A Funny Video In Which The Macaw Parrot Dances A Twist
A Funny Video In Which The Macaw Parrot Dances A Twist

Feathered Star Dance Floor: Macaw Parrot Dances Twist

Ara parrot
Ara parrot

Macaw is a symbol of beauty and wealth. Parrots of this breed surprise and conquer the hearts of many not only with their bright plumage, but also with amazing abilities. So, on the Internet, you can find a huge number of videos featuring these talented exotics. In June 2018, a video appeared on YouTube, where a feathered handsome man performs a twist very charismatically.

Charismatic macaw entertains the household with his dance

The twist to the song Let's twist again performed by the big red macaw has come to the liking of many Internet users. In the video, the feathered handsome man, like a real star of the dance floor, begins to move to the sound of music and admiring exclamations of the household. Within one minute, the parrot very energetically waddles from one leg to the other and rhythmically shakes its head in different directions.

Ara parrot
Ara parrot

Macaw parrot - a symbol of prestige and beauty

I believe that keeping a macaw parrot at home requires not only considerable financial investments, but also time. After all, this talented bird will not speak and will not dance if you do not practice it. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the average life expectancy of such a handsome man is 60–80 years. Rare specimens live up to 100. And this means that by acquiring a bird, you acquire a friend for life and are responsible for him.

Video: macaw dancing twist

Macaw is a symbol of high intelligence and beauty. These birds are a pipe dream for many breeders. Not everyone can afford to buy and maintain such a bright exotic.
