Growing Peas In The Open Field, Agricultural Technology + Photo And Video
Growing Peas In The Open Field, Agricultural Technology + Photo And Video

How to grow peas outdoors: tips for summer residents

pea pods
pea pods

Is there a place for a small garden on your site? Then plant sweet peas. It does not require much space, it can even be dropped off along the fence. And the fresh fruits of this plant are very fond of children, moreover, peas will help to complement many dishes for adults. Today we'll talk about how to grow a vegetable garden in the country in the open field and consider the agricultural technology of this tasty and healthy crop.


  • 1 Features of the technology of growing peas
  • 2 Preparing soil and seeds for sowing
  • 3 Planting in open ground, selection of varieties
  • 4 Tips for caring for peas and harvesting them
  • 5 Ways to control pests and diseases
  • 6 Know the enemies of your crop in person!
  • 7 Video about growing peas in the country

Pea growing technology features

Peas are herbaceous plants of the legume family. A cute curly annual will decorate your garden during the flowering period, and when the time of fruiting comes, it will provide a sweet, juicy product rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Despite the apparent simplicity, peas are a rather finicky plant. But growing it can be pretty easy if you follow certain rules

Sprout in prepared soil
Sprout in prepared soil

Properly prepared soil is the key to a good harvest

First of all, peas should be sown in the spring, when the soil has already warmed up sufficiently. The best time for planting is the second half of April and early May.

Since the roots of peas grow deep into the soil, the soil must first be dug up. It is good if you do this in the fall, while simultaneously applying complex fertilizers.

Nutrient-poor, too hot soil will not produce a good, succulent crop. But in addition, you still need to decide on the varieties and classification of the type of peas. It can be garden or pod, round, wrinkled, tall, dwarf. There are superearly, mid-early and basic varieties.

Pea agrotechnology can be imagined as follows:

  • the time from the moment of sowing to the appearance of the first shoots - 5-8 days;
  • the likely yield from a row of 3 running meters is about 5 kg;
  • the estimated time from sowing before winter to harvest is 32 weeks;
  • estimated time from spring sowing to harvest is 12 weeks;
  • cultivation and care are complicated.

Do not plant peas in cold soil with high moisture and low fertility. As the crop grows, it will require protection from birds and spraying from insects and diseases if necessary. Pea care will include combating weeds, regular watering, top dressing and loosening the soil.

Preparing soil and seeds for sowing

Peas love warmth and good lighting, so you need to choose a quiet, windless and warming area for planting them. Do not get too carried away with fertilizing the soil, it can harm the plantings, "burn" the roots of the plant. It is enough to add a little organic and mineral fertilizers. Soil treatment with lime, about 250 g / m2 and additional application of 20 g of double superphosphate and 30 g of potassium will have a good effect on germination and subsequent harvest.

Sprouted pea seeds
Sprouted pea seeds

Prepare your seeds correctly before planting

It is very important to get the correct seed placement during sowing. For example, in heavy, clayey soil, peas are grown closer to the surface, and in light soil, they are planted much deeper.

  1. Before starting planting work, carefully sort out the seeds, throwing away spoiled and broken ones.
  2. Warm good seeds a little and soak for 10 minutes in a solution of boric acid. The ratio of the solution is 1 g of acid per 5 liters of water. You need to plant seeds after they swell a little and dry out.
  3. You can use special growth stimulants for processing. But is it worth spending money if you can prepare seeds at home with the help of improvised means to achieve a good result?

Planting in open ground, selection of varieties

Sow peas in mid-spring when the soil is already well warmed up by the spring sun. At the same time, observe the sowing density: undersized varieties should be planted denser, and tall ones less often.

Prepare a seedbed. Make several furrows, each 5-7 cm deep, at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. It is advisable to prepare the furrows a few days before sowing, after adding a mixture of ash and compost to them, sprinkling it with earth from the garden. After that, the depth of the grooves will be up to 5 cm. Remember the peculiarities of the soil composition, which we talked about above.

Pea sprout props
Pea sprout props

Be sure to provide props for the peas in advance

For each meter of the groove, 15-17 peas should be sown, that is, 1 piece approximately every 6 cm. The soil of the bed must be well moistened before planting the peas. Cover the crops with soil and tamp lightly to retain moisture. After a maximum of 2 weeks, you will already see young shoots.

If you want to harvest your peas at different times, choose the right variety. Both landing and leaving in this case have a number of some differences

Sow peas in mid-March for a harvest in June and July. Smooth-grain and very early wrinkled varieties, such as Kelvedon Wonder or Early Onward, work well for this. They are more resistant to cold weather.

Planting in April and May will yield a crop in August. Wrinkled varieties of the main crop work well. If you are growing tall varieties of peas, pay attention to the distance 6 between the rows. For example, the popular Alderman would require a distance of about 2 meters. If space is limited, select Senator.

To harvest in early fall, in September and October, sow ultra-early wrinkled peas in June or July.

Pea Care Tips and Harvesting

Now you have to take care of the peas. It needs to be taken very seriously if you want a healthy, bountiful harvest.

Pea sprouts
Pea sprouts

Young pea shoots especially need protection

  1. First of all, protect crops from birds immediately after planting. Stretch a fine mesh or film over the bed, securing it at a height of 10-15 cm so that the birds cannot get inside.
  2. Loosen the soil around them 2 weeks after emergence. You can even carry out hilling if the seedlings are already sufficiently entrenched and have grown well.
  3. When the plant reaches 8-10 cm in length, feed it. After that, you can feed the peas no more than once every 2 weeks, and then if necessary. But watering is needed regularly, especially during the hot dry season.
  4. During the growing period, it is very important not to flood the peas, as the root system can rot. But during flowering and fruit formation, watering should be more thorough, at the rate of 1 bucket of water per 1 sq. beds.
  5. It is very important to secure the pea garter correctly, and this must be done before the flowering period. Install the pegs every one and a half meters and run a rope or wire horizontally along them in several rows. Thus, the plant will not lie on the ground, it will be well ventilated and warm.
  6. After the plant has faded, you can taste the young peas after 2 weeks. Tear off the pods very carefully.
  7. The daily harvest of ripe peas will help you to increase your yield. In this case, overripe and dried pods must be removed.
  8. You can completely remove the plant from the garden when the lower pods are ripe and dry. Cut the plant, collect in several bunches and hang in a dry dark room, where the peas finally ripen.

Ways to control pests and diseases

When growing peas, it is very important to prevent the impact of diseases and pests that can ruin both young shoots and the future harvest.

Among insect pests, the most common are:

  • weevil;
  • aphid;
  • moth;
  • pea weevil.

The root weevil is especially dangerous for young shoots. It eats leaves, cotyledons and apical point of growth. The larvae that emerged from the eggs feed on nodules on the roots. To combat the weevil, seedlings need to be pollinated with DDT dust 12% (1.5 g per 1 sq.m.) or hexochlorane dust 12% (1 g per 1 sq.m.). sometimes pollination needs to be repeated.

Pea aphid is the largest of the aphids. Winters on perennial legumes. It develops well in humid warm weather. It settles at the beginning of the flowering period on the tops of the stems, sucks the sap from the plant and covers it with a sticky layer. From this, flowers and ovaries crumble, and the stems wither.

Spraying with a solution of anabazine sulfate and a soap emulsion (15 g of anabazine sulfate and 40 g of soap per 10 liters of water) or anabazine sulfate and thiophos (10 g of anabazine sulfate and 5 g of thiophos per 10 liters of water) will help to cope with aphids. Solution consumption 60-70 cm3 per 1 m2. Dusting crops with 12% hexachlorane dust (1.8-2 g per 1 m2) or spraying with a soap solution (250-300 g of soap per 10 l of water) is also used.

The moth moth lays eggs on the plant during its flowering period. The larvae that emerge from them penetrate into the pod and damage the peas. Early sowing, timely loosening of the soil, as well as spraying with hexachlorane dust (1.5-2 g per 1 m2) will help get rid of it.

Pea weevil larvae also harm the pods. To avoid this, spray the crops with hexachlorane dust 12% (2 g per 1 sq. M.) The first time at the beginning of flowering, and the second time after 8-10 days.

Pea pods
Pea pods

To get a good harvest of peas, eliminate pests and diseases in a timely manner

The most common diseases are ascochitis, rust and bacteriosis.

To avoid infection with ascochitis, plant only healthy seeds and provide the sprouts with good, tall supports. Pickle seeds 2-3 weeks before planting with granosan (3-5 grams per 1 kg of seeds).

Rust more often affects late varieties of peas. Bordeaux liquid 1% helps from its development. Perform the first spraying as soon as you notice signs of illness, the second after 10 days.

Bacteriosis can develop on any part of the plant, and wet weather is good for this. Thorough autumn tillage and seed dressing with granosan will help to save peas from it.

Know the enemies of your crop by sight


Video about growing peas in the country

Peas are good not only fresh, they can be prepared for the winter for cooking various dishes. We hope that our tips will help you grow this wonderful crop on your site. If you have any experience and secrets of growing, share with us in the comments. Good luck!
