Garden Strawberry Darselect - Description Of The Variety, Nuances Of Care And Other Important Aspects + Photo
Garden Strawberry Darselect - Description Of The Variety, Nuances Of Care And Other Important Aspects + Photo

Garden strawberry Darselect - a real gift for gardeners


When faced with a variety of varieties of garden strawberries, eyes involuntarily begin to round. But we need to pull ourselves together, take a deep breath and think about the fact that first of all we need a reliable variety that will consistently delight with the harvest and can survive the hardships of life in the open air. If your goal sounds like this, then take a closer look at the variety with the interesting name Darselect. A description of the advantages and disadvantages of this type of garden strawberry is useful for both experienced gardeners and beginners.


  • 1 What and how to call it?

    1.1 Photo gallery: differences between strawberries, strawberries and garden strawberries

  • 2 Variety description

    • 2.1 Table: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

      2.1.1 Video: overview and characteristics of Darselect garden strawberries

  • 3 Planting and care

    • 3.1 Site selection, soil preparation
    • 3.2 Scheme and time of boarding
    • 3.3 Watering, dressing
    • 3.4 Table: application periods and their composition
  • 4 Important features of growing
  • 5 Reproduction of garden strawberries

    • 5.1 Using a mustache
    • 5.2 Dividing the bush
    • 5.3 Propagation by seeds
  • 6 Table: diseases and pests of the Darselect variety

    6.1 Photo gallery of diseases and pests of garden strawberry Darselect

  • 7 Harvesting and storage
  • 8 Reviews of gardeners

What and how to call it?

Strawberries and garden strawberries - what's the difference? Strawberry is a herbaceous plant with small and fragrant berries, with a stunning sweet and sour taste. This is primarily a forest plant, and only then a garden plant. Many strawberries were collected in boxes in the meadows in childhood. Strawberries are also a herbaceous and wild plant, which they try not to cultivate in the plots. Strawberries grow and multiply by themselves, their berries are larger than strawberries, conical or spherical in shape, with a slight edge and an excellent sweet taste with hints of musk. Its yield is average or even below average, therefore, it is mainly left to grow in large areas as a landscaping element.

But after the 18th century, Europe and Russia learned about the garden strawberries brought from America. She easily got accustomed to our realities and began to quickly displace ordinary strawberries. Its large berries are sometimes so large that they can pleasantly press with their weight on the palm. To date, many varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries have been bred, and Darselect is one of them.

Photo Gallery: Differences Between Strawberries, Strawberries and Garden Strawberries

Wild strawberry bush
Wild strawberry bush
Wild strawberries have small berries with a sweet and sour taste
Wild strawberry ripe
Wild strawberry ripe
Strawberries are very fragrant and only slightly larger than strawberries in size, they are distinguished by a spherical shape of berries
Garden strawberry bush
Garden strawberry bush

Large berries are what distinguishes garden strawberries from other related plants.

Description of the variety

Darselect is a medium early short daylight (KSD) variety - fruit buds are laid in late August-early September, when there are not so many daytime hours. At this time, the summer heat is gone, the soil begins to cool down.

Garden strawberry bush Darselect
Garden strawberry bush Darselect

Darselect berries can be very large and compete in size with a matchbox

Bushes grow large, with dark green leaves and a strong root system. Fruits are cordate with a rounded end. By weight, they reach 20 - 30 grams, although sometimes there are individual specimens reaching up to 50 grams. The taste and smell of these berries resembles that very wild strawberry, and a slight acidity is in perfect balance with sugar content. The berries are brick red, sometimes turning orange, with a shiny surface. The pulp is quite dense and does not darken, without excessive wateriness.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Benefits disadvantages

The taste and aroma of berries is the pride of this variety, according to a five-point tasting scale, they

are estimated at 4.8 points

Flowering occurs in mid - late May, when return frosts are possible, which can reduce yields

The plant is considered heat-resistant, but subject to timely periodic


Not resistant to purple (brown) spotting, slightly resistant to verticillium
Due to the high density of the pulp, the berries are easy to transport The variety does not differ in particular winter hardiness, at temperatures below -20 ° C, the bushes need additional shelter

Video: overview and characteristics of garden strawberries Darselect

Planting and leaving

Site selection, soil preparation

Garden strawberries love sunny places, sheltered from the winds. It shows itself best of all on loams, chernozems, gray forest soils and sandy loam. Ground water at the planting site should come no closer than 60–80 cm. Good previous crops for garden strawberries are onions, garlic, various spices, cereals and flowers - petunias or marigolds. It is known that the maximum yield of garden strawberries is obtained within 4 - 5 years, or rather, in the first three years. Then, in the fourth or fifth year of planting, you need to update. This is done in the spring or at the end of summer on a cloudy day. The scheme of action is simple: the plants are dug out of the ground, their roots are pinched by a quarter and dipped in a clay mash (3 kg mullein, 1.5 kg of clay per 4 liters of water). After transplanting, the bushes are abundantly watered and mulched. It will be possible to return to the previous landing site not earlier than in three years.

Film-covered garden strawberries
Film-covered garden strawberries

In one place, garden strawberries can live no more than 4 - 5 years, so the plantings will periodically have to be transferred and rejuvenated

Land for landing is prepared in advance. If garden strawberries are planted in spring, then the preparation is carried out in autumn, and if in September, then in a couple of weeks. At the same time, a mixture of humus (8 - 10 kg), superphosphate (100 g) or potassium salt (50 g) is introduced per square meter. Humus can be replaced with manure (5 kg). If for some reason you did not add this mixture to the ground, then immediately before planting, you can put 2 - 3 handfuls of humus and a handful of wood ash in each hole.

It is advisable to purchase seedlings with a closed root system - this way it will take root better and faster and begin to bear berries earlier. Garden strawberries in containers or cassettes are the best choice. If you cannot plant it in open ground immediately after planting, the seedlings should be placed in a cool room, where the temperature is about 10 - 12 ° C. In this case, it will periodically need to moisten the earth so that it does not dry out.

Scheme and landing time

You can plant garden strawberries in spring and autumn. In spring, this is best done when the snow melts and the ground starts to warm up. You can postpone the event to a later date, but this will affect the development of the bushes and yield. Autumn planting begins in mid-August and lasts until mid-September. There is one significant point: garden strawberries planted in autumn will delight you with the first harvest next spring, while spring strawberries will bear fruit only after a year.

A bed with bushes of garden strawberries
A bed with bushes of garden strawberries

The Darselect variety forms an average number of whiskers and is not prone to thickening

A distance of 30 cm is left between adjacent bushes, as well as between rows. The depth of the hole is made based on the size of the root system with a lump of earth. If seedlings with an open root system are planted, the main root can be pinched a little, thereby improving the chances of successful plant survival. The root collar (heart) is left at ground level. It is advantageous to plant according to the following simple scheme: water is poured into the hole, a seedling is placed and the roots are covered with earth. If, according to the weather forecast, frosts are expected in the coming days, you can cover the garden bed with film or agrofibre planted with garden strawberries.

Watering, fertilizing

Watering is very important for garden strawberries, especially when the weather is dry. After all, this culture loves slightly moist soil on an ongoing basis. At the same time, excess moisture will harm it no less than drought. And although Darselect tolerates drought well, you should not rely on this feature of the variety, it is better to observe the frequency of watering. In a dry week, garden strawberries are watered 3-4 times a week. However, those who can only visit the dacha on weekends should not worry - abundant drip irrigation in combination with mulch will help the bushes to live peacefully all week until their next arrival.

Garden strawberries under drip irrigation
Garden strawberries under drip irrigation

Drip irrigation can help you out during your absence, especially in hot weather

Water garden strawberries in the morning or evening, when there is no bright sun. Before flowering, this can be done by sprinkling, and after the appearance of peduncles by watering at the root. With the availability of funds and skillful hands, drip irrigation will help out, regularly supplying all plants with moisture every day. Watering is especially important during the period of active growth of greenery, as well as the formation of ovaries, but one to two weeks before harvesting it should be minimized so that the berries do not come out watery.

To a large extent, the application of fertilizing affects the yield. In total, this event is held three times per season.

Table: periods of fertilization and their composition

Application period Fertilizer composition
Early spring (after removing old leaves)
  • nitroammofoska (1 tbsp.spoon for 10 liters of water);
  • infusion of mullein;
  • foliar feeding: boric acid, ammonium molybdate, potassium permanganate - 2 g each.
Formation of buds and ovaries Boric acid solution - 2 g per 10 l - spraying. After harvesting and trimming the leaves, use 2 tbsp. l. nitroammophos for 10 l of water
August - preparing for autumn Urea (30 g per 10 l) followed by watering

Important features of growing

In the first year after planting, the bush should build up a strong developed root system, and therefore all peduncles and mustaches are removed without delay so that the plant does not waste its energy on them. Bushes aged two years and older, after the snow melts, free them from shelter, cut off last year's leaves, loosen the ground around.

Film-covered beds with garden strawberries
Film-covered beds with garden strawberries

If you cover the beds with garden strawberries with foil or agrofibre, the berries will ripen faster and will be protected from rot

After the appearance of the peduncles, the plants are sprayed with a solution of boric acid in order to achieve the formation of more flowers. Do not allow a dense crust to form on the ground. During fruiting, all whiskers are removed.

After picking the berries, the leaves and whiskers are cut off, the soil is loosened and the garden is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate - 1.5 g of the substance is taken for 10 liters. All the time, while the bush is building up new sockets, the earth should be in a slightly damp state. By autumn, the bush will have time to restore the green mass and will be ready for the cold season. For greater safety, you can cover your garden strawberries with needles for the winter.

Reproduction of garden strawberries

Garden strawberries are propagated in three ways - with the help of a mustache, dividing a bush and seeds. In the case of the Darselect variety, a mustache is used, which it forms in sufficient quantity.

Using a mustache

They choose the strongest of the growing whiskers, on which young rosettes have already begun to form. These rosettes are pinned to the ground and watered. After a while, they take root and, receiving the necessary nutrition through the mustache from the mother bush, they begin to grow. When the new plant has 4 - 6 large leaves, the mustache is cut off, and the bush is planted in a new place with a lump of earth and watered.

Mustache of garden strawberries, crawling in the garden
Mustache of garden strawberries, crawling in the garden

Darselect reproduces well with a mustache - in this way it is easier and safer to increase the number of bushes

Dividing the bush

It is more often used for remontant varieties that do not give a mustache. But it can also be used for the Darselect variety, since it is the simplest and fastest way of reproduction. In spring or autumn, a two- or three-year-old bush is dug up and divided into several parts, each of which must have at least one full-fledged outlet and roots. The resulting seedling material is planted in a new place and watered abundantly.

Planting a separated part of a garden strawberry bush
Planting a separated part of a garden strawberry bush

By dividing the mother plant, you will get several bushes at once, each of which will later become a full-fledged bush

Seed propagation

The method of propagation by seeds is considered the longest and most laborious, but at the same time you will personally observe all stages of growth of garden strawberries. In addition, having grown this culture from seeds, any gardener can safely consider himself to have passed a difficult test.

Seedlings of garden strawberries
Seedlings of garden strawberries

Garden strawberries germinate from seeds for a long time and develop just as long

You can get seeds yourself from ripe berries or buy them in a store. In the latter case, they are soaked in Epin's solution (1 - 2 drops per 100 ml), after which they are placed in a container with a pre-prepared mixture of river sand, leaf humus and earth from the site, taken in equal shares. Brick chips placed on the bottom of the container will serve as good drainage. The seeds are laid out in grooves, between which there should be 5 cm. The seeds laid out at a half-centimeter depth are lightly sprinkled with earth, after which the container is covered with glass and transferred in a room with a temperature of + 20 … + 25 ° С. Now you will need to periodically ventilate the container and pour water into the pan. After the first shoots appear, the container is moved to a lighted place.

The purchase of peat tablets greatly simplifies the process of caring for growing seedlings. Each of them has a small recess where one seed is laid. The tablet is soaked in warm water and turns into a column in a couple of minutes. Now you just have to periodically add water to the pan, and, as you understand, you do not need to transplant. During the growth period, the seedling will be provided with the nutrients contained in the tablets.

Garden strawberries in cassettes
Garden strawberries in cassettes

Do not forget to harden the seedlings to increase the chances of their survival.

It will be useful to harden young plants near the window or on the balcony. At first, 10-15 minutes are allocated for this event, then the time spent in the cold gradually increases. Such hardening significantly improves the survival rate of garden strawberry seedlings.

Table: diseases and pests of the Darselect variety

Disease / pest Signs of manifestation Control measures
Brown (purple) spotting

Brown spots appear on leaf rosettes, gradually

increasing in number and


Prevention: 2-3 treatments with 2% Bordeaux

liquid (200 g of copper sulfate, 250 g of lime

per 10 liters of water).

At the first sign: Antrakol (15 g per 10 l)

or Ridomil-gold (25 g per 10 l).


On young plants, it appears

when growing a mustache, on old ones -

before harvesting. Leaves

wither, turn red or brown, curl. Plants don't grow

or grow slowly

Affected plants are destroyed. If the bush is

slightly affected, it is treated with 0.2%

Fundazol (10 g per 10 l). Before planting, plant roots are dipped in a solution of Agat 25K

(7 g / l) or Humate K (15 g / l).


Leaves curl and dry out.

Over time, the entire plant dries

as the aphids spread

If aphids are few, they are collected by hand. With a

large amount, spray with a solution of

garlic: 200 ml of garlic juice, 200 ml of onions, 150 ml of dandelion juice per 10 liters of water.

Spray with a 6% soap solution (60 g

per 1 liter).

Strawberry mite

Leaves curl, wrinkle and


Treatment of plants with Karbofos or Colloidal

sulfur (8 g per 10 l). If the case is advanced, the

dose of the drug is increased by 15%.

Photo gallery of diseases and pests of garden strawberries Darselect

Green aphid on a leaf
Green aphid on a leaf
Aphids accumulate in large numbers and can dry out the bush
Strawberry mite on a leaf
Strawberry mite on a leaf
Strawberry mite is a sucking insect pest and weakens the plant's immunity
Brown spots on the leaves of garden strawberries
Brown spots on the leaves of garden strawberries
Brown spotting leads to wilting of plants and significantly inhibits their development
Drying bush of garden strawberry
Drying bush of garden strawberry
Verticillium wilting is difficult to cure, easier to prevent

Harvesting and storage

During harvesting, it is better to collect the berries together with the stalks for their greater safety. It is better to do this in the morning, when the dew dries up, or in the evening, when the sun's rays are no longer hot. Cloudy weather will do. It is not recommended to pick berries on a rainy day, as they will become sour and deteriorate much faster. A birch bark box will be a good container for the harvest. If it is planned to use fresh garden strawberries immediately after harvesting, then the container material will no longer be of particular importance.

Darselect strawberries in the palm of your hand
Darselect strawberries in the palm of your hand

Berries of the Darselect variety are not only large and juicy, but also healthy - they contain vitamins and trace elements necessary for the body

Darselect berries contain manganese, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins B and C and many other useful components, so eating fresh garden strawberries brings many benefits. The crop can be used for processing - rubbed with sugar, make jam, jam or garnish dessert with berries. Freezing in plastic containers is also possible. In plastic bags, the berries will lose their attractiveness and useful properties. After defrosting, they retain their best qualities for a short time.

Freshly picked garden strawberries are stored in room conditions for no more than a day, in the refrigerator this period will grow to a maximum of 3 to 4 days, so it is important to immediately determine for what purpose you need it. Pay attention to the quality of the berries harvested. Remove damaged and moldy ones to prevent quick spoilage of the entire crop.

Gardeners reviews

Alena 21


Yarina Ruten




Garden strawberry Darselect has earned the attention of gardeners due to its large berries and high yield. She requires attention when leaving, one should take into account her love for moisture so that the berries ripen well. This becomes especially relevant during a drought. Do not forget to cover Darselect for the winter, then every year you can count on a rich harvest.