Ligfol For Cats: Indications And Contraindications, Side Effects, Reviews, Cost And Analogues
Ligfol For Cats: Indications And Contraindications, Side Effects, Reviews, Cost And Analogues

Ligfol for cats

Ligfall for cats
Ligfall for cats

Often, new-generation drugs are not easily included in veterinary practice. Many doctors prefer to treat in the old fashioned way, trusting repeatedly proven means and schemes. There were initially very controversial reviews about the relatively new veterinary drug Ligfol, but over time, the number of its supporters has increased markedly, since the positive results of using this drug are very convincing evidence in its favor.


  • 1 Description of the drug Ligfol

    • 1.1 Composition and form of release
    • 1.2 Mechanism of action
  • 2 Indications for use in cats

    • 2.1 How to inject a cat correctly

      2.1.1 Video: learning to give a cat an intramuscular injection

    • 2.2 Dosage and duration of treatment

      2.2.1 Table: treatment regimens for cats with Ligfall for various diseases

    • 2.3 Application features in kittens and pregnant cats
  • 3 Important aspects of using Ligfall

    • 3.1 Contraindications and side effects
    • 3.2 Interaction with other drugs
    • 3.3 Storage conditions and shelf life
  • 4 Ligfol's analogs

    • 4.1 Table: analogues of the drug Ligfol according to indications for use

      4.1.1 Photo gallery: functional analogs of Ligfall used for cats

  • 5 Reviews of cat owners
  • 6 Reviews of veterinarians

Description of the drug Ligfol

Ligfol is an innovative product of domestic pharmacology. Scientists from the All-Russian Veterinary Research Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy, headed by Professor Vitaly Buzlama, worked on the development of a new drug in collaboration with the Russian Research Institute of Oncology and Ligpharm, which took over the practical part - the production of the drug.


Ligfol is an innovative product of domestic pharmacology

Together, a difficult and interesting task was realized - the veterinary drug Ligfol successfully passed clinical trials, which confirmed the effectiveness of its complex properties for the treatment of domestic and farm animals and birds. In particular, the following qualities of this drug are positioned:

  • immunostimulating;
  • antivirus;
  • antineoplastic;
  • antioxidant;
  • hepatoprotective;
  • stress-correcting;
  • adaptive.

Composition and form of release

Ligfol's instruction indicates that this is primarily an injection solution, which can be used externally in some cases, for example, for lotions and washing wounds.

Ligfall packaging
Ligfall packaging

Ligfol's solution is brown

The therapeutic effect of Ligfol is based on the unique stimulating and restorative properties of its main active ingredient - humic substances.

Plants and humus
Plants and humus

The term "humic substances" is derived from the Latin humus ("earth" or "soil")

Ligfol's formula also contains auxiliary components:

  • sodium pyrophosphoric acid decahydrate;
  • sodium chloride;
  • demineralized water.

Mechanism of action

The wide range of Ligfall's capabilities is explained by the fact that any living organism perceives its formula as "its own", and not alien - it does not reject, but begins to cooperate in all organs and systems without exception. At the cell level, the immune system is activated, as well as the production of interferon, which creates a barrier to the penetration of infections:

  • viruses;
  • fungi;
  • bacteria.
Cat smiles
Cat smiles

A cat with Ligfall will have good health and good mood

The drug has a beneficial effect on such vital processes as blood formation and synthesis of active oxygen in cells. The correct use of Ligfol in pets has the following positive results:

  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • toxins and other decay products are removed;
  • regeneration of all tissues is accelerated;
  • liver function improves.

Indications for use in cats

The therapeutic effect of Ligfol on the cat's body can be considered both on the basis of the entire complex of properties of this drug, and on its specific aspects. Ligfol increases the animal's resistance to various external factors and, therefore, can be used in the following situations:

  • for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by the entire spectrum of infections;
  • with poisoning of various origins;
  • in cases of severe parasitic infection and for recovery after treatment against helminths;
  • as a stress corrector - on the eve and after possible stress on the nervous system, as well as to correct disruptions in the cat's behavior.
The cat is sick
The cat is sick

Ligfol effectively fights infectious diseases

The developers of Ligfall position it as an immunostimulant with anti-tumor properties, and practitioners recommend using this medication for cancer-infected animals:

  • as part of complex drug therapy to prevent the formation of tumors and slow down their growth;
  • in parallel with chemotherapy sessions - for general support of the body;
  • in the postoperative period - for full rehabilitation and quick healing of stitches;
  • to prolong life and improve its quality - in hopelessly ill patients.
Cat after surgery
Cat after surgery

A cat after surgery with Ligfall will recover faster

The recovery capabilities of the drug also make it possible to use it in various fields:

  • to improve the condition of the liver and pancreas after severe poisoning and chronic diseases;
  • for general rehabilitation after any surgical intervention;
  • to restore tissues, including damaged skin;
  • to normalize the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • to stabilize and strengthen the nervous system.
The cat is angry
The cat is angry

Ligfol helps to correct negative manifestations in the cat's behavior

How to inject a cat correctly

Ligfol for cats is injected only intramuscularly. Since cats are sensitive animals, and the injection of the drug can be quite painful, certain skills will be required from the owner in order to independently administer an injection to his pet. If you do not have such a useful practice, then for the first time ask someone to help you - hold the cat during the injection, especially if it is a strong and emotional animal.

Places for intramuscular injections
Places for intramuscular injections

Intramuscular injections are best done in the thigh.

You need to try to calm your pet down before the unpleasant procedure - he trusts you and will understand that you care about him, and not just for some reason want to hurt. Having securely fixed the cat, gently massage the place where you will put the injection, and carefully inject the medicine. Take your time: the introduction of Ligfall can give painful sensations, but after a few minutes they will pass. After the injection, massage the muscle again so that a seal does not form in it.

The cat is injected
The cat is injected

Caress and calm your pet - and he will calmly endure the unpleasant procedure

Video: learning to give a cat an intramuscular injection

Dosage and duration of treatment

As with most injectable veterinary drugs, a single dosage of Ligfol is calculated based on the patient's weight. The limiting ratio is simple: one kilogram of the animal's body weight relies on 0.1 milliliter of Ligfol injection solution. In this case, the daily dose of the drug should not exceed 1.5 milliliters.

Small Vial of Ligfall
Small Vial of Ligfall

Small vials of Ligfall are usually purchased for cats.

Table: treatment regimens for cats with Ligfall for various diseases

Appointment Treatment regimen (in complex therapy)
Infectious diseases
  • the main course - injections on the 1st and 3rd day;
  • additional course - injections on the 5th, 10th and 15th day
Strong intoxication injections on the 1st, 4th and 7th day
Helminthic infection
  • 2-3 days before the worm;
  • directly on the day of processing;
  • on the 5th and 10th day after deworming
The effects of stress injection one day before the possible moment of stress
Benign tumors
  • weekly injections for one and a half or two months;
  • if necessary - a second course in two to three months
Tumors are malignant
  • from five to ten injections with an interval of three days;
  • to conduct several courses with breaks for a month;
  • treatment must be agreed with a doctor
Surgical interventions
  • injection three days before surgery;
  • injections on the 2nd and 4th day after surgery;
  • processing of surgical sutures with undiluted composition - twice a day

An excellent healing effect is demonstrated by the use of Ligfol (in the form of washing or lotions) for the treatment of various skin lesions;

  • wounds and abrasions;
  • burns;
  • weeping eczema;
  • trophic ulcers.
Cat and cat
Cat and cat

Ligfall - an ally in matters of feline love

The practice of many breeders confirms that Ligfall has a positive effect on the performance of mating. The drug is injected into both the cat and the cat - ten, six and three days before mating.

Features of use in kittens and pregnant cats

The use of Ligfol during pregnancy helps to improve the general condition of both the expectant mother and the embryos - to improve their intrauterine formation and increase survival. The drug helps well with toxicosis, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, the cat regains good appetite and mood. The injection course, carried out on the eve of childbirth, activates labor activity, promotes rapid rehabilitation of the cat and improves its lactation.

Pregnant cat
Pregnant cat

The use of Ligfol will make it easier for a cat during pregnancy and childbirth.

It is recommended to use Ligfol to normalize the growth of kittens, weakened or lagging behind in development. Given their small size, injections should be done with extreme caution - it is better to entrust this responsible procedure to specialists. In this case, the standard course of the preventive course consists of four injections, they need to be given to babies every fifth day of their life.


Ligfol is recommended for weak, premature or retarded kittens

Important aspects of using Ligfall

Ligfol is an affordable drug - it is freely sold in veterinary pharmacies, although it is quite expensive. But the courses of treatment are usually not long, and the consumption of medication for the cat is low. To get the maximum effect from Ligfol, you must strictly follow the rules for its use and carry out treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

Studies of the drug Ligfol and in the process of many years of its use in practice have not revealed contraindications and side effects. But this does not mean at all that the owners have the right only at their own discretion to treat their pets with such a potent remedy.

Kitten in arms
Kitten in arms

Treatment with Ligfall should take place as directed by the veterinarian and under his supervision

Do not be overly alarmed by a slight increase in temperature in your pet after the first injection of Ligfall. This is a natural reaction of the body to the active components of the drug, and it manifests itself only at the very beginning of treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

Ligfol can be easily combined with the use of any medication or biologically active additives - there will be no negative consequences from such parallel use.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The shelf life of Ligfol specified in the instructions is two years from the date of its release indicated on the package. Of course, the tightness of the bottles with the solution should not be compromised. The composition decomposes under the influence of bright light, therefore, it is necessary to find a dark and dry place for the preparation - separate from food and feed, and also inaccessible to children and animals.

Large Vial of Ligfall
Large Vial of Ligfall

There is no point in buying a large bottle of Ligfall to treat one cat

The expired or lost its useful properties of the drug should be immediately disposed of together with the glass container in which it was located. Important: after opening the bottle, Ligfol must be used within one day!

Ligfol's analogs

Since Ligfol is unique both in its natural composition and in the spectrum of therapeutic use, there are no other drugs that could be considered its complete analogues. But for use in a narrower field, you can use other veterinary medicines - no less effective and more affordable.

Table: analogues of the drug Ligfol according to indications for use

Drug name Structure Therapeutic effect Contraindications Manufacturer country Estimated cost
Da-ba Relax Plus

plant extracts:

  • valerian;
  • lemon balm;
  • motherwort
  • normalizes the emotional sphere;
  • reduces the severity of stress and its consequences;
  • has a pronounced sedative effect;
  • corrects unwanted behavior (aggressiveness, cowardice, etc.)
hypersensitivity to the components of the drug Da-ba Relax Plus Latvia 400 rubles per pack with 30 tablets
  • sodium nucleinate;
  • placenta extract;
  • water for injections
  • stimulates natural defense mechanisms;
  • promotes overall strengthening and improvement;
  • used to treat infections and infestations;
  • promptly reduces intoxication;
  • activates the functions of the reproductive sphere;
  • improves the development of kittens and the condition of older animals
hypersensitivity to the components of the drug Gamavit Russia 170 rubles for a bottle of 10 milliliters
  • disodium salt of polyprenol phosphate;
  • ethanol;
  • glycerol;
  • twin-80;
  • water for injections
  • strengthens the body's defenses;
  • resists viral and bacterial infections;
  • activates metabolism;
  • used to improve the effectiveness of vaccination
  • hypersensitivity to the constituents of the drug Fosprenil;
  • cannot be combined with steroids;
  • do not dilute with salt solutions
Russia 190 rubles for a bottle of 10 milliliters
Phytoelite cytostat

plant extracts:

  • broccoli;
  • oregano;
  • chaga;
  • horsetail;
  • immortelle;
  • celandine;
  • St. John's wort;
  • melissa, etc.,


  • calcium stearate;
  • lactose;
  • starch
  • works as an immunomodulator and antioxidant;
  • removes toxic substances;
  • inhibits tumor development at the initial stage;
  • prevents the occurrence of breast cancer;
  • carries out the prevention of false pregnancy
hypersensitivity to the constituents of the drug Phytoelita cytostat Russia 130 rubles per pack with 50 tablets

Photo gallery: functional analogues of Ligfol used for cats

Da-ba Relax Plus
Da-ba Relax Plus
Da-ba Relax Plus is a tablet preparation with a calming and anti-stress effect
Fosprenil - solution for injection with immunomodulatory and antiviral properties
Immunomodulator Gamavit is a sterile injection solution containing natural ingredients
Phytoelite cytostat
Phytoelite cytostat
Phytoelita cytostat is a tablet preparation of immunomodulating and antitumor action

Cat owners reviews

Veterinarian reviews

A unique composition of natural origin, a wide range of applications, no contraindications and age restrictions, high efficiency - all these factors make the veterinary drug Ligfol more and more popular among doctors, breeders and ordinary cat owners.
