Do-it-yourself Playground From Improvised Means: Step-by-step Instructions With Photos And Videos, Craft Ideas
Do-it-yourself Playground From Improvised Means: Step-by-step Instructions With Photos And Videos, Craft Ideas

How to make a playground with your own hands from improvised tools and materials

Playground made of scrap materials
Playground made of scrap materials

There is no doubt about the need to equip a playground on a personal plot. Difficulties arise only in the process of creating a project with your own hands, selecting material and a place in conditions of its lack. However, if you listen to the advice of experts, this stage of building a playground will be easy. And it is not necessary to buy expensive building materials, the site can be equipped using improvised means.


  • 1 What should be on the playground for children
  • 2 Project preparation

    • 2.1 Site selection
    • 2.2 Photo gallery: zone layouts
    • 2.3 Dimensions
    • 2.4 Suitable materials
  • 3 Construction of a playground in the country with your own hands from improvised means and materials

    • 3.1 DIY sandbox
    • 3.2 How to make a swing
    • 3.3 House of plastic bottles
    • 3.4 Video: do-it-yourself playground in the form of a ship
    • 3.5 Photo gallery: ready-made playgrounds with your own hands, ideas from improvised means

What should be on the playground for children

The traditional elements of the playground are:

  • slide;
  • sandbox;
  • swing;
  • fungus.
Homemade playground
Homemade playground

Very often, all elements of the playground are combined into a whole complex

Some of these elements can be combined and represent a complete game complex. In addition, the site may include:

  • decorative elements that will help in aesthetic education (they can be made from scrap materials, for example, such popular swans from tires);
  • a bathing tank (this does not have to be a pool, a small bath is enough for babies);
  • sports complex with ropes and hanging ladders;
  • hut or tent;
  • maze and more.

It all depends only on your imagination and the ability to translate ideas into reality.

Children's playground in the country
Children's playground in the country

In the country, you can put just a few items that the child will be delighted with.

Project preparation

The planning process plays an important role in creating a playground, as it allows you to solve many important issues.

Seat selection

It is very important to follow the safety rules during the construction of the playground. This also applies to the choice of the place where it will be located. In this case, you must follow the basic rules:

  1. There should be no bushes with thorns, a pond or other body of water, sources of lighting and wires, greenhouses and greenhouses near the playground.
  2. When choosing the location of the playground, you need to take into account the movement of the sun along the site. Ideally, the sun's rays should fall on it only in the first half of the day, and then this area should be covered with shadow. This is due to the fact that prolonged exposure of children to the sun is fraught with unpleasant consequences, for example, heat or sunstroke. The unshaded area is ideal for installing a pool and a slide to it. This will allow the water to warm up quickly.

    Children's house
    Children's house

    The playground should be located so that you can observe your children no matter where you are.

  3. Remember that children, being on the playground, must be supervised all the time, which means that it must be open for review from anywhere in the infield, at home and outbuildings. This will allow you to react in time to the trouble that has happened.
  4. The territory for the future site should be as flat as possible. If there is none on the personal plot, then you need to do it yourself, removing all the bumps, stones, filling the holes.
  5. The swing must be placed in such a way that there is at least 2 m of free space on all sides. This will protect all children on the playground from injury.

Particular attention should be paid to covering the playground. It should be as soft as possible, because children are not immune from falls. The coating must dry quickly, as high humidity negatively affects the health of the child. It is recommended to use a special rubber coating that meets all the requirements, but is quite expensive.

Photo gallery: zone layouts

Playground layout
Playground layout
The layout of objects on the site does not have to be detailed with an indication of the dimensions
Detailed diagram
Detailed diagram
On the diagram, you need to indicate where and which element will be located
Hand-drawn diagram
Hand-drawn diagram
The diagram can be a detailed drawing
Schematic plan
Schematic plan
It is not necessary to indicate the size of the shells on the diagram
3D scheme
3D scheme

The playground layout can be three-dimensional


Before deciding what should be on your playground, it is recommended to decide on its size. They depend on the age of the babies. As a general rule, children under the age of 7 years for the games about 9 m square is enough space 2. It is recommended to increase the site with age (this possibility must be taken into account when planning).

Remember that the shells and their size must correspond to the age of the children who will spend time on this site.

Suitable materials

For the arrangement of a playground on a personal plot, absolutely any materials, even improvised ones (plastic bottles, tires), are suitable. However, for key structures such as slides and swings, it is recommended to use exclusively high-quality material, since in this case we are talking about the safety of the child.

For the playground, you can take:

  1. Wood. Preferably conifers. In this case, you need to ensure that there are no knots, rot or mold, and other signs of wood damage. Before assembling the structures, all wooden parts must be carefully treated with a special water-repellent agent.
  2. Metal. It is recommended to make all fasteners and parts of power equipment from this material, for example, a horizontal bar.
Wooden playground
Wooden playground

The ideal material for a playground is wood.

It is undesirable for the playground to have plastic products, since it is short-lived, literally after two years of use, microcracks appear on its surface, which make this product unhygienic, and therefore unsafe. The same goes for stones. They shouldn't be on the playground. Even if you need to build a curb, then for this purpose it is better to take soft materials, ideally make them from plants.

Construction of a playground in the country with your own hands from improvised means and materials

The construction of a children's playground on a personal plot will not be a difficult job if you follow the step-by-step instructions.

DIY sandbox

It is not difficult to make this element of the playground, it is enough to follow the previously drawn up plan:

  1. Prepare 10 thick planks, 1.8 m long.
  2. In the place where the sandbox will be located, remove the top layer of soil (20–25 cm). Make a small indentation in the center. Drainage material must be poured over the entire area, which can be pebbles or rubble.
  3. Cut grooves along the edges of the boards (two boards are needed on one side), thanks to which they will be attached to each other. For fixing, you can use small blocks (about 30 cm long).
  4. The two remaining boards will act as benches. Therefore, they need to be attached flat.
  5. At the end, the sandbox must be painted in any color.
Wooden sandbox
Wooden sandbox

You can also make a sandbox from unnecessary logs.

How to make a swing

For children of any age, it is recommended to make a swing with a height of 3.5 m. This means that it is necessary to prepare a solid mount and supports (they must be deepened into the ground by at least 50 cm and must be filled with concrete).

For bearing supports, it is necessary to prepare 6 beams with a section of 5x5 cm. Further work should be carried out in the following order:

  1. Pull the posts with bolts on both sides of the future swing.
  2. Connect them from above with a bar, and it is recommended to prepare the nests for this in advance.
  3. On the side, you can make a ladder, which will serve as an excellent sports equipment for outdoor games.
Swing from scrap materials
Swing from scrap materials

Swing can be very original

House of plastic bottles

This house looks very unusual. And the children themselves can be involved in the process of creation.

First, you need to make a metal or wooden frame, and then sheathe it with plastic bottles, which can be fixed with a strong whip. In this case, the material must be stacked vertically.

If it is laid horizontally, then it is recommended to take cement mortar for fastening.

If desired, the bottles can be painted in any color. Then the house will be even more attractive.

House of plastic bottles
House of plastic bottles

You can also make an original roof for a children's house from plastic bottles

Video: do-it-yourself playground in the form of a ship

Photo gallery: ready-made playgrounds with their own hands, ideas from improvised means

Log sandbox
Log sandbox
Many materials are suitable for arranging a playground.
Small playground
Small playground
It is not necessary to buy expensive materials to equip the site
Playground made of plastic bottles
Playground made of plastic bottles
Plastic bottles will serve as an excellent material for decorative elements of the site
Cozy playground in the country
Cozy playground in the country
A playground can be arranged even in conditions of lack of space
Original site
Original site
The playground for children should be bright

A playground made by your own hands according to your own project will be a real gift for your children. In this case, you will have the opportunity to periodically supplement it. What could be better.
