Table of contents:

Red-sided Pear: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews
Red-sided Pear: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews

Video: Red-sided Pear: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews

Video: Red-sided Pear: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews
Video: How to grow Snake plant faster, Propagate and Care Indoors. 2024, October

Red-sided pear: we grow a winter-hardy culture in the garden

red-sided pear
red-sided pear

Pear Red-sided is the result of the work of a whole group of breeders. In 1993, scientists from the South Ural Research Institute crossed the varieties Tenderness and Zheltoplodnaya and obtained a new crop with high rates of fruiting. Today Krasnobokaya pear is widespread in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, where it is grown quite successfully.


  • 1 Description and characteristics of the Red-sided pear
  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 3 How to properly land

    3.1 How to plant a pear - video

  • 4 Plant care

    • 4.1 Watering the tree
    • 4.2 Fertilizing pears
    • 4.3 Pruning the crown

      4.3.1 Trimming Workshop - Video

    • 4.4 Preparing for winter
  • 5 Diseases and pests

    • 5.1 Diseases characteristic of the Red-sided - table

      5.1.1 Typical ailments of the variety in the photo

    • 5.2 The most common pear pests - table
    • 5.3 Photo gallery: insects parasitizing on the Red-sided
  • 6 Tips for Harvesting
  • 7 Reviews of gardeners

Description and characteristics of the Red-sided pear

Pear variety Red-sided
Pear variety Red-sided

Red-sided - a variety of pears of domestic selection

The Krasnobokaya pear variety has an average height, reaching 4 m in size. The tree has a spreading rounded crown. The most active growth of the culture is observed before the beginning of fruiting, then its development slows down. The variety is winter hardy.

The tree begins to bear fruit at 5-7 years. Shoots are rarely placed. The angle between the branches and the trunk approaches a straight line. The stem and main shoots are covered with brown bark. The fruits are mainly tied on twigs and ringlets. Sometimes this happens on growth shoots.

The branches are thick, straight. The kidneys are round and large. The leaf plates are wide, oblong, with a twisted apex and wavy edges. The surface is matte, light green, no pubescence. The petioles are thick and short. The shape of the flowers is cup-shaped, the color is pink, the petals are elongated.

Fruit weight varies from 130 to 180 g, which is in line with the average. The pears are regular in shape, covered with smooth skin with an oily surface. When ripe, the fruits acquire a greenish-yellow color. They also develop a pink blush. The funnel is small. Peduncles are long, thick and curved. The pulp is white with an oily fine-grained structure. The pears are quite juicy and aromatic. The taste is sweet and sour with a slight astringency. On the tasting scale, the fruits are rated at 4.5 points out of 5 possible.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pear Red-sided
Pear Red-sided

Pear Red-sided is characterized by high frost resistance

The advantages of the Krasnobokaya pear include:

  • high commodity indicators of fruits;
  • frost resistance of the culture;
  • resistance to the effects of the pear gall mite, leafworm, honeydew, pear moth, aphids, as well as scab, cytosporosis and powdery mildew.

The variety also has some disadvantages, namely:

  • tart aftertaste;
  • fine-grained fruit structure;
  • crumbling of pears when ripe.

How to land correctly

A man planting a pear
A man planting a pear

Planting pears in spring or autumn

One of the prerequisites for growing Krasnobokaya pear is planting a number of pollinators. For this culture, the Powislaya, Myth and Severyanka varieties are suitable. The pear is planted in a well-lit flat area with groundwater at a distance of 1 m from the earth's surface. You need to retreat from buildings at least 3 m, and a distance of 5 m should be maintained between trees.

The optimal time for planting will be late April-early May or the first decade of October. It is recommended to plant a crop in the northern regions in the spring, and in the southern regions in the fall.

When buying a seedling, you need to carefully examine the surface of the trunk and branches. It is important to consider the following features:

  1. The plant should be free of stains, sagging, mechanical damage or sap. A healthy tree has a smooth bark, if you pry it a little, the wound will be moist and green.
  2. It is undesirable to purchase a seedling with open leaves. Such a plant has already expended a lot of energy on this process, which will negatively affect its ability to take root.
  3. After purchasing, the tree must be properly preserved before planting. The roots should not be left outdoors, they dry out quickly. Therefore, they are moistened with water and placed in polyethylene or wrapped in a damp cloth.
  4. Keep the plant in a cool place.
  5. If the root system is dry, it is immersed in water for 2-3 hours before planting, but it is impossible to keep the roots in water constantly.
Pear seedling in the ground
Pear seedling in the ground

Red-sided is planted in loamy, sandy loam soils or chernozem

Planting a pear is done in this order:

  1. The tree is planted in a previously prepared hole. This requirement is due to the fact that the soil settles over time. If the plant is placed in a hole immediately after digging, it will be pulled into the ground more than necessary. For spring planting, the procedure is carried out in the fall, and if planting is planned in the fall, then in 2-3 weeks.
  2. The pear pit should be 70 cm wide and 1 m deep. It must be filled with a composition of 20 kg of sand, 20 kg of humus, 1 glass of superphosphate and a fertile soil layer removed during excavation.
  3. In the process of planting, in the center of the groove, a mound is poured from the soil, a seedling is placed on it and the roots are well spread.
  4. A stake 1 m long is placed near the plant. The pit is filled with soil.
  5. The root collar is left 5 cm above the soil surface. When filling the pit, it is advisable to shake the plant slightly so that the soil is evenly distributed and voids do not form. The seedling is tied to a peg.
  6. After planting is complete, you need to form a hole around the tree with a diameter of 30-40 cm and water the plant with 20 liters of water.
  7. Then the ground is trampled down a little. It is not recommended to perform these steps in reverse order. If the soil is initially tamped and then watered, the compacted soil will retain moisture. And also this will lead to the formation of an air space between the roots, which will rot without contact with the ground.
  8. After that, in order to avoid moisture loss, the trunk circle is mulched with compost, peat, straw or sawdust.
  9. The seedling is cut at a height of 50 cm from the soil.

How to plant a pear - video

Plant care

Watering the tree

Watering a pear
Watering a pear

A pear needs watering to get a good harvest

Watering a pear depends on the stage of its development. A young tree that has not yet entered the fruiting stage should be moistened once a week. Pour 10 liters of water under one plant. The weather conditions should also be taken into account. If the soil is moistened by precipitation, the procedure is postponed until the earth dries up.

A fruiting pear is watered twice a season: before flowering and after its completion. A tree requires 20-30 liters of water. Watering the pear can be done with rotating sprayers or grooves. In the latter case, furrows 10 cm deep are cut out around the tree, where water is supplied. After watering, the near-stem section is covered with a layer of humus or peat mulch 10-15 cm thick.

Pear feeding

Urea granules
Urea granules

Top dressing of the tree will allow you to get a bountiful harvest every year

After the winter period, the pear needs nutrients. The scheme is as follows:

  1. In the spring, 500 g of urea is introduced under the plant when loosening. In the absence of this fertilizer, it can be replaced with a solution based on ammonium nitrate (40 g per 10 l of water).
  2. At the flowering stage, the plant is again fertilized with urea, which activates the growing process (300 g for one pear). This substance can also be used for foliar feeding (50 g per 10 l).
  3. After flowering, the tree is sprayed with a solution of 50 g of nitrophoska, 1 g of sodium humate and 10 liters of water.
  4. In September-October, the tree is fertilized with a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. calcium, a similar amount of potassium, 2 tbsp. l. double superphosphate and 10 liters of water. After applying top dressing, the soil in the area of the near-trunk area is loosened by 10–12 cm.

Crown pruning

Pear pruning scheme
Pear pruning scheme

Crown shaping improves yield and tree development

Pruning is an equally important step in grooming. The purpose of this procedure is to properly form the crown, improve the access of sunlight to the branches and increase fruiting. Pruning is performed in spring - from early March to April or in autumn (throughout October-November).

The branches are removed with a secateurs. In this case, the narrow blade must be directed to the part of the branch that is to be cut. This technique will allow you to avoid bark kinks and less injure the tree. Damaged areas are treated with garden varnish. It is prepared on the basis of melted lard, crushed rosin and alcohol, which are mixed in a ratio of 1: 16: 8. The first 2 components are put on low heat and brought to a uniform state. Then the resulting mass is removed, cooled and alcohol is added.

The formation of the crown begins in the second year after planting the pear. Four skeletal branches are left on the tree, located at the same distance and at an angle of 60 °. They need to be cut ¼ of their length. All other shoots are removed to the ring. The length of the conductor should be 20 cm longer than the branches left. During the first three years, it is necessary to eliminate tops - thick, vertically located shoots. They shade the crown and rob the tree of strength. During this time, all growths are shortened by 20 cm.

With the onset of the fourth year, they begin to create the second tier. The central shoot is shortened by 7-8 buds. On the second tier, 3-4 branches are left, they are cut off by 1/3 of the length. The rest are removed at the level of the ring. The formation of the crown is carried out until the fifth year, subsequently only thickening and weak shoots are eliminated. In autumn, sanitary pruning is carried out, that is, the removal of dry, damaged and diseased shoots.

Cropping workshop - video

Preparing for winter

Due to its high frost resistance, the Krasnobokaya pear tolerates winter well. In late September or early October, the tree needs to be watered with 40 liters of water. After that, the near-stem area is mulched with peat or straw. The layer of material should be thick enough - up to 30 cm. In spring, as soon as the snow cover melts, the mulch is removed.

Diseases and pests

The Krasnobokaya variety is resistant to a significant number of pests and diseases, which greatly simplifies plant care. But with unfavorable factors, the tree can be affected by some ailments.

Diseases characteristic of the Red-sided - table

Diseases Symptoms Control methods Prevention
Fruit rot
  1. Fruits are covered with brown spots, which spread rapidly, the flesh becomes brown.
  2. Gray pads appear on the surface of pears, in which there are rot spores.
Treatment during leaf opening with Skor (1 ampoule per 10 l of water), after flowering, use of Horus (1 sachet per 10 l). Removal of all mummified fruits from the tree in autumn.
Rust Orange pads appear on the leaves. Spraying before the flowering stage and after its completion with a Homa solution (80 g per 10 l), after the end of the collection of fruits, apply 1% Bordeaux liquid. Removal of fallen leaves and their subsequent burning.
Black cancer
  1. On the bark, depressed spots of a brown-violet color are formed.
  2. Subsequently, the affected areas turn black and crack. Dark bumps appear on them.
  1. Removing the affected tissue with a knife, while it is necessary to grab healthy wood by 2 cm.
  2. Treatment of damaged areas with 1% copper sulfate solution and garden varnish.
Collection and destruction of leaves and dried fruits in autumn.

Typical ailments of the variety in the photo

Fruit rot
Fruit rot
Fruit rot destroys crops
Pear rust
Pear rust
Rust inhibits tree development
Black pear crayfish
Black pear crayfish
Black cancer can destroy a tree in a few years

The most common pear pests - table

Pests Signs Ways to fight Preventive measures
Winter moth
  1. On ovaries, flowers, buds and leaves, traces of gnawing appear, the pest covers the affected areas with cobwebs.
  2. The moth also gnaws at the flesh of the fruit.
Treatment with Nitrafen (200 g per 10 L) or N30 (300 g per 10 L). Regular digging of the soil in the fall.
Hawthorn The pest eats the leaves, which curl and dry out. Spraying during bud break with 0.5% solution of Karbofos.
  1. Destruction of fallen leaves.
  2. Loosening the soil before the winter period.
Ringed silkworm The pest eats buds and leaves, leaving only bare branches.
  1. Removal of branches on which the pest is laying.
  2. Wood treatment with Entobacterin (50 g per 10 l).
Pear flower beetle The larvae of the pest completely eat away the kidneys. Processing until the formation of kidneys with Actellik (1 ampoule per 2 liters) or Karbofos (60 g per 8 liters).

Photo gallery: insects parasitizing on Krasnoboka

Hawthorn is a dangerous pest for tree foliage
Pear flower beetle
Pear flower beetle
Pear flower beetle feeds on buds and leaves
Winter moth
Winter moth
The winter moth is a polyphagous pest that destroys crops
Ringed silkworm
Ringed silkworm
The ringed silkworm oppresses the stems of the tree, leading to their complete exhaustion

Harvesting tips

Pear Jam
Pear Jam

Red-sided is used for preservation and desserts

The Krasnobokaya variety begins to bear fruit at 5–7 years. The average yield per tree is about 80-100 kg. Pears are harvested in the last decade of September. The fruits of the Red-sided are removed in an immature state, since ripe pears immediately crumble. This approach helps to prevent mechanical damage to the fruit. This will not affect the taste of the fruits, they will ripen during storage.

The pears are put in wooden boxes with holes. The harvest is stored at a humidity of 85–90% and a temperature of 0–4 ° С. Fruits can be placed in the basement or cellar, a small amount is put in the refrigerator. The storage period can last from one to three months.

The fruits of the Krasnobokaya variety are widely used. Usually they are eaten fresh. But experts recommend adhering to some rules. It is advisable to eat these pears with the peel and not earlier than 30 minutes after eating. The fruits should not be eaten on an empty stomach. And also drink cold water after them and eat well. Meeting these requirements will help you avoid digestive problems. Also pears of this variety are used for making fruit salads, mashed potatoes, jams, preserves, compotes, juices, jellies, pear honey and decorating cakes.

Gardeners reviews

Red-sided is highly resistant to extremely low temperatures, as well as many diseases and pests. This allows you to get stable high yields. When picking fruits, it is necessary to take into account the tendency of pears to fall off and remove them from the tree until they are fully ripe.
