Which Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor To Choose: A Review Of The Best Models + How To Measure Pressure Correctly And On Which Hand
Which Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor To Choose: A Review Of The Best Models + How To Measure Pressure Correctly And On Which Hand

Choosing an automatic blood pressure monitor: a great gift for a relative in years

pressure measurement
pressure measurement

Blood pressure is the most important indicator of human health, deviation from the norm is a symptom of a disease, and excess is life-threatening. Half of people over the age of 70 suffer from hypertension, they need to regularly measure their blood pressure and keep records for their doctor. These actions are rather complicated, therefore it is recommended to purchase automatic blood pressure monitors for elderly relatives. What kind of pressure meters are there, how to choose the best one and not pay too much, and how to correctly measure pressure with this object?


  • 1 Benefits of an automatic tonometer

    • 1.1 Mechanical measurement method
    • 1.2 Semi-automatic measuring method
    • 1.3 Pressure is determined by automation
  • 2 What to look for when choosing an automatic blood pressure monitor

    • 2.1 Hand size
    • 2.2 Symptoms of arrhythmia
    • 2.3 Measurement logs and tonometer users
    • 2.4 Display and indication
    • 2.5 Mains supply
  • 3 How to choose an automatic blood pressure monitor?

    • 3.1 Video: how to choose an electronic tonometer
    • 3.2 Shoulder blood pressure monitors with basic functions
    • 3.3 Carpal tonometers
  • 4 Tonometers with advanced technology for measuring pressure
  • 5 Rating of blood pressure monitors and owner reviews

    • 5.1 Table: rating of shoulder blood pressure monitors

      5.1.1 User feedback on shoulder blood pressure monitors

    • 5.2 Table: rating of good wrist blood pressure monitors

      5.2.1 Feedback on the use of wrist tonometers

  • 6 How to use the tonometer correctly

    • 6.1 Recommendations for preparing for pressure measurement
    • 6.2 Video: how to correctly measure blood pressure at home
    • 6.3 Why does the automatic blood pressure monitor show different results?

      6.3.1 Table: Possible user errors when measuring pressure and consequences

    • 6.4 Video: Are blood pressure monitors accurate?
    • 6.5 Why the tonometer jams

      • 6.5.1 Tonometer does not work
      • 6.5.2 The tonometer displays symbols instead of numbers
      • 6.5.3 Table: examples of symbols on the screen of the OMRON tonometer
      • 6.5.4 Invalid values and other difficulties

Benefits of an automatic blood pressure monitor

Mechanical measurement method

The method of measuring blood pressure, which therapists have been using for over 100 years, was proposed in 1905 by the Russian surgeon N. S. Korotkov. The doctor puts an inflatable cuff on the patient's arm and pumps it with a rubber bulb with a pressure gauge attached to it. The doctor then slowly releases the air while listening to the heart rate with a stethoscope. By the appearance of a heartbeat, the therapist determines the systolic (upper) pressure, and by its disappearance, the diastolic (lower) pressure. This mechanical measurement method is named after Dr. Korotkov, is officially approved by the WHO and is considered the most accurate.

Mechanical tonometer
Mechanical tonometer

Doctors have been using a mechanical tonometer for over 100 years.

Disadvantage of the mechanical method: measurements must be carried out by a professional with extensive experience. It is not easy to independently measure blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer, especially for the elderly. It is necessary to correctly inflate the cuff, carefully bleed the air and hear the necessary sounds in time.

Semi-automatic measuring method

To simplify the procedure for patients, engineers have created semi-automatic blood pressure monitors. They have the same cuff and a hand pump, only the heart sounds are "listened to" not by the sensitive ear of the doctor, but by an electronic circuit. The readings are processed by the computer, the results are shown on the indicator screen.

Advantages of a semi-automatic device:

  • the patient can measure the pressure on his own;
  • a stethoscope is not needed, a person does not need good hearing;
  • no analog gauge, no sharp vision required;
  • no electric air pump, batteries will last a long time;
  • a semi-automatic device is cheaper than an automatic one.

Disadvantages of a semi-automatic tonometer:

  • the patient himself blows air into the cuff with a hand-held pear;
  • a person may exceed the pressure or unevenly bleed air - this affects the accuracy of measurements;
  • older people, especially those with limb problems, find it difficult to manipulate the pump.

The pressure is determined by the automation

To get rid of the disadvantages of semi-automatic blood pressure monitors, the designers have created a one-button device. The patient only needs to put on the cuff correctly and press the key. Electronics will inflate the cuff to a predetermined level, bleed air, detect heart sounds, measure blood pressure, and display heart rate.

The advantage of an automatic tonometer: fully automatic measurement of blood pressure and other indicators. Disadvantage: high price.

What to look for when choosing an automatic blood pressure monitor

Hand size

Before heading to the store, measure the circumference of the user's arm midway between the elbow and shoulder.

Determining hand size
Determining hand size

Surround the arm with a centimeter in the middle between the shoulder and elbow

According to this parameter, cuffs for tonometers are produced in the following basic standard sizes:

  • 18-22 mm (S) - small cuffs, suitable for children;
  • 22–32 mm (M) - Standard cuffs, fits most patients;
  • 32–45 mm (L) - large cuffs, needed for athletes or overweight people;
  • 45-52 mm (XL) - very large, required for obese people.

Choose a tonometer with a cuff of a suitable size - the manufacturer indicates its parameters in the characteristics.

If people of different sizes use the tonometer at home, look for models with replaceable cuffs, or choose a device with a universal cuff, 22–45 mm.

Fan cuff
Fan cuff

Universal cuff fits either arm

Arrhythmia symptoms

Arrhythmia, or abnormal heart rhythm, occurs in 70% of people over 50. Skipping a beat or extraordinary contractions of the heart muscle affect the accuracy of the pressure measurement, so an automatic tonometer must be able to detect arrhythmia.

An automatic blood pressure monitor, which takes into account possible arrhythmias, monitors the patient's pulse and performs repeated measurements at moments of stable pulse. If the device detects arrhythmia, a flashing heart icon appears on the device screen.

Measurement logs and tonometer users

People with abnormal blood pressure should have regular blood pressure measurements. Usually, the attending physician requires to keep a log of measurements indicating the time of measurements and the magnitude of pressure. Choose an automatic tonometer with memory of previous measurements.

If more than one person uses the tonometer in the family, for example, an elderly couple, choose a tonometer with user switching. In this case, a separate measurement log will be available for each person.

Tonometer OMRON M6 Family
Tonometer OMRON M6 Family

The switch in the lower left corner changes the user

The OMROM M6 Family tonometer is equipped with a mechanical user switch. The same lever can be used to keep independent logs of measurements, for example, morning and evening.

Display and indication

Most often, elderly people, whose vision is far from ideal, become users of the tonometer. Please note that the numbers on the display are large and contrasting.

Tonometer screen
Tonometer screen

The numbers on the screen must be clearly visible

Even a fully automatic device requires correct action from the user. Additional sensors of the tonometer will help to control the position of the cuff and the immobility of the hand. If the patient has incorrectly fastened the cuff or moved in the process, the electronic circuit will show the corresponding icon on the screen and repeat the measurements.

Mains power supply

The feature of the automatic tonometer is an electric air pump that consumes energy. All automatic blood pressure monitors are battery powered. If the battery is discharged, the measurement accuracy decreases. Half of the manufactured devices contain an adapter for mains power supply.

How to choose an automatic blood pressure monitor?

All automatic blood pressure monitors use the principles laid down by Dr. Korotkov. However, the method of measuring pressure is different, it is called oscillometric. In the cuffed artery, blood pulsations occur, which cause changes in air pressure in the inflated cuff. An electronic circuit records these changes and displays the upper and lower blood pressure on the screen.

Tonometers are manufactured by companies specializing in medical equipment:

  • The Japanese company OMRON - occupies 20% of the Russian market of blood pressure monitors, the devices are very reliable and durable, but their price is 30-50% higher than for models from other manufacturers, 2000-7000 rubles.
  • The Japanese company A&D holds the patent for the oscillometric method that is used in all automatic blood pressure monitors. The company's devices occupy 20% of the Russian market, they are slightly cheaper than 1,500-5,000 rubles.
  • The Swiss company Microlife produces medical equipment for self-diagnosis. Microlife blood pressure monitors occupy about 10% of the market in Russia, they are of high quality and accurate, while their prices are significantly lower (1,800–4,000 rubles).
  • The Nissei trademark belongs to the Japanese company Nihon Seimitsu Sokki Co., Ltd. The world's first electronic pressure measuring device was manufactured by the company in 1978. In Russia, the company occupies about 4% of the market, the devices cost 2000-4000 rubles.
  • The German company Beurer, founded as a family business at the beginning of the 20th century, produces heating pads and electric blankets. Among the company's products there are also automatic blood pressure monitors (3% of the Russian market). Prices are in the range of 1000-4000 rubles.

Companies produce blood pressure monitors for shoulder (shoulder) and wrist (wrist) attachments.

Video: how to choose an electronic tonometer

Basic function shoulder blood pressure monitors

By its design, the tonometer with a cuff attached to the shoulder resembles the classic sphygmomanometer of Dr. Korotkov. The inflatable cuff wraps tightly around the shoulder above the elbow and is secured with Velcro Velcro. The air duct from the cuff connects to a small box with a screen and buttons.

OMRON M2 Basic
OMRON M2 Basic

Basic model of the OMRON tonometer

The OMRON M2 Basic tonometer measures blood pressure in the range of 0-299 mm Hg. Art, as well as the pulse rate of 40-180 beats / min. Remembers only the last measurement. Powered by four AAA batteries (enough for 300 measurements). The device can be operated from a mains adapter. There are configurations without an adapter, you need to check with the seller. The average price is 2000 rubles.

A&D UA-888E
A&D UA-888E

The budget version of the A&D tonometer is sold without a power adapter

Tonometer A&D UA-888E costs 1600 rubles. Measures pressure in the range of 20-280 mm Hg. Art., pulse 40-200 beats / min. The device has a memory for 30 measurements; next to the screen, a colored scale for assessing pressure according to WHO metrics is drawn. The device is powered by four AA batteries, the model with the letter E (economy) does not have an AC adapter in the kit.

Microlife BP 3AG1
Microlife BP 3AG1

Microlife simple blood pressure monitor detects arrhythmias

A simple blood pressure meter Microlife BP 3AG1 can detect arrhythmias, the fuzzy logic circuit takes into account its manifestations during measurements, and an icon is displayed on the screen. The tonometer requires four AA batteries, the AC adapter is not included. The last measurement is stored in memory.

Nissei DS-500
Nissei DS-500

Nissei blood pressure monitor for two users

The budget tonometer Nissei DS-500 costs 2300 rubles. However, it allows you to keep track of pressure for two users - 30 values for each. Power is provided by four AA batteries or a mains supply. The device can detect arrhythmia in the patient, in this case the tonometer takes several measurements and calculates the average value.

Beurer BM16
Beurer BM16

Beurer blood pressure monitor with wide measuring range

For just 1400 rubles, the Beurer company offers the Beurer BM16 model. The easy-to-use silver box measures blood pressure taking into account the detected arrhythmia, as well as pulse, displaying numbers on a large LCD screen. Pressure measurement range 0-299 mm Hg. Art - suitable even for severe arterial hypertension. The device is designed for joint use, for each of two patients it stores up to 50 measured pressure values. The device is powered by four AA batteries, in order to save power adapter is not attached.

Wrist tonometers

Tonometers that are placed on the wrist for measurement are called wrist monitors. Unlike the brachial arteries, the pressure is measured at the radial artery, in the same place where the pulse is usually checked. Hence the second name - wrist. By design, wrist blood pressure monitors are like huge watches worn on the wrist. They do not provide power from an external source.

With age, the walls of the vessels become denser, and Korotkov's tones are less distinguishable. Therefore, it is necessary to measure pressure in people over 40 years old only on the shoulder. Manufacturers every year talk about the next "revolution" in measuring pressure on the wrist, and practice continues to show the complete inadequacy of measurements in the period of late adulthood and older.

Nevertheless, all manufacturers have models of heart rate monitors. They are compact and easy to use.

Omron R1
Omron R1

Wrist tonometer from the market leader

The Omron R1 tonometer has a 14-22 cm cuff, is powered by two AAA batteries, and remembers the last measurement. IntelliSense technology allows you to quickly measure pressure in a single cycle without first pumping air into the cuff. The device costs 1600 rubles.

A&D UB-202
A&D UB-202

Light tonometer A&D

The wrist meter A&D UB-202 is very similar to the shoulder model UA-888, only the box is fit for the hand and weighs 100 g instead of 265 g. The size of the cuff is 13.5–21.5 cm. The device has a memory for 90 measurements, determines arrhythmia and calculates the average three-count value. Powered by three AAA batteries.

Microlife BPW100
Microlife BPW100

Tonometer Microlife BPW100 - clock and calendar

Small and lightweight tonometer Microlife BP W100 (130 g with batteries) combines in one case not only a pressure meter, but also a watch with a calendar and two alarms. The manufacturer recommends it for athletes and travelers. The device is powered by two AAA batteries and stores up to 200 measurements. You will have to pay 2,600 rubles for such a combine.

Nissei WS-820
Nissei WS-820

Nissei blood pressure monitor with comfortable cuff

In the model range of Nissei tonometers there is also a wrist unit, which is not inferior to the shoulder models. The small 110 g case houses an intelligent system that determines the pressure taking into account possible arrhythmia, a four-line display and two separate memory blocks of 30 cells each. The manufacturer claims a special cuff shape, the M-Cuff, which helps to improve the measurement accuracy. The price of the tonometer is 2100 rubles.

Beurer BC31
Beurer BC31

Credit card-sized Beurer blood pressure monitor

The sleek Beurer BC31 box, the size of a credit card (84x62 mm, weighing 112 g without batteries), attaches to the arm, measures blood pressure and heart rate in a wide range and stores the measurements in 60 memory locations. Suitable for hands with a diameter of 14-19.5 cm. Power supply - two AAA batteries. The cost of the tonometer is 1500 rubles.

Blood pressure monitors with advanced pressure measurement technology

Thanks to the built-in microprocessor, the tonometer turns into a diagnostic station. Expensive models have increased memory and the number of users, there is a USB interface for connecting to a personal computer - a patient or attending physician can build beautiful graphs showing the state of health. However, you have to pay more for these amenities.

Omron М10-IT
Omron М10-IT

Tonometer OMRON with computer connection

The OMRON M10-IT tonometer is supplied with a rigid universal cuff for arms measuring 22–42 cm. It has 84 cells memory for two users and a guest mode. The device calculates the average pressure values (morning, afternoon, evening), can be connected to a computer (the set includes the Health Management program). The device costs 9,000 rubles.

Nissei DS-700
Nissei DS-700

Nissei blood pressure monitor measures blood pressure twice

To improve the measurement accuracy, the Nissei DS-700 tonometer checks the pressure twice - the first time with the oscillometric method, the second time with the Korotkov method, compares the results and shows the most reliable one. The device costs 4000 rubles.

Beurer BM65
Beurer BM65

The Beurer tonometer - the true mirror of the therapist

The unusual Beurer BM65 tonometer looks like a fabulous mirror that tells its owner only the truth. The device can be used by up to 10 people (30 cells for each). Large backlit screen shows pressure, pulse, time and date. It is possible to connect the tonometer to a computer via USB. The price of the device is 4,700 rubles.

Rating of blood pressure monitors and owner reviews

Since the shoulder and wrist tonometers are designed for different categories of users, the ratings of the popularity of tonometers and their reviews are also given separately.

Table: rating of shoulder blood pressure monitors

Model (Brand / Factory) Weight, g Battery type Network adapter Cuff size Number of users / memory cells Arrhythmia indicator Other indicators price, rub.
Omron M2 Basic (Japan / China) 245.0 4 x AAA No 22-32 cm 1/1 No
  • pulse;
  • WHO scale.
A&D UA-888 240.0 4 x AA Yes 23-37 cm 1/30 there is
  • pulse;
  • WHO scale;
  • average pressure.
A&D UA-777AC 300.0 4 x AA Yes 22-32 cm 1/90 there is
  • pulse;
  • WHO scale;
  • average pressure.
Omron M3 Expert 340.0 4 x AAA Yes 22-42 cm 1/60 there is
  • pulse;
  • WHO scale;
  • average pressure value;
  • patient movement indicator
Microlife BP A100 735.0 4 x AA Yes 22-42 cm 1/200 there is
  • pulse;
  • WHO scale;
  • average pressure value;
  • Bluetooth connection.
Omron M6 Comfort 380.0 4 x AA Yes 22-42 cm 2/100 there is
  • pulse;
  • WHO scale;
  • average pressure value;
  • patient movement indicator;
  • indicator of correct cuff donning.

User reviews of shoulder blood pressure monitors

Table: rating of good wrist blood pressure monitors

Model (Brand / Factory) Weight, g Battery type Network adapter Cuff size Number of users / memory cells Arrhythmia indicator Other indicators Price
Omron R2 117.0 2 x AAA No 14-22 cm 1/30 there is No 2400
A&D UB-202 102.0 3 x AAA No 13.5-21.5 cm 1/90 there is
  • average pressure value;
  • WHO scale.
Microlife BP W100 130.0 2 x AAA No 14-22 cm 1/200 there is No 2700
B. Well WA-88 130.0 2 x AAA No 14–20 cm 1/30 there is No 1700
Nissei WS-820 110.0 2 x AAA No 12.5-21.5 cm 2/30 there is

average pressure

Beurer BC 19 140.0 2 x AAA No 14–20 cm 2/60 there is
  • average pressure value;
  • WHO scale;
  • voice notification;
  • battery replacement indicator.

Reviews on the use of wrist tonometers

How to use the tonometer correctly

Blood pressure varies throughout the day and depends on many factors. In order for the tonometer to show the correct value, you need to prepare for the measurement.

Recommendations for preparing for pressure measurement

  1. Measure your blood pressure at the same time, for example in the morning. With long-term monitoring, a good time for the second measurement is evening. Visit the toilet before your procedure.
  2. Do not smoke, drink coffee or medications for blood pressure before taking the measurement. After running or climbing stairs, the pressure will be increased. Relax for at least 15 minutes after light physical activity and for an hour after exercising.
  3. Sit in a comfortable position and sit quietly for about five minutes. The room should be at a normal, comfortable temperature. The cold will constrict blood vessels, the pressure will rise.
  4. Attach the cuff to your non-working arm (left for right-handers) so that the edge of the cuff is 2–3 cm above the elbow joint. The cuff should fit snugly, but not tight. The cuff must not be worn over clothing.
  5. Place your hand on a table with the middle of the cuff facing your heart. When measuring, the arm should be relaxed. With tension, the pressure will rise.
  6. Turn on the automatic blood pressure monitor and wait for the results. You cannot talk during the measurement - the values will be distorted.
  7. If you think the measurement should be repeated, you cannot do it right away. The deviation will be significant. Wait ten minutes and repeat the procedure. Some blood pressure monitors have an automatic mean pressure reading function. Such a device will automatically repeat the measurement after a few seconds and display the average value.
How to measure pressure correctly
How to measure pressure correctly

How to apply the cuff correctly

Video: how to correctly measure blood pressure at home

Why does the automatic blood pressure monitor show different results?

Blood pressure changes over time, so even successive measurements can give different results. In addition, user errors affect measurements.

Table: Potential user errors when measuring pressure and consequences

Error Deviation of systolic "upper" pressure Deviation of diastolic "lower" pressure
Rested less than an hour after exercise Overstated by 5-11 mm. rt. Art. Inflated by 4-8 mm. rt. Art.
Smoked before measuring Inflated by 10 mm. rt. Art. Inflated by 8 mm. rt. Art.
Drank coffee before measuring Inflated by 10 mm. rt. Art. Inflated by 7 mm. rt. Art.
Wrong posture, no back support Inflated by 8 mm. rt. Art. Overestimated by 6-10 mm. rt. Art.
Took the wrong posture, hand hanging in the air Inflated by 2 mm. rt. Art. Inflated by 2 mm. rt. Art.
The cuff is fixed 5 cm higher than necessary Decreased by 4 mm. rt. Art. Decreased by 4 mm. rt. Art.
The cuff is fixed 5 cm lower than necessary Decreased by 4 mm. rt. Art. Decreased by 4 mm. rt. Art.
Measurements in a cold room Inflated by 11 mm. rt. Art. Inflated by 8 mm. rt. Art.
Spoke during the procedure Inflated by 17 mm. rt. Art. Inflated by 13 mm. rt. Art.
Didn't visit the toilet before taking measurements Inflated by 27 mm. rt. Art. Inflated by 22 mm. rt. Art.
Tight cuff Decreased by 8 mm. rt. Art. Inflated by 8 mm. rt. Art.
Wrist tonometer for people over 40 Invalid Results Invalid Results
Repeated measurement less than 5 minutes after the first May differ by 10–20 mm. rt. Art. May differ by 10–20 mm. rt. Art.

Video: are blood pressure monitors accurate

Why does the tonometer junk

Sometimes the tonometer does not show the measurement results at all, sometimes instead of numbers, various symbols are displayed on the screen. There may be various reasons for this. Since the designs of all blood pressure monitors are different, there is no universal answer - check the instructions for using your device.

Tonometer does not work

Check the batteries and correct installation. If the batteries are discharged, the device will not turn on. Replace the batteries with fresh ones, observing the polarity.

Tonometer shows symbols instead of numbers

If symbols are shown instead of numbers on the tonometer screen, this means that measurements are being taken incorrectly. The decoding of symbols depends on the manufacturer, read the instructions for the device.

Table: examples of symbols on the screen of the OMRON tonometer

Symbol Value Actions
EE Cuff not inflated enough Change the settings to make the device pump more.

Measurement errors:

  • the air duct is not connected;
  • the cuff is incorrectly applied;
  • clothing interferes;
  • leaking air from the cuff;
  • the patient moved while measuring.

Eliminate errors:

  • Check the connection of the cuff air duct to the device;
  • reapply the cuff;
  • remove clothing;
  • replace the cuff;
  • repeat measurements, do not move when measuring.
Battery indicator blinks The batteries are empty Replace batteries
Er Internal device error Remove the batteries from the device, wait 10-15 seconds, insert the batteries into the device. If it does not help, contact the service.

Invalid values and other difficulties

Manifestation Cause Actions
The tonometer shows clearly incorrect values - overestimated or underestimated
  • the cuff is incorrectly applied;
  • conversation during measurement;
  • clothing interferes with measurement.
  • reapply the cuff;
  • do not talk during the procedure;
  • take measurements on a hand without clothes.
Cuff pressure does not increase
  • the duct is not firmly inserted into the housing;
  • leaking air from the cuff.
  • check the insertion of the air duct into the tonometer body;
  • replace the cuff.
Cuff deflates too quickly Cuff does not fit snugly around the arm Apply the cuff more tightly
The device turns off during the measurement The batteries are empty Replace batteries

A tonometer is a medical device that helps you monitor your health and warn you about problems in a timely manner. The choice of this device should be approached responsibly: go past cheap Chinese crafts and fashion trends like measuring pressure in a smartphone, and take a reliable device from a well-known company. When choosing a tonometer, the patient's age and diagnoses must be taken into account. It is necessary to prepare for measuring pressure, and follow simple rules in the process. Be healthy!