Why You Can't Step On Graves In A Cemetery And What Will Happen If You Break The Ban
Why You Can't Step On Graves In A Cemetery And What Will Happen If You Break The Ban

Why you can't step on graves in a cemetery

old cemetery
old cemetery

The cemetery is a special place, during a visit to which the rules and rituals must be strictly observed. Violation of existing prohibitions can lead to unpleasant consequences. Everyone should know why one should not step on the grave.

Why you can't step on graves and what happens if you break the ban

Often, due to their own inattention or frivolity, people step on the grave of a loved one or a complete stranger. Such an act is assessed ambiguously from the point of view of folk wisdom and the Orthodox faith.

Signs and superstitions

There are the following signs regarding this issue:

  1. Accidentally stepping on a grave, a person causes strong anger of the deceased, who is buried in it. To correct the situation, you should quickly jump aside and sincerely ask the deceased for forgiveness for your behavior. But even in this case, troubles cannot be avoided. If a person purposefully commits a negative act and does not seek to ask forgiveness for him, then the consequences will be as harmful as possible.
  2. Ignoring what happened completely eliminates the likelihood of a negative development of events. It is believed that people themselves attract bad energy due to the constant reflection on their oversight. If you immediately “throw out” what happened from your head, then you won't have to wait for anything bad.
  3. By stepping on a grave, a person expresses his deep respect to the deceased. In a similar way, he confirms the fact that the deceased never put his interests above God's will during his earthly life.
  4. Contact with the energy of a deceased person provokes the development of diseases. As you know, there is a strong energy in burial places, to which people react in different ways. Especially susceptible individuals often feel bad in such places. Having stepped on the grave, after a while, you can feel unwell.

Opinion of the Russian Orthodox Church

The Orthodox faith considers any behavior that may disturb the departed as negative. Accordingly, having stepped on the grave, one should sincerely ask for forgiveness.

To exclude the likelihood of committing such an act, you need to behave in the cemetery extremely carefully while moving between the rows of burials.

clerics in the cemetery
clerics in the cemetery

Rational reasons

You should not step on graves and for rational reasons. There is a chance to face the following consequences:

  • cause dissatisfaction with the loved ones of the deceased who are nearby;
  • stumble and injure yourself;
  • damage the lawn or flowers around the grave.
people in the cemetery
people in the cemetery

The upbringing of a person is manifested in respect not only for the living, but also for the dead. Correct behavior in the cemetery will help to avoid condemnation of others and the occurrence of unpleasant consequences.
