How To Cover The Roof Of The Garage, Including What Material To Choose Depending On The Roofing Device
How To Cover The Roof Of The Garage, Including What Material To Choose Depending On The Roofing Device

What material to choose for covering the roof of the garage

garage roof
garage roof

Covering the roof of a personal garage is a simple task that the owner usually copes with on his own. All difficulties in this case come down to the choice of a suitable material and knowledge of the technology of its laying. It takes into account both local climatic conditions (the value of snow and wind loads), and the harmonious combination of the garage roof with other buildings on the site.


  • 1 Selection of roofing material for garages with different roof designs

    • 1.1 Photo gallery: types of garage roofs
    • 1.2 What types of roofs are used for garages
    • 1.3 How to cover a flat or sloping pitched roof
    • 1.4 Photo gallery: types of polymer materials for garage roofing
  • 2 Roof selection depending on the material of the roof base

    • 2.1 How to cover a concrete garage roof

      2.1.1 Video: Step-by-step installation of the weld materials on the concrete base

    • 2.2 Coating for metal roof

      2.2.1 Video: metal roof update

    • 2.3 Roofing material for a wooden garage roof

      2.3.1 Video: Choosing a Roofing

  • 3 How can you cheaply cover your garage roof?

    3.1 Table: how much is a square meter of a roof made of various materials

The choice of roofing material for garages with different roof designs

Since the garage does not require heating, its roof is also made cold. But if this room is also supposed to be used as a workshop in the winter, then heating is carried out in it or a heater is installed, and the roof is insulated.

Photo gallery: types of garage roofs

Sophisticated multi-slope garage roof
Sophisticated multi-slope garage roof
The originally designed double garage under a complex multi-pitched roof fits well into the exterior of large suburban areas
Flat roof
Flat roof
A flat roof for a garage is common, allowing you to choose a quick and less costly method of roofing
Shed roof garage
Shed roof garage
A pitched roof is most convenient for roofing work and in subsequent operation
Garages for one car with a gable roof
Garages for one car with a gable roof

It is better to build a garage for one car with a gable roof, since different types of material can be used to cover it

Large gable roof garages for two cars
Large gable roof garages for two cars
Large garages for two cars can be designed with either a flat roof or a gable roof
Recessed (four-pitched) roof for a double garage
Recessed (four-pitched) roof for a double garage
A folded (four-pitched) roof with a slight angle of inclination for a double garage is usually covered with sheet metal roofing material
Large flat roof garage with folded edges
Large flat roof garage with folded edges
A flat roof with folded elements along the edges makes the garage a squat building outwardly and does not distinguish it from the general background

What types of roofs are used for garages

It is customary to make a garage roof flat or pitched. The second option during construction will cost a little more, but the roof with steep slopes allows you to additionally use the attic space. However, a flat roof can also be made useful by arranging a resting area or a planting site on it.

For a small garage, flat or pitched roofs with a slope of 6 to 20 degrees are popular. In this case, reinforced concrete slabs are used for the floor. This makes the garage space inaccessible from above.

Installation of a flat roof made of deposited materials over the floor slab
Installation of a flat roof made of deposited materials over the floor slab

On top of the floor slab on a flat roof, layers of vapor and heat insulation are laid, a screed is made, and then a roofing carpet made of fusion materials is laid

Another way to construct a roof is to fill it with expanded clay concrete over a corrugated board with additional reinforcement. This design is lightweight and does not require insulation due to the lightness and low thermal conductivity of expanded clay.

Laying the screed on a flat roof on a corrugated board
Laying the screed on a flat roof on a corrugated board

Decking under the screed on a flat roof is used as formwork

How to cover a flat or flat pitched roof

The choice of roofing material depends on the roof structure. A roof with steep slopes is rarely erected in the garage. Even despite the fact that this option allows you to use all types of roofing, except for the bulk layer. But gentle slopes and a flat roof are often built.

For such structures, the following materials are most commonly used:

  • metal roofing products (corrugated board, metal tiles, etc.) are used on roofs with a slope of 5 to 60 degrees. The basis for such a coating is the crate. If the roof is insulated, then a counter-lattice must be installed so that a ventilation channel is formed between the rafter system and the metal sheets. Metal coatings have the longest service life and reliability;

    Modern roofing made of corrugated board
    Modern roofing made of corrugated board

    Roofing from corrugated board serves up to 50 years

  • roofing felt - is a cardboard base impregnated with polymer-bitumen compositions. It is divided into roofing and lining, which is indicated on the marking of the rolls with the letters "K" or "P". Roofing felt is used for the final layer of the coating, and the lining is used only inside the roofing cake. Previously, roofing material was laid on a wooden base and fastened with roofing nails with wide caps, but recently they began to glue it onto mastic;

    Roofing roll material roofing felt
    Roofing roll material roofing felt

    Modern types of roofing roll roofing felt can regularly serve up to 15 years

  • welded roll materials - are made on the basis of fiberglass impregnated with polymer-bitumen compositions. Popularity has earned the material "Technonikol" in various designs, which is also available with and without sprinkling. The fabrics to be welded are laid with an overlap, so the edge of the top layer about 10 cm wide is left without sprinkling. The lower layer of the canvases is covered with a low-melting film so that the material in the roll does not cake;

    Installation of a welded roof on a pitched roof
    Installation of a welded roof on a pitched roof

    Roofing material “Technonikol” stylized as a tile allows you to get a beautiful and durable roof

  • bulk roofs - there are three types: reinforced, unreinforced and combined (when roofing material first spreads, and a bulk layer is already made over it). The material for such a roof is bitumen-based mastics with the addition of various polymers. Before pouring, the surface of the base is cleaned of debris and oily oily stains using chemical solvents. The surface is primed with a primer. Without reinforcement, filling materials are used on roofs with a slope of up to 2.5 degrees. And when the roof is formed with a slope up to 20 degrees, reinforcement is installed so that the mastic does not drain during the application. The total thickness of the roofing can be up to 10 mm, which requires pouring at least 5 layers;

    Garage with self-leveling roof
    Garage with self-leveling roof

    Do not walk on the self-leveling roof, otherwise its surface quickly breaks down

  • coatings made of polymer materials - these include: Shinglas shingles, Ondulin polymer-bitumen-based fibrous slate, fiberglass or polycarbonate slate. All these materials have sufficient mechanical properties, but require an individual approach to installation. For transparent products, a special frame is assembled to allow light to penetrate. When using polycarbonate, sheets with a thickness of at least 6 mm are used that can withstand hail. But the monolithic design is more durable, not even pierced by a bullet.

Photo gallery: types of polymer materials for a garage roof

Transparent roof for garage
Transparent roof for garage
In regions with little snow, you can make a garage with a transparent polycarbonate roof
Shinglas flexible bitumen shingles
Shinglas flexible bitumen shingles
Shingles on the roof will take a long time to catch cold, but their installation requires a lot of time, skill and money.
Bituminous slate Ondulin
Bituminous slate Ondulin
Ondulin bitumen slate can be used to make an original covering for a garage, but this material is only suitable for pitched roofs
Corrugated keramoplast for roof
Corrugated keramoplast for roof
Corrugated keramoplast is available in various colors, which allows you to build an unusual and beautiful roof on the garage

For plastic slate, you can use a rare crate. The rest of the installation requirements are the same as for traditional materials.

Roof selection depending on the material of the roof base

Usually, it is what the base of the garage roof is made of that influences the choice of roofing material. Garage roofs are made of reinforced concrete slabs, metal or wood. Therefore, it is better to consider each of these types separately.

How to cover a concrete garage roof

According to the plan, concrete floors are arranged with or without a slight slope. And for them, the use of a self-leveling roof or laying roll materials is more suitable. How to use them:

  • Roofing material - spreads over concrete slabs in 4–5 layers, but always across the direction of the roof slope. The surface of such a roof must be regularly inspected and any defects found to be eliminated. Roofing material can be laid on a dry roof with overlapping gluing or glued over the entire surface on a layer of applied mastic. Pros: low material price, simple installation technology, ease of repair;

    Laying roofing material sheets on mastic on a flat roof
    Laying roofing material sheets on mastic on a flat roof

    For the garage, instead of laying the canvases of ordinary roofing material on mastic, now more often melted roll materials are used: this speeds up the process of laying the roof

  • materials to be welded - before fusing the coating, the roof surface is sloped. For this, a sand-cement screed with beacons is made on top of the slabs, providing a slope of the surface to the drains;
  • self-leveling roofing for concrete - with exact fulfillment of the requirements for laying technology, such a roof is reliable, durable and amenable to repair.

Video: step-by-step placement of the deposited materials on a concrete base

Metal roof covering

If a simple non-capital metal garage is installed, then the roof on it is also welded from solid sheets. And she no longer needs additional coverage.

Metal frame garage, inside view
Metal frame garage, inside view

A garage completely made of a metal frame is built faster, but requires additional insulation work

Various materials are used to cover such a garage roof:

  • soft - roofing material, overlaid, products based on fiberglass, from fibrous materials with polymer-bitumen binders (tiles, products in the form of slate), etc.;
  • bulk for roofs;
  • sheet metal;
  • plastic - flat and profiled.

The main indicators when choosing a coating is the presence of material residues from previous construction.

Video: metal roof update

Roofing material for wooden garage roof

For a wooden roof, there are practically no restrictions in the choice of finishing coating, unless the slope angle allows the use of a self-leveling roof.

Roof covering with corrugated board on a wooden base
Roof covering with corrugated board on a wooden base

To cover the roof with corrugated board with small corrugations without reinforcement ribs, frequent or even continuous lathing is used

And some more difficulties arise when laying the welded roof directly on the wood. This is due to the use of open fire during installation and possible damage to parts of the rafter system. Therefore, such a roof needs additional treatment with antiseptic and flame retardant materials.

Fusing a soft roof onto a wooden roof
Fusing a soft roof onto a wooden roof

Before melting a soft roof onto a wooden roof, it is important to treat the base with special compounds in order to exclude a fire

Video: choosing roofing

How can you cheaply cover your garage roof?

The cost of roofing is one of the main criteria when choosing materials. Therefore, it is important to research the market and determine which roofing material is best for a particular garage roof.

Table: how much is a square meter of a roof made of various materials

Name of materials Cost per square meter of roofing, rub / m2 Notes

Roofing material

- mastic



Copper sheet 300-360 In rubles / kg
Aluminum 1500
Zinc + titanium, sheet 1600-2700
Galvanized steel sheet 500-600
Metal tile 220 + additional elements
Painted steel corrugated board Н44, НС44 273 + additional elements
Cement fiber 180
Polycarbonates 480
Ceramic tile 800-1300
Cement-sand tile 400-650
Porcelain stoneware 20 In $ / m 2

It turns out that it is more profitable to cover the roof with roofing felt. And the technology of laying such a roof is simple and available for independent execution. Although the durability of the coating is not great: it will have to be repaired after 5 years. However, the repair is as simple as the initial fabrication, but does not require complete dismantling.

The garage is used for shelter and vehicle maintenance. Therefore, such a structure requires a reliable roof, which allows creating optimal conditions for storing equipment and carrying out repair work. This is facilitated by the installation of a suitable roof covering and the installation of local heating.
