What To Plant After Potatoes For The Next Year And What To Combine Planting With
What To Plant After Potatoes For The Next Year And What To Combine Planting With

What to plant after potatoes next year and what to combine with

Potatoes in the garden
Potatoes in the garden

Potatoes have long been considered our second bread. Of course, large areas are needed for commercial production, but at least a couple of dozen bushes are planted in an ordinary dacha in order to feast on freshly dug tubers. But you can't plant it in one place every year, you have to choose what to replace it with in the garden.


  • 1 What can you plant after potatoes next year
  • 2 What can not be planted after potatoes
  • 3 What can be planted with potatoes in the same bed: mixed plantings
  • 4 Reviews

What can be planted after potatoes next year

Unlike the vast majority of vegetables, potatoes can be planted in one place for 2-3 years, but then you still need to take a break for several years. The need to change crops stems from very simple and straightforward crop rotation rules. They are based on hard facts. After all, each vegetable crop extracts from the soil a certain set of nutrients in the ratio inherent in it. And often leaves behind a certain set of pests and pathogens, even if she herself did not have time to catch them.

In this regard, after the "gluttonous" vegetables, you should plant those that are not very demanding on nutrition, allowing the soil to heal itself. Ideally, once every 5–6 years, the land should be allowed to rest, without planting anything at all. But land-poor summer residents cannot afford it. In addition, after any culture, it is categorically impossible to plant a related one: as a rule, they have the same diseases and pests.

Before planting potatoes, the soil is well fertilized, mainly organic, including unripe manure. For a year, it re-cooks completely and after growing potatoes, a lot of food still remains in the ground. Therefore, by adding additionally a complex of mineral fertilizers, it is possible to plant many different crops in this place next season: after all, little remains after potatoes and weeds.

Crop rotation scheme
Crop rotation scheme

Most crop rotation schemes are not complete without sowing green manure

The optimal followers of potatoes in the garden are as follows:

  • various root vegetables (beets, carrots, parsley, celery, radish);
  • all kinds of salads;
  • onions, garlic (they perfectly disinfect the soil);
  • legumes (beans, beans, peas) - they enrich the soil with organic nitrogen compounds;
  • pumpkin vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin proper).

    Pumpkin in the garden
    Pumpkin in the garden

    The next year after potatoes, any pumpkin

It is quite acceptable to settle any cabbage in the garden. It requires a lot of nutrients, so you must first add it to the soil and organic matter (humus, compost). There are no other obstacles for her.

What can not be planted after potatoes

The list of vegetables that should never be planted after potatoes is very short. These are its related cultures, which are part of the nightshade family:

  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • sweet and bitter peppers;
  • physalis.

    Tomatoes in the garden
    Tomatoes in the garden

    No nightshade has a place in the garden after potatoes

Basically, the ban is due to the fact that after potatoes, Colorado potato beetle larvae very often remain in the garden, and this pest loves to eat both peppers and tomatoes. In addition to the beetle, late blight is also to blame for this - the most dangerous disease inherent in any nightshade crops. You should not plant after potatoes and strawberries: they feel very bad in the former potato garden for 2-3 years.

What can be planted with potatoes in the same bed: mixed plantings

Joint plantings are widely used by modern gardeners. They solve a number of tasks:

  • rational use of cultivated areas;
  • placement on the same bed of crops that ripen at different times;
  • mutual aid of vegetables in pest control.

In some cases, joint plantings even increase yields. It is only important to choose the right combination, since some plant species, on the contrary, are capable of oppressing each other. It is important that the neighbors in the garden have a slightly different diet, so that each specific food element is enough for all vegetables. But it is especially important to know which plants are capable of warding off certain pests (the classic of the garden genre is the joint planting of onions, which drives away a carrot fly, and carrots, which the onion fly cannot tolerate).

Bed neighbors table
Bed neighbors table

There are reference tables for choosing neighbors

Almost all gardeners plant bush beans between the rows of potatoes, knowing their ability to saturate the soil with nitrogen. The potato nematode is driven off by marigolds or calendula planted nearby. Other good potato neighbors:

  • cabbage;
  • corn;
  • mint;
  • radish;
  • radish;
  • garlic;
  • bow.
Beans with potatoes
Beans with potatoes

Beans are the best neighbor for potatoes

Radish, as a compacting crop, is generally out of competition: while the potato grows, its harvest will already be harvested. Peas or vegetable beans are usually planted along the edge of a potato garden: they should not be planted in the middle of the garden.

In no case should there be nightshades nearby: tomatoes, eggplants, peppers. The Colorado potato beetle will happily take on any of these vegetables. An unsuccessful combination - potatoes and cucumbers. Among berry crops, strawberries are a problem: their close proximity harms potatoes, and vice versa. Nematodes and wireworm are to blame for this. However, planting potatoes next to raspberries or currants is also useless. A bad option is sowing sunflower, which takes too much nutrients out of the soil.

It is undesirable to plant a pumpkin nearby, although many gardeners practice this option. This is due to the risk of contamination of pumpkin with late blight. However, it is believed that the planks placed under the fruits save the pumpkin from this disease. Well, the pumpkin lashes themselves should not be allowed to come into contact with the potato tops. Carrots and beets are considered neutral neighbors for potatoes.


It is believed that growing potatoes is not difficult, and most often it is. Just don't harm her by settling related cultures nearby. Yes, and after potatoes the next year, her close relatives have no place in the garden. The rest of the options should be considered more closely.