Pear Noyabrskaya: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews
Pear Noyabrskaya: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews

Features of the pear variety Noyabrskaya

pear noyabrskaya
pear noyabrskaya

The pear has more than fifty species, each different in taste, aroma, agricultural technology. Consider one of the outstanding varieties of "melting" tender pear - Noyabrskaya, which can be grown in the garden of almost any region of Russia.


  • 1 Description of the pear variety Noyabrskaya

    • 1.1 Appearance, description, characteristics of fruits
    • 1.2 Video: distinctive features of the Noyabrskaya pear variety
    • 1.3 Table: advantages and disadvantages of the variety
  • 2 Landing features

    • 2.1 Site preparation
    • 2.2 Planting: a step-by-step process
    • 2.3 Video: planting a pear seedling
  • 3 Pear care: description and photo

    • 3.1 Watering
    • 3.2 Top dressing
    • 3.3 Cropping

      • 3.3.1 Formative pruning
      • 3.3.2 Sanitary trimming
    • 3.4 Preparing for winter
    • 3.5 Whitewashing
  • 4 Diseases and pests of the variety

    4.1 Table: pests and diseases of the November pear

  • 5 Harvesting
  • 6 Reviews of gardeners about the pear variety Noyabrskaya

Description of pear varieties Noyabrskaya

Pear Noyabrskaya is a reference variety. Such an assessment means that perfection has been achieved in almost all characteristics. Noyabrskaya was bred by A. V. Bolonyaev in 1950 by crossing two popular varieties: Ussuriyskaya and Dekanka Zimnyaya.

Appearance, description, characteristics of fruits

The tree of this variety has a significant height - the maximum growth of an adult plant is about 3–3.5 m. The crown is formed in the form of a pyramid or takes a rounded-elongated shape. Powerful skeletal branches extend at right angles from the trunk, creating a large radius of growth.

Excellent winter hardiness became a distinctive feature of the Noyabrskaya. This variety does not freeze even at -40 0 C. Noyabrskaya is zoned in the Far East region, but it grows well throughout Russia. A nice bonus is that a variety that is resistant to low temperatures will give even more yield in regions with a warm climate.

Pear noyabrskaya
Pear noyabrskaya

Features of the variety: skeletal branches grow perpendicular to the stem, and the stalk holds the fruit firmly on the branch

Leaves are bright, juicy green, slightly larger than average (5–8 cm), rather dense, thick, elongated or rounded, smooth, with a pronounced capillary pattern and thick veins on the back.

Leaves and fruits of November pear
Leaves and fruits of November pear

November has smooth, dense leaves

Pear Noyabrskaya ripens at the end of September. Fruit can be harvested earlier, especially in areas with a harsh continental climate, so that the fruits do not freeze. They ripen at home. In the southern regions, harvesting can be much later, at the end of November. The fruits are strong enough, hold well on the tree, even heavy rains are not able to damage or knock down the pears.

Pear Noyabrskaya has medium-sized fruits, their average weight is about 70 g (in rare cases, up to 120 g). The fruit resembles a drop in shape, the surface is slightly ribbed, grooved. The fruits are not isosceles. In technical maturity, pears acquire a green color with a reddish-burgundy blush. In late biological maturity, they turn yellow. Dark small dots are clearly visible on the skin. The peduncle is well developed, it is strong, thick, dark brown in color.

The fruit of the November pear
The fruit of the November pear

The November pear at biological maturity becomes yellow

The November taste is sweet, with a slight hint of sourness. The pulp is loose, juicy, with grains. On a 5-point scale, the pear received 4.8 points.

Pear November Moldova (Xena)
Pear November Moldova (Xena)

November Moldova (Xena) outwardly clearly differs from November Moldova

Video: distinctive features of the Noyabrskaya pear variety

Table: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

pros Minuses
Excellent winter hardiness and heat resistance. Small fruit size
High yield (on average 70 c / ha) and stability (annually, without interruptions and rest).
Low shedding of fruits (due to the strong thick stalk).
Long shelf life (up to 1.5 months).
Excellent transportability.
Good taste (dessert variety).
Scab resistant.

Landing features

Compliance with planting rules affects the quality and quantity of the crop.

Site preparation

For a pear, you need to choose a sunny place without drafts. Any fruit tree takes root very hard in strongly blown places. It is best to plant a pear on the south side of the site, behind buildings or other trees.

Choosing a place for a pear
Choosing a place for a pear

Pear loves sunny places

It is extremely important for pears to receive water at a depth of more than 1 m. This fruit tree is moisture-loving, but does not like stagnant swampy places. Planting in elevated areas will help avoid root washout in close water tables with strong flow.

Planting: a step-by-step process

A pit for a fruit tree must be prepared in advance (for autumn planting - a month in advance, for spring planting - in autumn).

  1. Dig a hole about 70–80 cm deep, add a mixture of fertilized soil, drainage and superphosphate (120 g), potassium fertilizer (this can be wood ash without impurities).

    Preparing the pear pit
    Preparing the pear pit

    If the site is wet, drainage is placed on the bottom of the pit - expanded clay or pebbles

  2. A peg is placed in the middle of the excavated pit, to which the seedling is tied.
  3. Do not forget that the first bud (root collar) should be 2–3 cm above the soil level.

    Planting a pear seedling
    Planting a pear seedling

    The root collar of the seedling should be slightly above ground level

  4. They put a tree on a mound of drainage and earth and begin to gently dig it in with earth. Do not forget to straighten all roots before burying. You need to sprinkle evenly, gently tamping the soil with your hand.
  5. Make a furrow around the seedling to water it. One hole takes about 20-30 liters of water.

    Watering a pear seedling
    Watering a pear seedling

    A pear seedling is watered with 20-30 liters of water

  6. Now you need to mulch the hole. Peat or compost is ideal. Mulch perfectly retains moisture, which will protect even weak wood from drying out.
  7. After each watering (and during the first season this must be done up to 4 times), it is necessary to loosen the soil of the trunk circle so that the root system receives enough oxygen.

Video: planting a pear seedling

Pear care: description and photo

Every fruit tree needs to be cared for properly, even if it is an ideal and unpretentious variety.


The pear is very responsive to maintaining constant, abundant moisture in the soil. The best way to keep water in the ground is by mulching.

Watering pears
Watering pears

A pear seedling can be watered with water from a hose, the main thing is not to blur the near-stem circle

Sprinkling is a separate item as a method of irrigation. This is easy to do with the spray nozzle. With this method, the tree receives water, as in natural conditions, while the leaves and branches are moistened and washed. The procedure is carried out strictly in the early hours of the morning, evening or in cloudy weather, when the sun will not burn moist foliage and bark.

Sprinkling trees
Sprinkling trees

Sprinkling of trees is carried out using special spray nozzles

2-3 high-quality watering is done per season. Loosening is performed after each. The approximate amount of water per 1 m 2 is 3-4 buckets. Fruiting shoots, foliage and roots require more moisture every year. If you notice that buds, peduncles or foliage begin to dry and fall off, immediately increase the watering.

Top dressing

Pear is very fond of root feeding. You need to constantly ensure the supply of nutrients, then the tree will answer you with a rich and stable harvest.

Spring feeding:

  1. Add saltpeter (30 g per 1 m 2) during the bud swelling in early spring. Can be diluted with water (1:50) or poured into the soil dry.
  2. Urea (120 g per tree) is also introduced in early spring, during the period of bud swelling. Diluted with 5 liters of water or applied dry.
  3. After flowering, add organic matter or nitroammophosphate. For one pear, about 3 buckets of working solution (1 kg per 200 liters of water) are enough.

Autumn dressing:

  1. 2 liters of urea (working solution 50 g per 10 liters of water) is added every 2 weeks until autumn (at the beginning of September, etc.). It is good to alternate such fertilizer with potash and phosphorus.
  2. After collecting fruits, you need to feed the tree with minerals: potassium chloride and superphosphate granules (both preparations are diluted as follows: 50 g per 10 liters of water). Cover a halo of 1 m 2.
  3. 200 g of ash per 1 m 2 are introduced for digging.
Ash - fertilizer for pears
Ash - fertilizer for pears

When digging in autumn, ash is brought into the trunk circle of pears


The first pruning of a pear is carried out after planting a seedling. In this case, the central trunk is cut at a height of 0.5 m. Thus, you form the correct crown with further growth.

Formative pruning

For pears, two types of pruning are used: sparse-tiered and free-growing palmette.

  1. In the first case, we form 8-10 skeletal branches with the help of tiers, on which 2-3 branches are located. Such pruning helps to give the tree a well-groomed appearance and facilitate harvesting.
  2. The second pruning method is intended for the active formation of the main trunk and its lateral skeletal branches, located alone. The rest of the branches grow with little or no interference.
Pear pruning scheme
Pear pruning scheme

The sparse-tiered crown provides good lighting and ventilation of the tree

A two-year-old seedling is cut taking into account the already formed and sufficiently abundant skeletal branches. By this age, they are about 8. Leave half, so that the branches are equidistant from each other.

Sanitary pruning

The time for sanitary pruning is in the middle of autumn, before the cold weather. The main thing is that the tree at this point has already thrown off the foliage, which will allow you to easily see the extra and damaged branches, as well as overgrown sections of the crown.

Don't sanitize too late. It is necessary to leave time until the cold weather so that the wounds from mechanical stress can heal. It will be great if you cover the cuts with garden pitch, and for more peace of mind, also insulate the tree from below with a warm rag or agrofibre. The fact is that the cut tree must be protected from other aggressive factors. This is required for the complete recovery of the plant.

Pruning pear
Pruning pear

Pruning requires reliable and quality secateurs

Pear trees with a fairly solid age (over 10 years) need to be pruned annually. Often their crown is very thick, which negatively affects the quality and quantity of the crop.

Preparing for winter

The Noyabrskaya variety does not require any serious hassle to prepare for wintering. Shelter in the form of wrapping with agrofibre is necessary for young seedlings or trees cut in the fall.

Pears in agrofibre
Pears in agrofibre

Wrapping seedlings with agrofibre will protect trees from frost


To prevent pests and sunburn, the stem and the main branches are whitewashed with a solution of lime (for 1 kg of lime, 10 liters of water). In such a solution, add 100 g of copper sulfate, a little PVA glue for a dense and viscous coating, as well as natural yellow clay, pre-soaked in warm water. It is necessary to whitewash thoroughly so that not a single crevice or crack remains for the pest.

Whitewashing wood
Whitewashing wood

Whitewashing prevents pests and burns

Diseases and pests of the variety

Consider the typical November disease pears and pests, as well as how to deal with them.

Table: pests and diseases of the November pear

Diseases / pests Signs Control measures Periodicity
Black Cancer ("Antonov Fire") Black spots grow, which at first had a red color. They hit the whole tree. Over time, the bark completely moves away from the trunk and branches. The pear dies. Infected areas on the trunk and central branches must be carefully cut off and treated with a 2% solution of copper sulfate (50 g per 5 liters of water), be sure to cover with garden varnish after drying. Immediately after discovery.
Cytosporosis The bark takes on a burgundy red hue and cracks.
  1. Whitewashing of the trunk and skeletal branches.
  2. Treatment with 2% copper sulfate (50 g per 5 l of water).
When the first signs of illness appear.
Green aphid Leaves curl up, dry, acquire an unhealthy color and appearance. Shoots slow down in growth.
  1. Treatment with Kinmix - 2.5 ml per 10 liters of water. One tree needs up to 5 liters.
  2. Iskra Zolotaya helps well - 20 g per 5 liters, for one tree - up to 5 liters.
Process until leaf buds blossom.
Pear moth The fruits are gnawed through, through passages in the fruit are noticeable.
  1. Treatment with Agravertin - 5 ml per 1.5 liters of water.
  2. Treatment with Kinmix - 2.5 ml per 10 liters of water. One tree needs up to 5 liters.
  3. Spark Zolotaya - 20 g per 5 liters, for one tree - up to 5 liters.
  4. Collect the leaves in a timely manner and burn them.
  5. Loosen the trunk circle.
  1. Agravertine is used before and after flowering.
  2. Kinmix is applied 20 days after flowering.
  3. The spark is used a month after flowering.
Pear honeydew or leaf beetle Pouring buds and foliage do not have time to open, they fall off and shrink en masse. The fruit becomes tasteless.
  1. Treatment of buds and buds with Karbofos - 30 g per 10 liters of water.
  2. Treatment with Iskra or Agravertin preparations (5 ml per 1.5 l of water).
  1. Karbofos - before flowering.
  2. Spark and Agravertine - after the flowering period.


Fruits appear in the third, sometimes in the second year after planting a mature (two-year) seedling with a developed root system. Compared to other popular autumn varieties, this period of entry into fruiting is considered very early. The annual average harvest for the Noyabrskaya variety is 70 c / ha.

Pears lie for a long time, they can be stored until the winter months. In the freezer, the fruits can last until spring. Of course, their juiciness and taste are subject to change, but in general, the fruit remains healthy and tasty. You can make excellent preserves, jams and marmalades from pears, canned whole, dry, cook compotes.

Pear blanks
Pear blanks

All kinds of jams can be made from the harvested pears

Reviews of gardeners about the pear variety Noyabrskaya

The Noyabrskaya pear variety is an excellent option for growing in problematic horticultural areas of the country, as well as an excellent variety for rootstock and breeding. The almost reference taste of the pear allows it to be used for sweet dishes and canning, which is indispensable for family needs. The unpretentiousness of the tree allows you to grow it even with a lack of time.
