy test works on the principle of detecting high levels of chorionic gonadotropin, which is typical for a woman who has already had a fertilized egg implant. The day on which it is advisable to use this diagnostic method depends on the type of test. So, they can be more or less sensitive to the level of the hormone in the urine:

  • high sensitivity 10–15 IU / l - it is advisable to use them 8–10 days after intercourse, that is, even before the delay (HomeTest jet and test strip - 10 IU / l, Frautest Expert and Comfort - 15 IU / l);
  • 20-25 IU / L is an average sensitivity that can show pregnancy on the 12-14th day, that is, just in the first days of the delay (Evitest One - 20 IU / L, Clearblue Digital digital test - 25 IU / L).

Usually, tests begin to respond to an increase in hCG later than blood tests, since the level of the hormone in the urine rises more slowly.

Pregnancy tests
Pregnancy tests

Pregnancy test is the easiest method to establish the fact of conception at home

My wife and I were planning a baby, and we couldn't wait until the test could be done. Before the delay they did not endure - the first test was launched 3 days before the expected menstruation. The result was positive, but the second line was so pale that at times it seemed that it was just a dream. The second highly sensitive test the next day had already given a clear positive result.

HCG blood test

The hCG level can be determined more accurately, which will give information not only about the presence of pregnancy, but also about the approximate timing. To establish the fact of conception, it is worth taking a blood test for chorionic gonadotropin - it will give a result earlier than a regular test, an increase is established from the 7-8th day after fertilization. That is, thanks to the analysis, it is possible to establish pregnancy even a week before the delay, especially if unprotected intercourse occurred on the day of ovulation or 3-5 days before it.

Blood test tube
Blood test tube

A blood test for hCG can be considered the earliest and most accurate way to establish pregnancy.

In men and non-pregnant women, a value of 0 to 5 IU / L is considered normal. More significant indicators usually indicate the presence of a tumor-producing hormone, since normally only chorion can produce it. After implantation, the indicator begins to grow rapidly:

  • on the 6-7th day after fertilization - 2-10 IU / l. Depending on the individual characteristics, pregnancy can be either already detected or not yet established due to low hormone levels;
  • 8th day - 3-18 IU / L;
  • 9th day - 5-21 IU / L;
  • 10th day - 8–26 IU / l;
  • 11th day - 11–45 IU / L;
  • 12th day - 17–65 IU / l;
  • 13th day - 22-105 IU / l;
  • 14th day (the day of the onset of the delay of the expected menstruation with a cycle of 28 days and ovulation on the 14th day) - 29-170 IU / l. Here, even any quality test should cope with the establishment of pregnancy.

To obtain confirmation, a blood test is recommended to be taken over time - it is the active growth of indicators that confirms the development of the chorion.


An ultrasound examination of the uterus is usually used only as a confirmatory method in establishing pregnancy based on hCG levels. Accuracy largely depends on the quality of the device used by the doctor. The fertilized egg will be seen at different times, depending on the type of study:

  • with the transvaginal method (when the sensor is inserted into the vagina), ultrasound signs of pregnancy will be noticeable starting from 7-14 days after the start of the delay;

    Transvaginal ultrasound
    Transvaginal ultrasound

    Transvaginal ultrasound can detect pregnancy about 3-4 weeks after conception

  • with abdominal (through the peritoneal wall) - from 3-4 weeks of delay.

Visual and subjective signs

There are a number of signs that can also indicate pregnancy:

  • the release of a small amount of blood before the start of the expected period. This phenomenon may turn out to be implantation bleeding - blood appears due to trauma to the vessel when the embryo is introduced into the wall of the uterus;
  • increased fatigue and weakness. The state of health may worsen due to the active blood flow to the uterus after implantation;
  • deterioration in appetite, morning sickness. Such manifestations are often symptoms of early toxicosis - the reaction of the mother's immunity to the embedded embryo;
  • swelling of the mammary glands - due to a change in hormonal levels after conception, the breast can react immediately.

The listed signs are not reliable, you should not rely solely on them, because they can talk about other changes in the woman's body.

Reviews of women on the timing of determining pregnancy

The timing in which you can find out about the onset of pregnancy after intercourse varies for various reasons - from the day of the menstrual cycle, when the contact occurred, to the diagnostic method used. With the help of a blood test for the level of hCG, it is possible to establish the fact of conception within a week after ovulation, and modern home tests most often show the result a couple of days before the expected period.
