Chamora Turusi Variety Of Garden Strawberries - Features, Care And Other Important Aspects, The Difference Between Strawberries And Garden Strawberries + Photo
Chamora Turusi Variety Of Garden Strawberries - Features, Care And Other Important Aspects, The Difference Between Strawberries And Garden Strawberries + Photo

Chamora Turusi strawberries: the origin of the variety, features of agricultural technology

Garden strawberry Chamora Turusi
Garden strawberry Chamora Turusi

The most juicy and mouth-watering fruits, of course, require royal care. You cannot say otherwise about the Japanese strawberry variety Chamora Turusi: only a diligent gardener will grow large, sweet berries. But taking care of this miracle berry is worth it.


  • 1 Strawberries or strawberries?
  • 2 Chamora Turusi: all about the variety

    • 2.1 Productivity and ripening time
    • 2.2 Description of Chamora Turusi strawberries
    • 2.3 Table: the pros and cons of the Japanese strawberry variety Chamora Turusi
  • 3 Planting and caring for Chamora Turusi

    • 3.1 Site selection and soil preparation
    • 3.2 Scheme and time of boarding
    • 3.3 Watering, processing and feeding

      3.3.1 Table: scheme of feeding strawberries Chamora Turusi

    • 3.4 Mulching bushes
  • 4 Methods of breeding garden strawberries Chamora Turusi

    • 4.1 Reproduction by antennae
    • 4.2 Growing from seed
    • 4.3 Transplanting bushes
  • 5 Diseases and pests dangerous for Chamora Turusi - table
  • 6 Harvesting and storage of crops
  • 7 Reviews of gardeners about the variety Chamora Turusi
  • 8 Review of the Chamora Turusi variety - video

Strawberries or strawberries?

In Russia, they used to call garden strawberries strawberries, although this is wrong. Both plants - strawberry and strawberry - belong to the genus Strawberry (Fragaria, ie "fragrant). Growing in the forest, with small scarlet berries - this is a forest strawberry, and the one that we are used to seeing in summer cottages, it turns out, is also a strawberry, but already "garden" or "pineapple". Real strawberries - aka nutmeg strawberries - are much less common: they grow wild in southern Russia and Central Asia.

Therefore, a giant - up to 160 grams in weight - berry with the beautiful name Chamora Turusi (aka Kurusi, aka Turush), which can be found in the garden of an amateur or professional gardener, is garden strawberries, not strawberries. As, however, and most of its related varieties.

Strawberry variety Chamora Turusi
Strawberry variety Chamora Turusi

Chamora Turusi is a large, sweet, but very demanding garden strawberry

Chamora Turusi: all about the variety

The official version of where and how the variety was bred is not found in botanical literature, but there are several legends about Chamora Turusi. One says that the variety was brought from Japan, although the Japanese themselves do not confirm this. There is also an assumption that the Chamora Turusi garden strawberry is a hybrid of the Gigantella Maxim or Queen Elizabeth variety.

Productivity and ripening time

The first berries can be tasted in mid-June (15-20), and the mass harvest begins in a week or two (at about the end of the month). The term of fruiting depends on the care of the plant during this period.

Berries of Chamora Turusi
Berries of Chamora Turusi

Chamora Turusi reaches unprecedented sizes: in size, the berries of this variety are comparable to a chicken egg or a small apple.

The fertility of the variety is amazing: up to 3 kilograms (on average - 1.2 kilograms) of selected berries are harvested from one bush. Of course, at certain times and with proper care. For example, in the first year it is not recommended to allow garden strawberries to bear fruit - for this, flowers and peduncles are removed. But the second and third years will delight the gardener with an unprecedented harvest (those same 3 kilograms of berries weighing 100-150 grams each). After that, the quantity and quality of berries will decline, the weight will drop to 80-100 grams, although in fact, Chamora Turusi can bear fruit in one place up to twelve years. Then you will need to transplant into inexhaustible soil.

Description of Chamora Turusi strawberries

Chamora Turusi bush is tall, with a powerful spreading "crown", long dense whiskers and bright green leaves. The berries, as already mentioned, are large, resembling small apples in size, rounded-conical, often folded, dark scarlet with a brown tint. In the middle and at the end of the collection period, the smell becomes especially intense.

Table: Pros and cons of Japanese strawberry varieties Chamora Turusi

pros Minuses
It has large fruits with tasty pulp and attractive aroma Sensitive to watering: with an excess of moisture, it rots; with a lack of moisture, the fruits will be sweet, but dry
Not susceptible to powdery mildew disease Often sick with verticillium, gray rot, brown and white spots
Good frost tolerance "Afraid" of ticks and slugs
Grows and bears fruit in one place for many years in a row Strong root system attracts moles
Not very picky about feeding Demanding on the composition of the soil
Has strong fruits that are well preserved and transported Requires extensive planting territory

Planting and caring for Chamora Turusi

Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology is the key to obtaining high-quality strawberry bushes and high yields.

Site selection and soil preparation

Chamora Turusi loves well-lit, spacious areas, while being reliably protected from the winds. A good solution would be to plant it in an open area between hedges.

For the full development of the variety, a light and fertile soil with a large proportion of chernozem and top dressing with mineral fertilizers of the potassium-phosphorus group (simple and double superphosphate, potassium salt, potassium carbonate, bone meal) is required. An excess of nitrogen-containing substances in the soil will destroy Chamoor Turusi, provoking fungal diseases in plants. Loves strawberry fertilization with mullein and chicken droppings. If a mullein is used, it is distributed between plantings (no more than 3 kilograms per square meter): during the winter it will turn over and become a source of nitrogen; also the mullein is placed in the holes before planting. Chicken droppings are poorly bred and the soil is shed not under the root, but next to the root rosette.

Scheme and landing time

The minimum distance at which holes are made for planting this variety is 40 centimeters; it is best to use a 40 x 60 cm chart. If the planting is too thick, the yield and quality of the berries will decrease: the powerful root system simply will not have enough nutrition.

The holes are made up to 15 centimeters deep. A small mound is formed at the bottom, a plant is gently lowered onto it. Next, you should straighten the root system and sprinkle it with earth.

The planting time will be different for climatic regions: in the middle lane, for example, it is the end of August, and in warm regions with little snowy winters - the end of spring.

Watering, processing and feeding

Fertilizing is often undesirable. Since the variety assumes the development of a powerful crown, excessive feeding will lead to the growth of leaves to the detriment of fruiting. By the way, these same wide, powerful leaf plates make us water Chamoor Turusi more often than other types of garden strawberries, as they evaporate moisture at a fantastic rate. It is best to use a drip irrigation system that will maintain the correct moisture level without allowing the plant to rot or dry out.

With an excess of moisture in the soil, the berries become less tasty: their sugar content decreases, the strawberries become watery. Lack of moisture, on the contrary, makes the fruits sweeter, but their appearance becomes unpresentable.

Chamoor Turusi should be fed according to the following scheme.

Table: scheme of feeding strawberries Chamora Turusi

Time Treatment
When planting in soil Fertilizers of the potassium-phosphorus group (simple and double superphosphate, potassium salt, potassium carbonate, bone meal)
When blooming Treatment with Aktofit (4 - 6 ml per 1 liter of water)
Before fruiting Fungicide treatment (Horus - dissolve 6 g of the drug in 5 liters of water)
When ovaries appear Treatment with Aktofit (4 - 6 ml per 1 liter of water)
After fruiting Treatment with fungicides and Aktofit

You should be careful with natural dressings (for example, manure): their excess will also lead to the development of fungal diseases.

Mulching bushes

This strawberry variety requires soil mulching, for example, with wood chips. During fruiting, the berries, under their own weight, sink closer to the soil and can rot. Mulch will not let you do this. But you need to lay it in the summer, because in the spring the earth should warm up well.

Mulching the soil under strawberries
Mulching the soil under strawberries

The soil under the strawberries can be mulched with chips, sawdust or needles

Breeding methods for garden strawberries Chamora Turusi

For breeding varieties, summer residents use three methods:

  • with a mustache;
  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush.

Reproduction by antennae

The best (that is, the strongest and most able to survive) tendrils are taken from the first rosettes of adult plants. When a young bush starts up roots, it is transplanted into a small container with good fertile soil and watered so that water appears in the tray under the container. They are planted in the ground together with the same clod of earth: this way the plant will experience less stress.

Growing from seeds

The most labor-intensive way of growing Chamora Turusi, which is perhaps suitable only for experienced gardeners. In this case, it is necessary to engage in planting strawberries in early spring.

  1. Plastic containers are filled with fertile soil.
  2. Without digging, strawberry seeds are left on the surface of the soil and sprinkled with a layer of snow.
  3. The container is closed and put in the refrigerator for two weeks, after which it is kept for another week and a half at room temperature and good lighting.
  4. After sprouting, the container is opened and watered as the soil dries out.
  5. A dive is done when the plant has two leaves.
  6. They are planted in open ground when the threat of frost return disappears. Usually by this time the plant already has three pairs of leaves.

This method is difficult, but good for the opportunity to grow Chamora Turusi without fungal diseases derived from the mother plant.

Transplanting bushes

The division of bushes is perfect for plants with a powerful, tenacious root system, and therefore for our variety. To do this, select the strongest plants, dig them out and divide them with a sharp knife so that the so-called hearts remain on both halves. After that, the shoot is planted in soil similar in composition to that in which the mother plant developed, watered and fed.

Diseases and pests dangerous for Chamora Turusi - table

Symptom Cause Control methods
The stems are damaged and have no fruit Weevil defeat
  1. 0.5 teaspoon of iodine is diluted in a bucket of water. The solution is used to cultivate the land in which Chamora Turusi is planted; after 10 days the procedure is repeated.
  2. 100 grams of crushed garlic is bred in a bucket of water, infused for two weeks, 400 grams of pine extract, 60 milliliters of boric acid are added and the soil is treated.
Strawberry leaves are damaged Strawberry mite infestation 50 grams of colloidal sulfur is diluted in a bucket of water and the soil is cultivated.
All visible parts of the plant are covered with a whitish or gray coating Defeat by gray mold
  1. 200 grams of Nitrafen is diluted in a bucket of water and the soil is treated before planting.
  2. The affected plant parts are removed as quickly as possible.
The ground parts of the plant wither and wither Verticilliasis
  1. The soil is disinfected with Nitrafen solution.
  2. Diseased plants are removed.
Small dark spots on the leaves and fruits, in the middle of the spots there is a white point White spot Plants are sprayed with copper perchloric acid (for a 10-liter bucket of water - 40 g) or copper sulfate (for a 10-liter bucket - up to 100 g).
Large red-brown spots appear on the underside of the leaves Brown (brown) spotting The plant is treated with copper sulfate (according to the instructions).

Harvesting and storage

Chamora Turusi ripens completely by the end of June; the period of active fruiting lasts from five to seven days, but it can be slightly extended with good watering.

It is advisable to pick berries in the morning or evening in dry weather. The fruits are large, strong, so they are well stored and transported. They can be harvested in the form of jam, many gardeners say that there is no better variety for this type of preservation, since Chamora Turusi does not boil over, but gives juice to the syrup, remaining almost solid itself. Also, the berry is very good in compotes.

Chamora Turusi Harvest
Chamora Turusi Harvest

From one bush you can collect up to 80 large, sweet, juicy berries of Chamora Turusi

Reviews of gardeners about the variety Chamora Turusi

Chamora Turusi variety review - video

Thus, only experienced (or enthusiastic) gardeners should undertake the cultivation of Chamora Turusi strawberries. Experience is needed in preparing and feeding the soil, fighting diseases, dividing adult plants. In addition, considerable areas will be needed for a solid harvest: in tight spaces, strawberries die or give small nondescript fruits. But if the gardener manages to please this variety, then in the second, third and fourth years, Chamora will give him an enviable harvest - a giant sweet berry that cannot be confused with any other.
