Growing Potatoes Using Dutch Technology, Including Planting Methods
Growing Potatoes Using Dutch Technology, Including Planting Methods

Growing potatoes according to Dutch technology - maximum results with minimum effort

Dutch method of growing potatoes
Dutch method of growing potatoes

The increase in yield depends on the choice of high-quality planting material and the agricultural practices used. When growing potatoes according to Dutch technology, the plant creates favorable conditions for the development of the root system, which means that the formation of tubers will be more intensive than with traditional methods. This method is mainly used in farms with automated processing of fields. But the technology is universal, so gardeners are increasingly using it to form their beds.


  • 1 Dutch technology: general principles of methodology, cultivation features, planting schemes

    • 1.1 Selection and preparation of planting material
    • 1.2 Soil preparation

      • 1.2.1 Autumn processing
      • 1.2.2 Spring processing
    • 1.3 Dates of planting potatoes using Dutch technology
    • 1.4 Dutch landing pattern

      1.4.1 Gallery: Stages of Dutch Potato Cultivation

    • 1.5 Plant care

      • 1.5.1 Treatments for planting against weeds, pests and diseases
      • 1.5.2 Watering Mode
    • 1.6 Harvesting

      1.6.1 Gallery: Harvesting

  • 2 How to grow potatoes according to the Dutch experience in the country

    2.1 Adaptation of industrial techniques of Dutch technology to country conditions

Dutch technology: general principles of methodology, cultivation features, planting schemes

The main difference between Dutch technology and traditional methods of planting potatoes is in the formation of ridges, and not beds or holes. When planted to a depth of more than 10 cm, tubers do not receive enough heat and oxygen, water stagnates, which can lead to decay of root crops. The Dutch came up with the idea of spreading the tubers into shallow furrows and sprinkling them with loose soil or humus on top. As the bush grows, the land roll is increased. Thus, air circulation does not stop and water stagnation does not occur.

To achieve the main result - a high yield, it is necessary to carry out a certain set of agrotechnical techniques at each stage of the growing season. The technology is based on soil aeration, correct crop rotation and a special arrangement of bushes on the site. The result of following all the recommendations will be a yield of up to 2 kg of potatoes from one bush. The method consists of sequential actions:

  1. The choice of planting material.
  2. Soil preparation taking into account crop rotation.
  3. Planting tubers according to a certain scheme.
  4. Plant care: fertilization, hilling, watering.
  5. Harvesting.

The Dutch technology was developed for the commercial cultivation of potatoes, but it can also be applied to small areas. The secret of success is to adhere to all the recommendations, because agrotechnical methods complement each other and give the result in a complex.

Selection and preparation of planting material

In Holland, special high-yielding varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests, suitable for cultivation using this technology, have been bred: Santa, Cleopatra, Anosta, Asterix, Rezi and others. Seed potatoes should be purchased in specialized stores, where the quality is confirmed by a certificate. Before buying planting material, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics - some varieties are suitable only for growing in the fields, but there are universal varieties that will yield crops in small beds. You should choose small tubers weighing up to 70 g from the "elite" and "superelite" categories.

Sprouted tuber
Sprouted tuber

Planting sprouted tubers guarantees 100% germination

Soil preparation

An important condition for obtaining a high yield is the choice of a place for the beds and preparation of the soil. Potato rows cannot be placed on a slope. This will violate the water regime, and the filled ridges will slide and crumble. The fertile layer should contain humus, if the soil is poor, then it should be fed.

Autumn processing

Plow the soil to a depth of 25 cm or dig up on a shovel bayonet, removing weeds. Apply semi-rotten manure at the rate of 5 kg per 10 m 2, you can replace it with mature compost. As a mineral top dressing for 10 m 2 are applied: superphosphate 0.5 kg and potash fertilizers 0.2 kg.

Spring processing

In the spring, before planting, treat the field with a milling cutter-cultivator, and in the garden plot, loosen the top layer with a pitchfork to a depth of 15 cm. This will preserve air chambers in deep soil layers through which air will circulate and water will flow to the roots.

In order for the soil to mature faster, it must not be covered or tamped. This will allow the top layer to dry and warm up faster. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, such as urea.

Dates of planting potatoes according to Dutch technology

The only criterion for determining when to start field work is soil maturity. This means that the soil is dry enough and falls off the shovel. If a lump of earth thrown from a meter height crumbles, then the soil is ready - approximately this period begins in March. Early planting promotes root formation, green mass grows evenly, and new tubers grow faster. But we must not forget that potatoes are a heat-loving plant, and you cannot plant them in unheated soil.

Landing scheme according to Dutch technology

  1. The potatoes are planted in rows that run north-south. The distance between the ridges should be at least 65 cm, optimally 75 cm. The depth of the furrows for planting is from 4 to 8 cm. The tubers are laid out at a distance of 30 cm. This arrangement allows the bush to grow freely, and the root system receives enough heat and nutrition. When planting, sprinkle the tuber with a handful of compost, wood ash, and to protect against wireworms and slugs, pour onion husks to the bottom of the furrow.
  2. To close the beds, ridges are poured up to 10 cm high and no more than 35 cm wide. As the bush grows, it will be necessary to add earth.
  3. A month after the emergence of seedlings, the furrows are poured to the required size - 25 cm high and 75 cm wide.
  4. Adult bushes need loosening, leveling of crumbling shafts and treatment with fungicides, insecticides and herbicides.

Gallery: the stages of Dutch potato cultivation

Planting potatoes in furrows
Planting potatoes in furrows

According to Dutch technology, tubers are laid out in furrows

Hilling potatoes
Hilling potatoes
Young plants need to be spud to improve oxygen access
After the second hilling, the furrows take their final form
Potato bushes
Potato bushes
Mature bushes form neat ridges that are easy to handle

Plant care

Dutch technology provides a number of simple, sequential steps in growing potatoes:

  1. Two weeks after planting, it is necessary to remove the weeds in the aisles and fill the ridges on the ridges with potatoes. As a result, the loose soil does not interfere with the growth of the bush, the penetration of air and the removal of excess moisture.
  2. Treat row spacings with herbicides to prevent further weed growth. Spray the bushes with drugs against pests and diseases. The effect of the drugs weakens after two weeks. Therefore, during the growing season there should be 6 such treatments.
  3. Watering is carried out in strictly defined periods of bushes growth. The first one before flowering, the second one 10 days after the flowers fall, after another three weeks the last watering of the season is carried out.

Planting treatments for weeds, pests and diseases

Herbicides that can be used to treat sprouted potato beds should be selective. This means that they inhibit the growth of weeds and do not affect the main plant. These drugs are: "Titus", "Zellek super", "Centurion", "Lazurit" and others. Do not exceed the concentration recommended by the manufacturer. Spraying is carried out using manual or automated sprayers. The herbicide effect weakens after two weeks. Therefore, up to six treatments are carried out per season.

Potato plantations affect the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm - complex preparations should be used against them. Before planting, the drug "Tabu" is introduced under the tuber, and after the appearance of the bushes, if necessary, spraying with "Fitoverm", "Zhukoed" or similar chemicals. For diseases, it is necessary to carry out treatment twice a month: drugs such as "Ordan", "Revus" are used. If the potato beds are affected by both beetles and diseases, then you should not mix various poisons, it is better to spray with complex insecto-fungo stimulants such as "Potato Rescuer". The set includes three ampoules: insectoacaricide, broad-spectrum fungicide and growth regulator. Dissolve these ampoules in a bucket of water and spray at the rate of 10 liters of solution per hundred square meters.

Watering mode

Potatoes do not like moisture stagnation at the roots. Therefore, it should not be watered often, but in accordance with the growing seasons. The first watering gives moisture for the formation of bushes and flowers, the second watering after flowering lays the tubers, and the third one feeds the growing roots after another three weeks. Dutch technology is based on the formation of high ridges, so direct irrigation can destroy them. If you decide to grow potatoes in strict accordance with technology, you will have to run a drip irrigation system along the ridges. This will ensure uniform watering of the soil and will not destroy the formed ridges. Watering is considered sufficient if the soil is soaked to the height of the ridge, but does not drain from the filled ridges. An additional advantage of drip irrigation is economical water consumption - moisture penetrates directly to the roots and does not spill into the aisles.


The timing of collection depends on the purpose for which you need potatoes. Seed material is collected no later than the beginning of August. At this time, the bulk of the tubers grew to the required size and reached such a degree of maturity, which will ensure germination in the next year. The main crop can be harvested in a month.

Two weeks before digging out the tubers, it is necessary to carry out desiccation - spraying with preparations that dry the tops, for example, "Reglon Super", "Basta". As a result, the tubers ripen, the peel becomes denser, which increases the safety of the crop, reduces mechanical damage during collection and transportation.

Gallery: Harvesting

Manual haulm mowing
Manual haulm mowing
In the garden, you can mow the tops manually
Mowing tops
Mowing tops
For the automation of labor, special units are used
Potatoes grown according to the Dutch method will delight you with a rich harvest

How to grow potatoes according to the Dutch experience in the country

It is also possible to get a potato crop of 2 kg from one bush on a personal plot. This requires the adaptation of Dutch technology. The main mistakes of gardeners:

  • Failure to comply with crop rotation. The soil does not get the necessary rest, and the risk of disease is increased.
  • The use of low-quality seed material. Incorrectly prepared tubers do not give high yields.
  • Reduced row spacing. As a result, the plantings thicken, and the heating of the soil decreases.

It is important to remember that only compliance with all the nuances will ensure a good harvest. Disease-resistant varieties should be chosen.

Adaptation of industrial techniques of Dutch technology to country conditions

The adjustment of the method when growing in the country should not concern the principles, but only the methods of processing. For example, instead of a cultivator, loosen the soil with a hoe, hoe or Fokin's flat cutter, use manual tillers: frame or with wheels.

Cutting furrows
Cutting furrows

For soil cultivation, you can use a special tool

You can germinate tubers in any way, the permissible length of sprouts is up to 2 cm, since they will not break when manually planted. As soon as the bush begins to rise above the ground, it is necessary to fill in a ridge and hide young plants, this will saturate the soil with oxygen and accelerate their development. Re-hilling is carried out after another two weeks, while the final shaft is formed: the bush is covered with earth to a height of 30 cm, the width of the ridge base is 60 cm, and the tops are 15 cm.

After the first shoots appear and after each rain, it is necessary to loosen the soil. It is better to do this with a rake so as not to damage the emerging sprouts. First, it is necessary to process the top, and then, using raking movements, collect the crumbling walls of the shaft, maintaining its shape.

When growing potatoes at home using the Dutch method, it is not necessary to treat the weed spacing with herbicides. A more sustainable method is to remove the grass by hand or with a flat cutter and leave it between the ridges as mulch. This will slow down the growth of new weeds. The harvesting process can also be carried out without the use of desiccants. The tops need to be cut, and after 10-12 days, the potatoes should be dug out.

Dutch technology creates conditions for the development of the bush, therefore it is universal: it is suitable for both large farms and amateur gardeners. Although strict adherence to all agrotechnical techniques is required, the invested labor costs will pay off with a high yield of large potatoes.
