Table of contents:
- Centipedes: where are they from in the apartment and how to get rid of them
- Varieties of millipedes: the reasons for their appearance in the house, is there a danger to a person from being close to them
- How to get rid: ways to deal with centipedes in an apartment and a private house
- Prevention of the appearance of centipedes
- Video: interesting facts about the common flycatcher
2025 Author: Bailey Albertson | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:41
Centipedes: where are they from in the apartment and how to get rid of them

The appearance of centipedes in a private house or apartment becomes a problem for many of us. This insect is even useful in everyday life, but it looks unpleasant and can bite significantly. Therefore, in most cases, people try to get rid of his presence. This can be done in different ways.
1 Varieties of millipedes: the reasons for their appearance in the house, is there a danger to humans from being close to them
- 1.1 Common flycatcher
- 1.2 Scolopendra
2 How to get rid: ways to deal with centipedes in an apartment and a private house
- 2.1 What can be done at home without the use of chemicals to get rid of centipedes
2.2 Industrial insecticides to help remove insects forever
2.2.1 Photo gallery: means that will help to remove insects from the home
- 2.3 Using Natural Pesticides to Get Rid of Centipedes
- 3 Prevention of the appearance of centipedes
- 4 Video: interesting facts about the common flycatcher
Varieties of millipedes: the reasons for their appearance in the house, is there a danger to a person from being close to them
Scientifically, the centipede is the name of a superclass of four classes of arthropods. On the territory of Russia, in human habitation, you can find only the common centipede and ringed scolopendra (class of labipods). In everyday life, both species are called centipedes or centipedes. Let's consider them in more detail.
Common flycatcher
Officially, the Volga region and southern Russia are considered the habitat of the flycatcher (among other countries), but it can also be found in the center of the country. The insect is relatively small, in an adult state it has a size of 3.5 to 6 cm. The color is sandy or yellowish-gray, there are dark stripes along the body and across the legs. This centipede is a predator, it feeds on small arthropods: moths, fleas, silverfish, flies, cockroaches, spiders, etc. In nature, it lives both on trees and under them, in fallen leaves.
The flycatcher moves to human habitation in the fall, fleeing the approaching cold weather. He settles in places with high humidity: basements, bathrooms, kitchens. Active at any time of the day. While defending itself, this centipede can bite, but the strength of its jaws is often insufficient to pierce the skin. An insect bite is similar to a mosquito or bee bite, a swelling of one force or another may appear - it all depends on the person's personal susceptibility.

The most common centipede species found in homes: common flycatcher
In Russia, only ringed, or Crimean skolopendra is found, and it can be found only in the south of the country, or rather, on the Crimean peninsula (hence the second name). This centipede is a predator that preys on small insects and worms. The size is modest for its kind, only 10-12 cm in length. The color is golden yellow, with transverse black stripes. The usual habitats of the ringed centipede are shaded, damp corners of the garden, cracks between stones or the space under them, decayed trees with peeling bark, etc.
With the onset of cold weather, the insect begins to look for more comfortable places to live and often finds them in houses and apartments. More often he settles in the bathroom and in the kitchen, since it is warm there, there is constant access to water. It catches the eye mainly at night. The millipede bite is painful (some compare it to multiple bee stings), but there is no danger to the life of an adult. A serious threat to health appears if the bitten person is allergic.

Ringed centipede can be found only in the south of Russia
How to get rid: ways to deal with centipedes in an apartment and a private house
The flycatcher and the centipede, although they differ in appearance, are very similar in their way of life, therefore the methods of dealing with them are the same. There are two options for getting rid of these insects from your home: technical and chemical. In the first case, we make the house unsuitable for the centipede to live, and in the second, we use chemicals that poison or scare it away. The second without the first is irrational to apply, since after a while the insects will return.
What can be done at home without the use of chemicals to get rid of centipedes
To make your home unattractive for a centipede, you need to remember its preferences: a large number of places where you can hide, high humidity, the presence of small insects for food. Hence:
- Inspect the house / apartment for gaps in the foundation, behind the skirting boards, between the floorboards. All that is there is to putty well. In the basement or subfield, if any, do the same. Revision storage areas, remove unwanted stacks of paper, rags, etc.
- Inspect the water pipes and heating system, plumbing and the places of its connection to the sewer and water pipes. Find leaks to eliminate, think over how to avoid the accumulation of condensate on surfaces where it appears. If the latter is not possible, then the problem should be minimized by improving ventilation.
- Get rid of small insects that inhabit the room: flies, cockroaches, ants, moths, etc.
Often, these activities are enough and the centipedes themselves leave the home. If this does not happen, the next step will be to use chemicals purchased in a store or made yourself.
Industrial insecticides to help eliminate insects forever
The simplest and fastest are aerosols and sprays. The disadvantage of this method is possible toxicity to humans, since a suspension of the drug is formed in the air for some time. You should work in a respirator, and after processing, ventilate the room well.
- Starex spray.
- Medilis Ziper. Concentrated agent, diluted according to the instructions, processing is done using a spray bottle.
- "Delta Zone". It is used in the same way as the previous drug.
- Henkel Combat aerosol.
- Raid, aerosol.
Other remedies that are effective against centipedes:
- Globol Origina, paste. Contains two potent substances, deltamethrin and diflubenzuron. It helps for a long time, but special care should be taken when working with it.
- Lambda zone, granules. It is laid out in places where insects accumulate.
- Raptor, aquafumigator. Allows you to process the entire room at once, without working on individual sections. The most effective remedy of all, but also the most toxic. During the operation of the fumigator, all people should leave the room. Pets, including aquarium fish, should be removed.
Photo gallery: means to help remove insects from the home
Raptor aquafumigator - Aquafumigator "Raptor" - the most effective means for fighting insects
Aerosol Raid To Get Rid Of Insects - Aerosol is suitable for pinpoint destruction of centipedes
Medelis-ziper for treating an apartment or private house from insects - When using Medelis-Ziper, a spray bottle is required
Delta zone - Capsulated suspension "Delta-zone" is also applied by spray
You can also use Velcro traps around your home. However, they are only effective against the flycatcher. Scolopendra, especially large, is able to pull a limb out of the glue or tear it off and leave.
Using natural pesticides to get rid of centipedes
The first agent to be mentioned is boric acid powder. Usually it is included in the composition of a poisonous bait, but it will not work with centipedes, they are predators. In this case, the powder is scattered over the baseboards, under the bathroom, sink, in other places where insects accumulate. The centipede gets dirty in the powder, tries to cleanse itself and the acid enters the digestive tract. If there are cockroaches in the house, we make a bait: boric acid is mixed with boiled yolk, the resulting mass rolls into balls and is laid out around the house. The scolopendra or flycatcher will eat a poisoned insect and poison itself.
The second remedy is diatomaceous earth. The peculiarity of this drug is that it first destroys the outer integument of the centipede, gets inside, causing disturbances in the functioning of the body, and then death. The drug has the same effect on all insects without exception. At the same time, diatomaceous earth is completely safe for humans and domestic animals.
Prevention of the appearance of centipedes
The main way to prevent the appearance of these insects is to constantly monitor the condition of the dwelling and the order in it. Any cracks in the floor, furniture or walls must be repaired in time, leaks from the taps must be repaired. Rags and sponges used for cleaning should be promptly dried and stored in specially designated places. The floor must be kept as clean and free of small items as possible. It is better to take it as a rule: there is only furniture directly on the floor, everything else is on it or on the shelves.
Video: interesting facts about the common flycatcher
Getting rid of flycatchers and centipedes in your home is easy. And if you follow all the conditions for preventing their appearance, then you can forget about these insects for a long time.
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