How To Cool The Interior Of A Car Without Air Conditioning Quickly In The Heat
How To Cool The Interior Of A Car Without Air Conditioning Quickly In The Heat

How to cool the interior of a car in the heat without air conditioning

Heat in the cabin
Heat in the cabin

If the air conditioner has failed in the car, and the heat is thirty degrees outside, you cannot call a trip in such a car pleasant. And if the driver is stuck in a traffic jam, then the situation is aggravated many times, not far from heatstroke. Is it possible to quickly cool the car in such a situation? Can. Let's try to figure it out.

Preventing the car from overheating in the parking lot

There are several simple but effective measures to prevent the interior of the car from turning into a hot frying pan. Let's list them.

Parking in the shade

If the house has underground parking, that's great, and the problem of overheating in the parking lot can be considered solved. But not every car owner has such a luxury. Therefore, in the absence of underground parking for parking, it is worth choosing a place that is in the shade. When choosing such a place, one should take into account the movement of the sun and remember: an area in the shade in the morning can become a red-hot frying pan by three o'clock in the afternoon. And if it was not possible to find a shady place, there remains one more option. We must park the car so that the sun does not shine on the dashboard.

Sun blinds

If the car is in the sun most of the day, special sun shades can significantly reduce the temperature in the cabin.

Sun shade
Sun shade

Correctly fitted sun shades significantly reduce the interior temperature

Here are some points to consider when using them:

  • if the driver has left the car for five or more hours, then curtains should be used to close the windows of the passenger compartment facing south;
  • curtains are now sold with different types of fasteners: on suction cups, hooks, ribbons. When purchasing curtains with suction cups, remember that as the glass heats up, the suction cup also heats up, the pressure under it decreases and it can fall off. Therefore, the best option would be to choose a curtain, which is attached not only at the corners, but also in the center, and in several places;
  • the size of the curtains should also be considered. It must match the size of the glass. If the curtains are too large, it will be difficult to attach them to the glass, and they will constantly fall off. If they are small, they will pass part of the rays.

Video: attaching the sun shade with magnets

Salon windows opening

If the windows in the passenger compartment are open, air circulates freely through it, and the temperature inside will not be so high. This is an effective measure, but it can be used not always and everywhere:

  • you cannot leave the windows of the salon open while stopping at a shopping center or other public place. This will be an invitation for intruders to get whatever they want out of the cabin;
  • if the driver leaves the car in the forest or by the river, opening the windows will also not lead to anything good. When he returns, he finds that the salon is packed with flies and mosquitoes, which will not be so easy to drive out.

Protective case

Special covers made of light-protective fabrics are an excellent solution in order not only to reduce the temperature in the passenger compartment, but also to prevent fading of painted surfaces of the car under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Protective case
Protective case

The cover effectively protects the car not only from heat, but also from dust

And the cover protects the car well from dust. But they can only hide a car in a guarded parking lot or where strangers do not walk. Otherwise, the cover will simply be stolen.

Salon humidification

Help in the fight against heat in the cabin and ordinary wet towels lying on the dashboard and steering wheel of the car. Water evaporating from the fabric effectively cools hot surfaces, and at the same time the air in the cabin. Reduces the temperature in the cabin and regular ice bottles. All these measures work for a short time, as the towels dry out and the ice in the bottles melts. But when there is nothing better, they will do too.

Cooling the passenger compartment when traveling without air conditioning

Here are some simple steps you can take to make your hot ride a little more comfortable:

  • airing the machine. There is no need to rush to start the engine. If time permits, you can open all windows and doors of the car, releasing hot air from the passenger compartment;
  • wet wipes. If the steering wheel, seat, and dashboard are so hot that you cannot touch them, you can wipe them with ordinary damp wipes soaked in a cleaning compound. If there is no such napkin, a regular cloth soaked in cold water will do;

    Salon humidification
    Salon humidification

    A regular towel soaked in water is suitable for moisturizing the interior.

  • spray. It is best to use one that is sprayed with flowers at home. It is filled with cold water, which is sprayed into the cabin. If the water in the spray bottle is hot, you can cool it by wrapping it in a damp cloth and placing it in the sun. As the moisture evaporates, the water in the spray bottle will cool.


    A common indoor plant spray can do a good job for a driver stuck in traffic

Cooling in a traffic jam

Staying in a traffic jam without a working air conditioner is a serious challenge for both the driver and the car. But there are some things you can do here:

  • if the car does not have an air conditioner, you can simply start blowing the interior with outside air. But at the same time, wet wipes or towels should be hung on the deflectors;
  • so that the engine does not boil, it makes sense to turn on the stove for a few minutes. This measure seems paradoxical, but a running stove effectively takes heat from a hot engine, preventing it from overheating;
  • car fans. They are powered by a 12 volt car network and are sold at any auto parts store. The efficiency of such a fan is not very high, but it will bring some relief to the driver.

    Car fan
    Car fan

    The efficiency of the fans in the car can hardly be called high, but they will make life easier for the driver

How to avoid heatstroke

Heatstroke is not uncommon for drivers in traffic jams. To avoid overheating, follow these simple guidelines:

  • consuming enough water. A person of average build should drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. In the heat, people intensively lose moisture, so this amount increases significantly. Therefore, the machine must always have drinking water;
  • wearing the right clothes. “Correct” here means clothing that “breathes” and allows the body to cool normally. These clothes are made from natural fabrics. But wearing synthetics in hot conditions does not bode well for the driver.

Preparing the car for the heat

Prudent drivers prefer to prepare for the hot season in advance. Here are some simple measures to make life easier in the summer heat:

  • cooled glove compartment. Above it was said about compliance with the drinking regime. A cooled glove compartment will help keep drinking water cool;
  • curtains. Regular curtains on the side windows significantly reduce the temperature in the cabin;
  • foil. If you put it under the windshield, the steering wheel and dashboard will not get very hot, and you will not have to cool them with wet wipes;
  • athermal film. It is able to filter out a certain part of the light wavelength range. The interior heats up due to the fact that infrared and ultraviolet rays enter it. If you block their access to the salon, it will heat up much less. The film is installed on the windshield. At the same time, the transparency of the glass practically does not change.

    Athermal film
    Athermal film

    Athermal film on the windshield curbs UV rays

So, the heat creates a lot of problems for drivers. Nevertheless, you can fight it even with the help of improvised means. But it's still better to prepare for the onset of the summer heat in advance, having acquired everything you need.
