Why You Can't Pick Mushrooms And Berries In The Cemetery: Signs And Facts
Why You Can't Pick Mushrooms And Berries In The Cemetery: Signs And Facts

Why you can't pick mushrooms and berries in the cemetery


Many superstitious people believe that nothing should be taken from graves if you are not a poor man. But not everyone understands why it is impossible to pick mushrooms, fruits and berries in the cemetery. Both psychics and priests and biologists have opinions on this issue.

Why you can't pick mushrooms and berries in the cemetery

If you ask any person why it is forbidden to pick fruits or other food in the cemetery, he will answer that it is unethical in the first place. Many people disdain to eat fruits grown on cadaveric poisons. But besides the moral aspects, there are questions of religion, age-old superstitions and just common sense. And then everyone decides for himself whether to feed from the cemetery.


Signs and superstitions

The superstitious have a saying: "Plague, like berries from the churchyard ate." Psychics prohibit taking food from the cemetery territory, claiming that eating such food leads to the loss of oneself.

Those who believe in the supernatural argue that there is an overwhelming energy of grief and despair in the cemetery. This means that plants are able to absorb everything bad, and then harm the eater. Of course, there is no scientific basis for these statements.


Does the church support this ban?

The priests have nothing against harvesting at the churchyard. When asked if it is possible to pick berries and cut mushrooms, they quote the Apostle Paul: "What enters a man's mouth does not defile him." There will be no divine curse for such actions.

Many people note that cherries, apples, gooseberries and raspberries in urban and rural cemeteries are even tastier and juicier than fruits grown elsewhere. But Christians are still afraid of harvesting fruits and berries in a sacred place.

Logical explanation of the ban

Mushrooms absorb heavy metals and poisons well. And the cemetery is a source of pollution. After the decomposition of the coffin and the clothes of the deceased, plastic and polyester, metals from the fence get into the ground. Even the components used in embalming harm the plants. As for the berries, they should not be picked in places with contaminated soil.

In the process of decomposition of protein compounds (of which the human body consists), toxic substances ptomain, nitrogen compounds, chlorides are released. Plants and fungi quickly absorb toxins, such food can cause poisoning.

an Apple
an Apple

If you want to make supplies for the winter, it is better to choose ecologically clean areas for harvesting, for example, in the depths of the forest. Only offerings can be taken from the graves. But whether it is worth feasting on sweets and eggs - everyone decides for himself.
