How To Sew Diapers For A Newborn With Your Own Hands - A Cocoon, With Velcro, Zippers And Other Options: Sizes, Patterns And Useful Tips
How To Sew Diapers For A Newborn With Your Own Hands - A Cocoon, With Velcro, Zippers And Other Options: Sizes, Patterns And Useful Tips

We sew diapers for a baby with our own hands: patterns, master classes and tips

Baby nappies
Baby nappies

No matter what doctors say about baby swaddling, diapers in the first few months of life will be an irreplaceable assistant in caring for a baby. The prices in stores for such an important accessory are far from always acceptable, and the goods offered on the markets do not always meet all the requirements of caring mothers who strive to give their babies only the best. That is why we suggest that you make your own diapers, we will provide you with detailed sewing master classes in this article.


  • 1 Types of diapers

    • 1.1 Ordinary diapers
    • 1.2 Swaddling sheets
    • 1.3 Reusable waterproof nappies
    • 1.4 Diapers-cocoons
  • 2 Necessary types of diapers for a baby in the first months of life and their number
  • 3 Mandatory requirements for baby diapers
  • 4 Variety of materials for sewing diapers: which option to choose?
  • 5 Advantages and disadvantages of self-sewing diapers for a baby
  • 6 We sew ordinary diapers for the baby

    • 6.1 Universal sizes of diapers for babies by months
    • 6.2 MK for sewing an ordinary diaper
    • 6.3 How to sew a waterproof layer to a diaper: a step-by-step guide
  • 7 MK for sewing cocoon nappies with different types of fasteners

    • 7.1 MK on sewing a diaper-cocoon with a zipper
    • 7.2 MK for sewing a cocoon diaper with Velcro
  • 8 How to cover the bed: bed sheets or sheets with an elastic band?

    8.1 MK for sewing sheets with an elastic band

  • 9 How to hand over the edges of the garment?

    • 9.1 MK: how to process the edges of the product with a twist seam
    • 9.2 MK: imitation of an overlock seam manually
  • 10 Photo gallery: ideas for sewing diapers for babies

Types of diapers

Diapers are an old invention, for many centuries of their use they have transformed from ordinary, familiar to us, pieces of fabric, into various types that simplify the life of the baby and mother in specific situations. We will now talk about this in detail.

Ordinary diapers

Such nappies are used for swaddling babies, products made of soft and warm fabrics can serve as a towel after taking a bath, as they are very absorbent and will not let the baby freeze. You can also use ordinary swaddling clothes to cover the baby's crib or cover the baby with it instead of a blanket, if it's warm at home. Diapers will not be superfluous when changing a diaper. And also, it is always worth having an extra pair of nice, clean diapers for going to the doctor. Ordinary diapers can be sewn from any fabrics suitable for making baby diapers (you can read more about this below, in the section "Variety of materials for sewing diapers: which option to choose?").

Ordinary diapers
Ordinary diapers

These diapers have different sizes, which are selected for the height and weight of the baby. You can read more about this in the section "Universal sizes of diapers for babies by months"

Swaddling sheets

These nappies are designed to cover a baby cot. They are made to fit the size of the bed, for rectangular, round or oval baby beds. Can be sewn from any material acceptable for diapers.

Bed covered with a sheet
Bed covered with a sheet

The diaper-sheet can be laid on top of a waterproof oilcloth, or under it, and then an ordinary diaper

Reusable waterproof nappies

Such diapers are sewn with an additional waterproof layer, in addition to the usual fabric. They can also be made from any material suitable for diapers. Their convenience lies in the fact that when using them, you do not need to additionally enclose a bulky oilcloth, which often moves out.

Diaper with a waterproof layer
Diaper with a waterproof layer

The waterproof layer can be sewn both to an ordinary diaper and to a diaper-sheet


Cocoon nappies are a relatively recent invention. They are designed specifically for swaddling a baby. They are of two types:

  • Diaper-cocoon with Velcro. It is a kind of structure with a "bag" for the baby's legs and two sidewalls for wrapping the handles, which are fixed, overlapping one another, with the help of Velcro fasteners.

    Diaper-cocoon with Velcro
    Diaper-cocoon with Velcro

    The variant of the cocoon diaper with Velcro is more in demand due to the safety of the fasteners

  • Swaddle-cocoon with zipper. It looks like a sleeping bag with a zipper, but more dense to the body.

    Diaper-cocoon with zipper
    Diaper-cocoon with zipper

    A zippered cocoon diaper has a higher level of injury hazard, since during fastening, you can accidentally pinch the baby's delicate skin

Any nappies-cocoons are sewn from elastic fabrics, thanks to which the baby feels comfortable in them, without flinching from his own, not yet controlled movements, and having the opportunity to calmly move inside the “cocoon” and position himself as it is convenient for him. This ensures a restful sleep for the baby and the peace of the mother. And, of course, one cannot ignore such an advantage as ease of use and simplicity and instant swaddling, which greatly facilitates taking care of the baby, saving mother's precious energy.

Necessary types of diapers for a baby in the first months of life and their number

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of what kind of diapers a baby needs and in what quantity. But general recommendations will not be superfluous, after reading which you can determine the best option for yourself.

  • Swaddling sheets. You can sew just a couple of these diapers to cover the mattress in a crib, and put a waterproof oilcloth and an ordinary diaper on top, changing the latter if necessary. In this case, you only need a pair of nappies-sheets, but 10-15 ordinary nappies. Or you can lay a waterproof oilcloth directly on the mattress, and on top of the diaper-sheet, which you will change every time it gets dirty. In this case, for use in the crib, you just do not need ordinary diapers.
  • Ordinary diapers. You will need such nappies without fail, about 10 pieces: in a stroller - 2-3 pieces, for going to the doctor - 2 pieces, for changing diapers - 2-3 pieces, as a towel after taking a bath - 2 pieces … (in the event that you do not have soft baby towels), in reserve - 1–2 pcs. (to shelter the baby, close from the wind, etc.). Also, if you decide to swaddle the baby in an ordinary diaper, you will need to prepare 10 more pieces in addition to the above.
  • Waterproof diapers. Beyond the extreme need for such diapers, there is no, but if there is an opportunity to create additional conveniences for yourself and your baby, why not? As mentioned above, the waterproof layer can be sewn both to ordinary diapers and to diaper sheets. Therefore, depending on your preference between these two options, it is best to use diapers with a waterproof layer in the following cases: to cover the bed (to further protect the mattress from getting wet and dirty), in a stroller, to change diapers and to go to the doctor (babies tend to do unexpected things, regardless of time and place, so it's better to play it safe and take a waterproof diaper with you).
  • Diapers-cocoons. You will need such diapers only if you decide to swaddle the baby, but do not want to restrain his movements with ordinary diapers. They will need from 3 to 7 pcs.

Recently, my second baby was born and, based on the experience with the first child and on our lifestyle, I chose the ideal option for using diapers: I cover the baby bed with waterproof diapers, sheets, we have 3 of them, I don't use anything else on top, so like in a crib, the baby only sleeps and always sleeps in a diaper, so it makes no sense to lay something extra. For going to the doctor, we have one waterproof diaper and one ordinary one. I also use waterproof nappies in the stroller (we have 3 of them). To change diapers, I use ordinary cloth diapers, since we have a table with oilcloth, and changing diapers after each diaper change is somehow more hygienic. To wipe the baby after taking a bath, I use a thin diaper, and then immediately wrap the baby in a warm soft towel with a corner so that he does not lie in a wet and freeze. He sleeps perfectly in "cocoons", we don't use ordinary diapers for swaddling at all. We bought 7 pieces of nappies-cocoons, but 3-5 are quite enough, since the baby only sleeps in them, and during wakefulness it is better to give maximum freedom for movement and development.

Mandatory requirements for baby diapers

Newborns and nursing babies need special care, they have very delicate skin and an organism that has not yet learned to defend itself from this world, so everything that comes into contact with the baby must meet specific requirements, including the diaper. Before buying materials and starting sewing, consider the following points:

  • since the diapers are in close contact with the baby's skin, all their seams must be on the front side and very carefully processed;
  • in no case should any threads stick out; when pulled, they can damage or even cut the delicate skin of the crumbs;
  • the fabrics from which the diapers are sewn must be natural and of high quality, so as not to cause allergies in the child;
  • if you decide to sew diapers-cocoons with a zipper, then you will need to sew it very carefully so that the stiff fabric of the fastener does not harm the baby during wearing, it is also best to sew the zipper from the front side, after all, beauty is in the background;
  • if you sew "cocoons" with Velcro, you should also be very careful, all borders should be aligned exactly, and the sizes are chosen correctly so that the Velcro does not harm the skin;
  • it is advisable to avoid various additional decorative details in the form of ruffles, bows, etc., since this will only interfere with you and your baby.

If you pay close attention to the observance of all of the above points, you can not worry about the high comfort and safety of your child.

A variety of materials for sewing diapers: which option to choose?

There is a great variety of materials for sewing diapers on the market now: thin and warm and soft, stretchy and dense, etc., so as not to get confused in all this variety, it is worth identifying the criteria that fabrics for baby diapers must meet:

  • high quality;
  • natural composition;
  • the fabric should "breathe", that is, it should allow air to pass through well, so that the baby's skin does not ooze and it is not hot;
  • the fabric should absorb moisture well;
  • it should be soft and pleasant to the touch, so as not to harm the delicate skin of the baby;
  • must have the ability not to overheat the baby's body and at the same time retain enough heat so that there is no hypothermia;
  • durability, since it is necessary to wash diapers very often, they must withstand repeated washings without losing their important properties.

The following materials correspond to all listed properties:

  • Chintz. Inexpensive thin material made from 100% cotton. This is the basic option and the most common option. Nappies made of such material are soft and pleasant to the body, quickly absorb moisture, and meet all the necessary requirements. Calico nappies are best for the summer months or for very warm / hot environments.
  • Flannel. One of the most beloved material by moms. Composition - 100% cotton. The material is very delicate, due to the light gun, quite warm and at the same time breathable. Flannel nappies are basic, they should be in any season.
  • Natural knitwear. Ordinary diapers made of this material are almost impossible to find, it is mainly used for sewing cocoon diapers. Its main advantage is its high elongation.
  • Batiste. This material is one of the lightest and most breathable. Ideal for the warm season. A good analogue of chintz. But, cambric also has one significant drawback - low strength, so cambric diapers will not last long for you.
  • Kulirka. The stuff is pretty good, but not particularly common. Made from 100% cotton. It is highly hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, does not wrinkle and stretches very well. Nappies made of this material are ideal for the warm season. The only thing worth paying attention to is a noticeable shrinkage of the fabric after washing, so you need to buy fabric with a margin, and before sewing the product, be sure to wash and iron it.
  • Footer. It is a very warm and heat-retaining material. Ideal for the cold season. Very pleasant to the body.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-sewing diapers for a baby

There are not so many points among the disadvantages:

  • The most basic and decisive, perhaps, will be time.
  • And among others - a much larger amount of energy and effort spent on the selection of all the necessary materials and on the sewing process itself.

There will be much more advantages:

  • The main thing is that the strength and love you put in during the manufacturing process will warm both you and the baby, forming positive relationships between you even before the baby is born. This can easily prove the well-known truths for a long time that children feel everything and that love is a verb, the more we love someone with our actions, we care, the more we love this person.
  • If we talk about the more practical side of the issue, then the facts are very important that you can independently choose the fabric that suits your exact requirements, fabric, its properties, colors, pattern.
  • In the process of sewing, you can correct specific nuances for yourself.
  • Also, sewing diapers on your own will cost significantly less than if you bought the same amount from the same material, but ready-made.

We sew ordinary diapers for the baby

Ordinary diapers are the easiest to make, even those who have never come into contact with sewing can handle this business.

Universal sizes of diapers for babies by months

The most important thing to do before sewing is to figure out the size of the nappies you need. To do this, carefully study the table in the picture below:

Correspondence table of the parameters of the child and the size of the diapers
Correspondence table of the parameters of the child and the size of the diapers

Not all children correspond to the standard parameters of weight and height, designated as the norm in different months of life, therefore, when sewing diapers, pay attention to the height and weight, and not to the age of the crumbs

Thanks to this table, you can determine exactly what size of diapers you need. After you figure this out, you can start calculating the fabric needed for sewing diapers. In the photo below you will see a table with side lengths for each diaper size.

Table showing the lengths of each side of the diapers, for all sizes
Table showing the lengths of each side of the diapers, for all sizes

Since babies grow very quickly in the first few months of life, we recommend choosing an average size that is suitable for both a newborn and an already grown baby.

To calculate the required amount of fabric, multiply the length of the diapers of your chosen size by their number.

For example, if you need 10 swaddling clothes, size 48, multiply the length (shortest side) - 120 cm by 10 (number). It will turn out to be 12 meters. This means that you will need 12 m to sew so many diapers of the selected size.

MK for sewing an ordinary diaper

Necessary materials:

  • the cloth;
  • threads in the color of the fabric;
  • tailor's chalk or remnant;
  • a sewing machine or overlock (if there is no machine, then it is quite possible to handle it with your hands);
  • scissors;
  • a large tailor's ruler or just a long stick, along which it will be convenient to draw a straight line on the fabric;
  • tape measure.

In order to sew an ordinary diaper, you must follow the steps below in sequence:

  1. On a large table or on a clean floor, spread the fabric with the wrong side up.

    Preparation for cutting
    Preparation for cutting

    For faster cutting of a large number of diapers, you can fold the fabric in half, right side in, and cut two diapers at once

  2. Measure the length of the future diaper on the fabric using a measuring tape, mark the points in the right places with a tailor's chalk or remnant. Attach a tailor's ruler and connect the dots with straight lines.
  3. Cut the fabric along the lines you have drawn.
  4. Now all that remains is to process the slices. To do this, use an overlock or special mode on the sewing machine.

    Overlock seams
    Overlock seams

    The highest quality and most reliable seam is obtained precisely on a special overlock, but in extreme cases you can replace it with a sewing machine or manually process the edges (you will find information about this below, in the section "How to process the edges by hand?")

The diaper is ready! Sew the same number of diapers as you need.

How to sew a waterproof layer to a diaper: a step-by-step guide

Materials required to transform a regular diaper into a waterproof diaper:

  • waterproof fabric;
  • oblique inlay.

In order to make the diaper waterproof, it is enough to follow all the steps of the following instructions:

  1. When making a regular diaper, stop after the cutting step. No need to process the edges!
  2. Now it is necessary to cut out a piece from a waterproof fabric that exactly matches the size of the diaper to which it will be sewn.
  3. Take both pieces of fabric and fold them together, wrong sides inward. Sweep around the edges on your hands.


    The fabric is swept by hand with large stitches of a contrasting color of threads relative to the fabric. This is necessary in order for the edges of the products to match as accurately as possible. After the finishing seam on a typewriter, this seam must be removed by pulling on the thread

  4. Now it remains only to process the edges with a bias tape. To do this, put it on one of the sides of the creased workpiece (you can start from either side).

    The first step of sewing on the bias tape
    The first step of sewing on the bias tape

    You need to sew along the very edge to get it neat

  5. And sew along the edge, folding back the ironed side.

    Sewing on bias tape
    Sewing on bias tape

    Sewing on a bias tape Sewing on a bias tape Try not to "dance" the seam, then the product will turn out beautiful and neat

  6. Then turn the piece over to the other side. It should look like this:

    Sewn bias tape
    Sewn bias tape

    This is what a bias tape sewn on one side looks like

  7. Fold over the other side of the bias tape and iron it with an iron.

    Preparing the bias tape for the second seam
    Preparing the bias tape for the second seam

    In order for the product to turn out exactly neat, before sewing the machine line, you can make a sweep on your hands

  8. Now start the final line over the bias tape.

    Bias-trimmed edges
    Bias-trimmed edges

    This is how the edge trimmed with bias tape should look like, if you did everything right.

  9. After you have processed all the edges of the waterproof diaper with a bias tape, iron all the seams well with an iron, pulling slightly.

This is how the finished waterproof diaper should look like:

Ready-made waterproof diaper
Ready-made waterproof diaper

Waterproof nappies made in this way can be washed as many times as necessary without any fear.

MK for sewing nappies-cocoons with different types of fasteners

The sewing of nappies-cocoons differs from each other not only by different fasteners, but also by the entire pattern of the product as a whole, therefore we offer you MK for the manufacture of both types.

MK on sewing a diaper-cocoon with a zipper

Materials required for sewing:

  • knitted fabric;
  • collar elastic (can be cut off from old clothes);
  • threads in the color of the fabric;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • special foot and machine needles for sewing knitwear;
  • 2 zippers 45 cm each;
  • tape measure;
  • patterns;
  • tailor's chalk or remnant;
  • ruler.

Step-by-step instructions for sewing a cocoon diaper with a zipper with your own hands:

  1. Lay the fabric on the table, attach the patterns to it with safety pins, circle with the help of tailor's chalk. Cut out the resulting details.

    Preparation of parts for sewing
    Preparation of parts for sewing

    For convenience, lay out all the sewing parts on the table

  2. Now take the zippers and remove the delimiters from both:

    Preparing zippers for sewing
    Preparing zippers for sewing

    The stoppers must be removed carefully so as not to damage the zipper teeth

  3. This is how the zippers should look after removing the restraints:

    Zippers without stops
    Zippers without stops

    The restraints can be thrown out after removal, they are no longer needed

  4. Now place the two front pieces of the cocoon (shelves) in front of you, wrong side up. Measure 1.5 cm from the inside of each piece and draw a straight line from top to bottom. Then fold the fabric to the right side along the lines you have drawn, and iron with an iron.

    Preparing parts for sewing on zippers
    Preparing parts for sewing on zippers

    Knitted fabric is very capricious, it has a tendency to curl at the edges, this can be easily dealt with by carefully ironing it with an iron

  5. Flip the parts upside down and place the two zipper halves on the folded edges. Baste them by hand until the green mark, then sew on the sewing machine, after removing the basting.

    Sewn-on zipper
    Sewn-on zipper

    Sew on the zipper on the sewing machine as close to the teeth as possible

  6. Now, following the instructions in the photo below, turn a regular zipper into a two-way one:

    Instructions for making two-way zipper
    Instructions for making two-way zipper

    In some stores you can find a ready-made two-way zipper

  7. Cut off the excess part of the zipper from the right side and turn the structure over:

    Zipper sewing process
    Zipper sewing process

    Be very careful when sewing on a zipper, as the slightest mistake can ruin the zipper or the product

  8. From the scraps of fabric, sew a 3 by 60 strip:

    Protective strip
    Protective strip

    A protective strip is essential to reduce the risk of injury when using a zipper

  9. Place a protective strip under the zipper on the inside of the garment and sew on the sewing machine:

    Sewing a protective strip to the product
    Sewing a protective strip to the product

    If you are afraid to start the machine line right away, then you can first secure the strip with safety pins or make a broom

  10. Now fold the remaining tip and stitch it in too:

    Finishing the edge of the zipper and protective strip
    Finishing the edge of the zipper and protective strip

    Try to work as carefully as possible on the sewing machine, as it will be very difficult to dissolve a failed machine seam, especially with fastening.

  11. Cut off the excess fabric:

    The final stage of zipper processing
    The final stage of zipper processing

    To prevent the machine seams from unraveling after trimming, do not forget to make a bartack

  12. Sew along the edge, along the entire cocoon, a protective strip:

    Sewing on the strip
    Sewing on the strip

    Thanks to the protective strip, the baby will be protected from possible damage

  13. Sew the front and back pieces and overcast the edges.

    Back and front pieces sewn together
    Back and front pieces sewn together

    After each new seam, iron it thoroughly with an iron, with light tension

  14. Sew on elastic collar:

    Finished neck of the product
    Finished neck of the product

    This is how the neck of the product should look like with a neatly sewn collar

The zipper cocoon swaddle is ready!

MK for sewing a diaper-cocoon with Velcro

Required materials for sewing a Velcro cocoon diaper:

  • flannel knitted fabric;
  • cotton knitted fabric;
  • Velcro;
  • tape measure;
  • scissors;
  • threads in the color of the fabric;
  • needle;
  • sewing machine;
  • special foot and needles for working with knitted fabric;
  • ruler;
  • tailor's chalk or remnant;
  • tracing paper.

In order to sew a cocoon diaper with Velcro, follow the instructions:

  1. Wash and iron the fabric so that the finished garment does not shrink after sewing. Spread the material out on the table.
  2. Draw a pattern of the main part on tracing paper and cut it out using the following pictures:

    Basic pattern
    Basic pattern

    To make the patterns as accurate as possible, you can use graph paper

  3. Do the same with the leg pocket pattern:

    Leg pocket pattern
    Leg pocket pattern

    Transfer the patterns from paper to fabric and cut as accurately as possible, since the slightest mistake can ruin the entire product

  4. Lay out the resulting patterns on the fabric, pin with pins, circle with chalk. Then cut it out.
  5. Fold both pieces right-side-in to each other. Sew and finish the edges. Then sew Velcro on the side of the product, and place one on the top of the leg pocket.

    Ready-made diaper-cocoon
    Ready-made diaper-cocoon

    This is how the finished cocoon diaper should look like

The cocoon diaper is ready!

How to cover the bed: bed sheets or sheets with an elastic band?

Before deciding on the answer to this question, you should figure out what is the difference between an ordinary diaper-sheet and a sheet with an elastic band. The difference between them is only two: a sheet with an elastic band is the same ordinary diaper-sheet, but with an elastic band sewn along the edge and rounded corners, and it is also sewn from a stretching knitted fabric. It can also be made in all sizes and shapes to fit the mattress perfectly. The advantages of such a sheet are that it is securely fixed to the mattress thanks to an elastic band, and a well-chosen fabric fits perfectly onto the mattress without folds or excess fabric.

When my first son began to grow up and learned to crawl, the sheet in the bed had to be constantly corrected, because from his active movements the edges were always crawling out from under the mattress, no matter how deeply and reliably I tucked them in. The ideal solution was to replace such ordinary bed sheets with sheets with an elastic band. They fit very tightly on the mattress and hold on to it securely. Thanks to this, the child can play peacefully, and the mother is not afraid that the baby will crush the sheet and stain the mattress.

MK for sewing sheets with an elastic band

Required materials for sewing:

  • knitted fabric;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • elastic;
  • sewing machine;
  • special foot and needles for working with knitted fabric;
  • tape measure;
  • tailor's ruler;
  • cloth chalk or remnant;
  • threads in the color of the fabric.

Step-by-step instructions for sewing an elasticized sheet:

  1. Measure the width, length and height of the mattress on which you are going to sew the product. We add 20 cm to the length and width of the mattress + the height of the mattress for each size so that the finished sheet is in size and fits well on the mattress. Then add another 14 cm to both measurements for the hem of the fabric for sewing the elastic.
  2. We measure the resulting lengths on the fabric, put dots in the right places and connect them with a chalk and a tailor's ruler. Cut out.

    Elasticated sheet fabric
    Elasticated sheet fabric

    Be sure to iron the cut piece of fabric so that all measurements and the cut out part are accurate

  3. Fold the resulting piece of fabric in half so that all four corners are in one place.

    Correctly folded piece of fabric for sewing a sheet with an elastic band
    Correctly folded piece of fabric for sewing a sheet with an elastic band

    The fabric must be folded in such a way as to make the correct cut and form the desired shape of the corners of the product

  4. Calculate how much you need to cut: to the height of the mattress add half of the increase for sewing the elastic (14–7 = 7), ie, the height of the mattress + 7. Then subtract 2 cm from the resulting figure for allowances. This number is the length of the sides of the square to be cut. Draw a square of this size from the corner of the fabric and cut out:

    Fabric prepared for sewing
    Fabric prepared for sewing

    It is necessary to cut a square so that the finished sheet sits on the mattress as well as possible, the main thing is to correctly calculate all the lengths

  5. Now unfold the fabric and lay it on the table with the wrong side up. Mark the distance from the edge by 2.5 cm on all sides:

    Preparing fabric for sewing
    Preparing fabric for sewing

    To make it more convenient, after measuring the required values, draw a line

  6. Fold the edges of the fabric twice, one exactly along the drawn line, the other with a reference to the fabric of the same size (2.5 cm). Iron and unfold again.

    Hem of fabric for sewing on elastic
    Hem of fabric for sewing on elastic

    Ironing the fabric with an iron is necessary for easier sewing in the future.

  7. Join the corners right side in and sew from top to bottom:

    A visual representation of how you need to connect the corners
    A visual representation of how you need to connect the corners

    Be sure to secure machine stitching on both sides

  8. Do the same for all corners and turn out:

    Finished product corner
    Finished product corner

    This is how the finished corners should look like on the front side of the product.

  9. Now sew the edges of the sheet along the lines you ironed earlier. Insert the elastic.

    The final stage of sewing a sheet with an elastic band
    The final stage of sewing a sheet with an elastic band

    Try to keep the seam as close to the edge of the fold

  10. Pull the elastic to the desired length, tie a secure knot, and trim off any excess.

    Ready-made sheet with elastic
    Ready-made sheet with elastic

    This is how the finished sheet with an elastic band, sewn according to this master class, should look so beautiful and neat

The sheet with an elastic band is ready!

How to hand over the edges of the product?

Not every, even an experienced craftswoman, has an overlock specially designed for processing seams. And this is not as scary as it seems at first glance. The edges of the product can be processed manually with a twist seam or imitation of an overlock seam and this will not affect the quality of the product.

MK: how to process the edges of the product with a twist seam

Necessary materials:

  • threads in the color of the fabric;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step instructions for processing the edge of the product with a twist seam:

  1. Step 2 mm from the edge of the fabric and secure the thread:

    Seam start
    Seam start

    Try to make the setting as inconspicuous as possible so that everything looks neat

  2. Now insert the needle into the bartack stitch and bring the needle out to the right side:

    First stitch of a twist seam
    First stitch of a twist seam

    Insert the needle straight into the securing stitch thread

  3. Turn the slice inside out, then insert the needle from the very edge of the slice, lightly gripping the fabric and back into the fold:

    The process of processing the edge of the product with a twist seam
    The process of processing the edge of the product with a twist seam

    Make sure that the thread comes out of the fold of the fabric when the cut is turned up.

  4. Insert the needle into the fold 5 mm and re-insert the needle into the fabric at the very edge of the cut.

    The final stage of processing the edge of the product with a twist seam
    The final stage of processing the edge of the product with a twist seam

    It is very important not to tighten the thread when sewing this stitch.

  5. When the seam is 10-15 cm long, gently pull it off.
  6. Repeat all steps as many times as necessary.
Finished twist seam
Finished twist seam

This is how the finished twist seam should look like

Thus, you have a neatly finished edge of the product without overlock.

MK: imitation of an overlock seam by hand

Necessary materials:

  • threads in the color of the fabric;
  • scissors;
  • needle.

Step-by-step instructions for processing the edge of the product by hand imitating an overlock seam:

  1. Insert the needle and thread into the fabric, 3-5 mm from the edge:

    Start creating an overlock seam simulation
    Start creating an overlock seam simulation

    The photo shows threads of a contrasting color in relation to the fabric, so that the process is better visible

  2. The result is a straight stitch:

    First stitch of a seam
    First stitch of a seam

    Do not pull the thread too tight to prevent the fabric from wrinkling

  3. Again, from the same side of the fabric, insert the needle so that the stitch is oblique:

    First bias stitch
    First bias stitch

    Each stitch should be neat, and the beginning and end of each must be clearly connected to each other

  4. Now sew another stitch diagonally, but at a different angle:

    The process of creating a seam that simulates an overlock
    The process of creating a seam that simulates an overlock

    Make sure that the bottom of the seam is flush to make it easier, you can draw a straight line as a border

  5. Repeat sewing in the same way.
  6. If you want the seam to be as strong as possible and resemble an overlock seam as much as possible, you can sew the seam along the lower border of the seam:

    Finished imitation overlock seam
    Finished imitation overlock seam

    This is how the finished imitation of the overlock seam should look like, made by hand

The seam is ready!

Photo gallery: ideas for sewing diapers for babies

Diaper "Star"
Diaper "Star"
The "Zvezdochka" diaper looks very cute, it is perfect for a baby's photo shoot
Waterproof single layer diaper
Waterproof single layer diaper
A waterproof diaper does not have to be sewn from two layers of fabric, you can purchase a waterproof fabric that is soft on one side and just sew diapers from it in the same way as usual
Dark blue polka dot swaddle
Dark blue polka dot swaddle
Diapers made of fabrics of minimalistic colors look very stylish
Flannel nappies
Flannel nappies
Diapers made of pastel-colored fabrics look very delicate and beautiful.
Gray diaper-cocoon
Gray diaper-cocoon
The diaper-cocoon can be supplemented with an additional cap sewn to it, variants with animal ears look especially attractive on babies
Diaper-cocoon "Superman"
Diaper-cocoon "Superman"
A very original idea is to sew a "cocoon" in the style of various superheroes or heroes of fairy tales, cartoons, etc.
Two-tone cocoon with Velcro
Two-tone cocoon with Velcro
"Cocoons" made from a combination of two types of fabric or different colors look unusual and beautiful
Blue "cocoon" with zipper
Blue "cocoon" with zipper
If you are worried that the child will quickly grow out of the "cocoon", you can immediately sew it a little larger, and while the baby is still small, just tie a knot of excess fabric

If you put in enough patience and effort and follow the instructions in our proposed master classes, you will definitely get neat, beautiful diapers, no matter what model you decide to bring to life. Success and health to your children!
