Signs It's Time For Vacation - How To Know When You Need A Break From Work
Signs It's Time For Vacation - How To Know When You Need A Break From Work

12 signs you need to go on vacation

Vacation by the sea
Vacation by the sea

Nowadays, a huge number of people consider themselves to be incorrigible workaholics. This is true, since the modern lifestyle forces a person to spend most of his life working for self-sufficiency. But few people realize that rest is the key to a productive work activity. You can understand that it's time for you to go on vacation by certain signs.


If in your work you increasingly began to make mistakes, no matter what their scale, it means that absent-mindedness takes over. You can get rid of this problem with a good, albeit small, rest.

Deterioration in concentration

If you find it difficult to organize a workflow, that is, make a to-do list and follow it calmly, then your concentration is impaired. Usually, in this case, a person takes on several tasks at once, which ultimately rarely leads to high-quality performance of at least one of them.

Lack of enthusiasm

If you don't feel like getting up in the morning, you trudge to work in a dull mood and look forward to the end of the day - you need a break. Of course, this sign will be an indicator of overwork, provided that you previously enjoyed your activity.

There was a period in my life when I worked for several years without vacation. At first I was full of enthusiasm, I liked the profession and seemed very interesting. But a year later, I literally hated my job. In the morning I could hardly force myself to get out of bed, but I understood that I had to. At some point, it began to seem to me that I had lost interest in the profession I had recently desired (a pastry chef). But then I took a two-week vacation, and this feeling disappeared by itself. Now I try to rest on time.

Worsening relationships

A simple remark from a colleague triggers a surge of anger in you, the person who steps on the bus wants to reciprocate, and quarrels have become more frequent in the family. Overworking is often the cause of this behavior. A person becomes more irritable and quick-tempered, which means that it is time for him to go on vacation.

Colleagues quarrel
Colleagues quarrel

Constant conflicts at work and at home are a clear sign that it's time to rest.

Obsessions about work

If thoughts of work do not leave you even at home, then you are clearly overworking. Some people constantly keep in mind some charts, reports and phone numbers related to their professional activities. They believe that this is normal and that this approach will lead them to success. In fact, a manic attachment to work is a clear sign of its overabundance in your life.

Memory problems

You don't remember if you turned off the iron in the morning, forget to make an important call or print a report for the director. Scientists have found a link between the ability to remember and the level of the stress hormone cortisol. With an increase in the latter, memory deteriorates noticeably. The best way to reduce it is to take a vacation.

Loss of sense of humor

If lately you notice that it is difficult to make you laugh, it's time to rest. The inability to perceive and respond to humor properly is directly related to overwork.

Inflating problems

If earlier you coped with tasks typical of your work relatively easily, now they seem to you an unbearable burden. This change in thinking is a clear sign of overwork.

Physical ailment

Rapid pulse at rest, general lethargy, increased headaches. All these signs can serve not only as a signal of overwork, but also the beginning of a serious illness. Never ignore your physical condition.

Girl holding her head
Girl holding her head

Never ignore a headache, it is one of the signs of overwork

Excessive emotionality

Constant mood swings, overly negative / positive reactions to even minor events are all signs of a disturbed emotional background. Such problems often arise from overwork and serve as a clear signal to the need for rest.

Desire to forget

If you feel thirsty or, for example, eat a lot of delicious food after work, you may be trying to numb the accumulated stress.

Involuntary gesticulation

This symptom, as a rule, manifests itself in the form of involuntary clenching of fists, flinching, twitching of arms and legs. Do not ignore these moments, they signal you overwork.

Man clenches his fists
Man clenches his fists

Involuntary aggressive gestures are one of the clear signs of overwork

Recycling is the natural state of most people today. Overwork can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the person. However, it is better not to allow it, but to rest in time. You can understand when a vacation is needed at an early stage of processing - by one of the listed signs.
