What To Plant After Strawberries Next Year And What Not To
What To Plant After Strawberries Next Year And What Not To

What to plant after strawberries for a great harvest

strawberry beds
strawberry beds

Strawberries are one of the most popular berries grown in garden beds. For several years growing in one place, as a result, it depletes the soil very much, choosing from it almost everything useful. To restore the composition of the soil after the end of the strawberry period, the owners of the berry plantation use the rules of crop rotation.

Features of crop rotation in strawberry beds

Strawberries bear fruit well in the second and third years of their growth in one place. Further planting should be rejuvenated by changing the place for the berries. For this process to be most productive, it is important to comply with the requirements of crop rotation standards. It is often not possible to carry out a full crop rotation in a small area, but it is advisable to apply at least the simplest rule: do not plant crops with the same productive area after each other, i.e. berry crops after berry, leaf after leaf, etc.

Crop rotation scheme with the participation of berry growers
Crop rotation scheme with the participation of berry growers

It is important not to plant crops with a similar productive area immediately after strawberries.

If the strawberries, from which you decided to free the garden, were already bearing poor fruit, then it is better to simply burn the dug out bushes, dig up the ground to a depth of two shovels with bayonets and treat the soil with herbicides.

If the area permits, then such a site is best left "fallow" for a year to restore the soil. In this case, the site is dug up several times, organic substances and mineral additives are introduced and left to rest for a year without planting.

Parcel "under steam"
Parcel "under steam"

In order for the land to rest after strawberries, it would be good to leave the plot "under steam" for a year

What to plant after strawberries

Leaving a suburban area "under steam" on six acres is often simply impossible, so you have to look for the most advantageous replacement. Gardeners with experience assure that root crops are primarily such. And one of the best among them is carrots. Other options include:

  • greens,
  • bow,
  • cabbage,
  • leafy vegetables,
  • legumes,
  • bulbous crops, including flowers.
"Post-strawberry" crops
"Post-strawberry" crops

Among the "post-strawberry" crops are root crops, green manure and bulbous

Still, one of the most reasonable options for restoring soil after strawberries is planting siderates. These can be different legumes:

  • beans,
  • peas,
  • beans,
  • lentils.


    Legumes planted after strawberries will replenish nitrogen reserves in the soil

In addition to legumes, as siderates in the same season can be sown:

  • mustard,
  • phacelia,
  • alfalfa,
  • rape.

Video: soil recovery option after strawberries

What not to plant after strawberries next year

Strawberries belong to the Rosaceae family, so after it you cannot grow plants of the same family:

  • other varieties of strawberries and strawberries,
  • raspberries,
  • currants,
  • rosehip.

Immediately after strawberries, you should not plant other crops of the same family.

Our site is not entirely small, but we cannot afford to leave a place from under the strawberry beds to rest "under the steam" for a whole year. Therefore, after the end of the strawberry season, we immediately free the garden from old bushes, dig up the soil with a cultivator, add organic matter and sow siderates: a mixture of mustard and phacelia. And next season it will be possible to plant cabbage or legumes here.

To summarize: strawberries are a crop whose field needs to help the soil recover. And here green manures or legumes are good. But rosaceae, raspberries, strawberries, currants can settle in the same place no earlier than five years later. And everyone will be happy.
