Garden Lilies - Planting And Care, Photo And Video (oriental, White, Tubular)
Garden Lilies - Planting And Care, Photo And Video (oriental, White, Tubular)

We take care of the garden lily correctly: tips and tricks

garden lilies planting and care
garden lilies planting and care

Garden lilies are the favorite flowers of gardeners. Their beauty is difficult to compare with other flowers, and the scent can melt the coldest heart! This plant will decorate a flower garden, garden, park, home flower bed. It is not surprising that garden lilies, their planting and caring for them are of interest to many owners of summer cottages.


  • 1 Correct fit
  • 2 Features of different varieties
  • 3 The incomparable beauty of lilies
  • 4 A few more secrets of growing
  • 5 Care and fertilization
  • 6 Video about caring for garden lilies

Correct fit

Garden lilies usually grow in one place for several years. And this place should be chosen so that for the next 5 years not to disturb the plant, because too frequent transplants significantly slow down the development of the lily.

  1. Most often, lily bulbs are planted during September, when they are dormant. Before planting, treat each bulb: dip it in a 0.2% solution of foundationol for 20 minutes, and then for an hour in a growth biostimulator.
  2. Remove the dead scales from the bulbs and shorten the roots to 5 cm. Try to choose when buying bulbs that have intact bottoms.
  3. Dig a small hole under the bulb - 40 cm in diameter and 25 cm deep. Cover the bottom with a layer of gravel, on which spread fresh, fertile soil in a layer of 5 cm. Place the bulbs and cover them with the same soil, covering the top of each bulb and tamping slightly.
  4. Make a small indentation with your finger where the onion is planted and add some granular fertilizer.
  5. If you purchased the bulbs in the spring, store them at the bottom of the refrigerator until planting, at a temperature slightly above 0. Place them in a perforated plastic bag filled with dry peat.
  6. Plant these lilies in a greenhouse, plastic bottles or pots. Only after the spring frosts are over, can they be transplanted into open ground along with a lump of earth.
  7. If a lily bulb purchased in spring has a large sprout - more than 5 cm, then it must be planted obliquely.
  8. If you are going to transplant a lily, then wait 1-1.5 months after it has faded. The flowering period is very depleting for the bulbs, they need to gain strength, become larger and denser.
  9. Remember that the death of the lily stem indicates fungal diseases. If this happens, dig up the bulbs and carefully remove the affected stems from them. If the plant is healthy, green, then before transplanting, cut the stems close to the ground, leaving a stump.
scheme for planting lily bulbs
scheme for planting lily bulbs

The most convenient scheme for planting lily bulbs

Lilies, not transplanted for more than 5 years, begin to form around themselves large nests of bulbs of different size and age. Typically, such a nest disintegrates itself when excavated, but sometimes manual separation may be required.

Features of different varieties

There are many varieties of this beautiful flower. Only in our latitudes there are about 100 of them! And among our gardeners such species as Asian hybrids, oriental hybrids and tubular hybrids have become very popular. Each species has its own characteristics and many varieties. The most popular of the Asian hybrids:

  • Deep yellow with red - Grand Cru;
  • coffee ones with scarlet tips - Lollipon;
  • pink and white - Marlene, Ventu Marseille, Vermeer, Kentucky;
  • yellow - Kansas;
  • yellow with red - Gitana.

Popular varieties of oriental hybrids include:

  • raspberry white - Barbados;
  • white with yellow - Time out;
  • white with pink and yellow - Star Class;
  • white with pink - Set Point;
  • tricolor - Arena.

Among the tubular hybrids are the following:

  • apricot Bestseller;
  • lemon aerobics;
  • pink and coffee Royal Club;
  • red Royal Parade;
  • apricot swing.

Tubular lilies are very sensitive to frosts in May. They will need nutritious, loose soil with good drainage, in a sunny, wind-protected area.

Asian varieties of lilies
Asian varieties of lilies

Asian varieties of lilies are the most unpretentious

Among the oriental hybrids, there are varieties that are not well tolerated in winter. Plant their bulbs 15-20 cm deep to prevent them from freezing. It is these flowers that have the most magnificent scent, but also require good care.

Asiatic lilies are notable for their winter hardiness and endurance, so you can choose a site for them both on the sunny side and in the shade. The soil is slightly acidic or neutral, well fertilized. Such flowers do not exude a scent at all, but this is compensated by the ease of caring for them.

The incomparable beauty of lilies


A few more growing secrets

Dig up the bulbs very carefully to avoid damaging them. Garden forks work best for this. Shake off the ground and carefully examine, remove scales with brown or rusty spots from the bulbs. Rinse in running water and place in a solution of karbofos (10 liters of water - 1 tablespoon) for 20 minutes.

garden lily bulbs
garden lily bulbs

Pay close attention to the condition of the bulbs

Clean, unaffected bulbs with roots are enough to pickle for half an hour in a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. After rinsing and dressing is complete, dry the bulbs in a shady place, trim the roots 5 cm and plant in prepared soil. On the eve of disembarkation, in dry weather, water the soil to the desired depth. If the soil is already moist enough, water it directly into the furrow when planting.

The soil for all types of lilies should be nutritious, loose, with good water permeability. These include sandy loam soils, light loams, garden lands, which are well fertilized. Damp, heavy soils cause rot and death of the bulbs as moisture collects between the flakes. To fix this, add sand, perlite, or other baking powder to the soil.

Bulb size, type of lily, and soil composition directly affect planting depth. The most common option is that the depth of the hole should be 3 times the diameter of the bulb itself. Planting is done deeper in light sandy soil than in heavy soil.

The depth to which lilies should be planted:

  • large bulbs of undersized varieties - 10-12 cm;
  • small bulbs of undersized varieties - 7-8 cm;
  • large bulbs of medium-sized varieties - 12-15 cm;
  • small bulbs of medium-sized varieties - 8-10 cm;
  • large bulbs of high varieties - 15-20 cm;
  • small bulbs of high grades - 10-12 cm.

The depth is indicated to the bottom of the bulb. The distance between the lilies also depends on the height. For example, large lilies need 20-25 cm, medium lilies 10-15 cm. Make grooves or holes for bulbs 10 cm deeper than they should be, if they have roots. Pour a mound of river sand on the bottom of the hole, place the onion and straighten the roots, then cover the hole with earth.

Care and fertilization

Lilies are very fond of mineral fertilizers, in spring - with nitrogen content, in autumn - without it. Buy these fertilizers in granular form, specially formulated for bulbous flowers. It is necessary to fertilize the area with lilies in the spring, with the appearance of the first shoots, and in October, before the plant, having completed the flowering period, falls into a dormant period.

Organic fertilizers are absolutely not suitable for lilies, as they cause fungal diseases. Do not add manure or compost under any circumstances! But wood ash introduced into the soil will help protect flowers from pests. To prevent the development of diseases, spray the plants with a solution of Bordeaux liquid three times a year.

The best location for the lily is the top with flowers in the sun, and the leg in the shade. This will prevent the bulb from overheating. In order for the lilies to grow well, you need to plant low-growing plants near them, for example, hostu, flax or bell. You can also alternate between types of lilies of different heights. This will shade the bottom of the stem and protect the bulb from overheating.

garden lilies
garden lilies

Try to plant the lily so that the top is in the sun and the bottom of the stem is in the shade.

Lily care is mainly about weeding well and watering well, especially during the flowering period. Abundant watering is required only in drought, and after flowering it can be completely stopped.

You need to cut the lilies obliquely, leaving most of the stem with leaves, about 8-18 cm, so that the bulb continues to develop. If the cut is straight, then rainwater will enter the core of the stem and cause rotting.

Before wintering, sprinkle a handful of peat on each lily and cover. To do this, you can use:

  • sawdust;
  • spruce branches;
  • plastic wrap;
  • dry leaves.

The ground must be completely dry. In spring, the shelters are removed before the first shoots sprout.

Garden lily care videos

We hope our tips will help you decorate your garden with these gorgeous flowers. Share in the comments your experience of growing lilies or ask your questions. Good luck!
