Table of contents:

Cherry Iput: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features With Photos And Reviews
Cherry Iput: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features With Photos And Reviews

Video: Cherry Iput: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features With Photos And Reviews

Video: Cherry Iput: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features With Photos And Reviews
Video: PEACE LILY - Air Purifier Plant Care Tips, Propagation Repot and Mistakes 2025, January

Sweet cherry Iput will delight you with an early harvest

Cherry Iput
Cherry Iput

What gardener doesn't want to pamper himself and his loved ones with delicious, sweet cherries? Fortunately, in our time there are many varieties of this southern tree that have learned to survive in frosty winters. I would like to tell you about one of these varieties - the Iput cherry. The rules for caring for the variety are very simple, the tree is not capricious and can grow even in the Urals. In addition, cherries ripen early - already in the first month of summer, you can enjoy juicy and healthy fruits.


  • 1 Description of the cherry tree variety Iput

    • 1.1 Height and spreading
    • 1.2 Characteristics, size and photo of fruits
    • 1.3 Features of the early variety Iput

      1.3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of the variety - table

  • 2 Landing features

    • 2.1 Selecting a seedling
    • 2.2 Site selection
    • 2.3 What time to plant
    • 2.4 Landing pit
    • 2.5 Step-by-step planting of a seedling

      2.5.1 Video: planting a cherry seedling

    • 2.6 Pollinators for Iput

      2.6.1 Photo gallery: the best cherry pollinators Iput

  • 3 Care of a cherry tree

    • 3.1 Watering
    • 3.2 Fertilizers

      1 Table: Fertilization schedule for cherries

    • 3.3 Care of the trunk circle
    • 3.4 Cropping

      3.4.1 Video: pruning cherries in spring

    • 3.5 Preparing for winter
  • 4 What diseases and pests threaten the health of cherries Iput

    • 4.1 Table: Diseases, Control and Prevention

      4.1.1 Photo gallery: how lesions manifest on cherries

    • 4.2 Table: garden pests - how to recognize and resist

      1 Photo Gallery: Learning to Recognize Pests

    • 4.3 Birds
  • 5 Harvesting
  • 6 Reviews from the forums of gardeners about the cherry Iput

Description of the cherry tree variety Iput

In the second half of the 20th century, the gardens located in the Central and Central Black Earth Region of Russia adopted a new cherry variety called Iput into their ranks. The variety was the result of the work of two breeders working at the All-Russian Research Institute in Bryansk - M. V. Kanshina and A. I. Astakhova. The source material is two numbered forms: 3–36 and 8–14. The Iput cherry has been included in the State Register since 1993.

Cherry fruits Iput
Cherry fruits Iput

Since 1993, the Iput cherry has become a welcome guest on garden plots

Height and spreading

Iput is considered a tall tree for cherries - its height can reach 5 m. The seedling grows quickly with proper care. The dense crown has a wide pyramidal shape. Shoots are thick, covered with olive-gray bark. They grow upright, which makes the crown appear raised.

Young cherry tree
Young cherry tree

It looks like a young cherry tree Iput at the time of flowering

The leaf is large, dark green, slightly concave, has a serrated edge. The shape is oblong-ovate, with a rounded base and a pointed tip. The surface is smooth and non-pubescent. The buds are rather large, vegetative - moderately deviated, resembling a cone, generative ones have an ovoid shape. The petioles are medium in length and thickness. Large flowers with white petals form bouquets of 3 - 4 pieces.

Characteristics, size and photo of fruits

The berries are dark red. In the period of full ripeness, they acquire an almost black tint. The decorative appearance of the fruit is given by a round-heart-shaped shape and a shiny skin. The mass of the berry ranges from 5 to 8 g, so the Iput cherry can be safely called large-fruited. The stalk is short and thick. The separation from the peduncle is easy. 5.1% of the total mass of the fruit is occupied by a stone, colored in a light brown color, which separates from the pulp is not separated very well.

Dark red pulp is medium in density, very tender and juicy. The taste is sweet, sweet, but there is a subtle bitterness. Assessment of tasters - 4 points.

Iput cherry fruits on a plate
Iput cherry fruits on a plate

Cherry fruits Iput have an excellent appearance and impressive size.

Features of the early variety Iput

The distinctive features of this cherry are:

  • good winter hardiness of flower buds;
  • early flowering;
  • early fruiting.
Cherry blossom
Cherry blossom

Sweet cherry Iput is distinguished by early flowering

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety - table

Advantages disadvantages
Iput consistently brings high yields (on average 25-30 kg per tree)

Fruits are prone to cracking in

high humidity

Fruits ripen early The variety is partially self-fertile, pollinators are needed
Large fruit size, good taste Average early maturity (yields first fruits 4-5 years after planting)
Good level of frost resistance, withstands frosts down to -32 ° С

Increased immunity to fungal


Cherry fruits Iput on a branch
Cherry fruits Iput on a branch

Iput cherry fruits large and with good taste

Landing features

Only by observing all the planting rules can you grow a healthy and fast-growing sweet cherry, which brings abundant harvests from year to year.

Sapling selection

Saplings 1 or 2 years old are suitable for planting. But, according to experts, it is still better to purchase two years.

Get a seedling in the fall. During this period, you can choose the best planting material. The remaining foliage can be used to determine if the plant is infected with diseases or pests.

It is best to choose cherries in nurseries or from trusted sellers, so as not to be disappointed later. Be sure to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The appearance of the seedling. Sapling height - from 1 m. The trunk is straight. The bark is elastic and smooth, without damage. A wrinkled bark is evidence of tissue dehydration. The presence of 3-5 branches at least 35 cm long is evidence of normal development. Attention should also be paid to the kidneys. Make sure they are safe.
  2. Root system. The roots are elastic, well developed (this is evidenced by 3 - 4 branches 30 cm long, covered with a mesh of additional thin roots). Bloated, rotten areas are a sign of disease. Discard such trees.
  3. Please note - the seedling must have a grafting site!

A seedling purchased in the fall can be easily preserved until spring without loss. To do this, in a shaded, windproof place, you need to dig a shallow trench - 40 cm depth will be enough. The seedling should be laid at an angle of 45 ° with the tip towards the south. Sprinkle earth on the roots and most of the trunk, compact and water so that the soil fills the voids. With the onset of persistent frosts and in the absence of snow cover, you can cover the buried seedling with spruce branches.

Cherry seedlings
Cherry seedlings

Autumn is the best time to buy a seedling

Seat selection

The landing site should be comfortable, inaccessible to blown winter winds and drafts, and at the same time well lit. After all, cherries are a lover of heat, and sunlight increases the level of sugar content in fruits. An ideal site is considered to be open from the south and protected from the north by buildings or a fence. It is not recommended to plant cherries in lowlands. In such places, melt water and cold air masses accumulate, which is not desirable for an early flowering tree.

When laying a garden, the composition of the soil is of great importance. Sweet cherry Iput prefers light, well-drained and fertile soil, so loam and sandy loam are the right choice. Peat bogs or heavy clay soils, on the other hand, will make it difficult for the seedling to take root. Clay contains few nutrients, it is cold and retains moisture. In peat bogs there is a lot of organic matter containing nitrogen, but in a form inaccessible to cherries. In addition, these soils are highly acidic. If you have just such lands on your site, then you have to work a little to domesticate them. Clay areas are dug up with a large amount of sand and organic matter, and peat bogs are drained and also sanding.

Cherry orchard
Cherry orchard

You need to plant cherries in places well lit by sunlight.

What time to plant

Iput cherries can be planted in spring and autumn. But it is imperative to take into account the climate of the region so that the tree has a chance to grow into a fruitful tree.

Autumn planting is shown in regions located in the south. Warm, humid autumn and mild winter will allow the seedling to quickly adapt to the arrival of cold weather. The most suitable month for disembarkation is October, but no later than the end of the month.

In the spring, you need to plant cherries in areas with a harsh climate and noticeable sub-zero temperatures. During the warm period, the seedlings will have time to develop the root system and easily survive the cold winter. But you need to hurry up with landing. You need to be in time by the beginning of sap flow, therefore, after the first ten days of May, planting trees is prohibited.

Landing pit

If you are the happy owner of a suitable land plot, then the planting pit can be engaged without preliminary soil preparation. But if you are unlucky, you will first have to prepare the soil by enriching it with useful substances.

  • In heavy clay soils, up to 15 kg of organic matter, 70 g of superphosphate or 120 g of phosphoric flour, 50 g of potassium chloride are added per 1 m 2. Cultivation is carried out by deep digging, at least 40 cm in depth, or by plowing.
  • In soils containing a large amount of peat, 2 kg of manure or compost, 200 g of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium chloride, from 600 to 1000 g of lime are introduced. Digging is carried out to a depth of 25 cm.
  • To improve the physical properties of the soil, sand must be added (up to 50 kg per 1 m 2).
  • A year before planting, mustard, lupine or frazelia are sown, which are embedded in the soil when digging a site.
Fertile land
Fertile land

Poor soils must be cultivated by introducing nutrients for digging

A pit for planting should be prepared in advance, for spring - in autumn and vice versa. If planting cherries has become a spontaneous decision, then try to dig a planting hole 3 weeks before buying a seedling. The preparation process will boil down to the following:

  1. Free the site from the remnants of vegetation, align and outline the boundaries of the future pit. The depth should be about 70 cm, the width should be 1 m.
  2. When digging a depression, try to set the top layer of earth apart from the bottom.
  3. Add rotted manure to the deposited soil - 3 buckets, phosphorus-containing fertilizers - 200 g, potash fertilizers - 100 g, wood ash - 1 liter. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  4. Drive a high, straight stick into the bottom of the hole. Then fill in the prepared soil and pour it with water, 1 bucket is enough.

During the time before planting, the nutrients will be evenly distributed, the soil will be compacted and during planting will not pull the seedling deep into the depths.

Landing pit
Landing pit

The preparation of the landing pit must be done in advance.

Step-by-step planting of a seedling

  1. If the root system of the seedling is dry, dip it in water for at least a day. Before planting, be sure to prepare a chatterbox of clay, manure and water to process the roots. Protected in this way, they will have better grip and take root faster.
  2. In the recess around the hammered stick, collect the soil mixture, forming a mound out of it. Lower the seedling vertically into the hole and spread the roots along the sides of the embankment.
  3. Cover the roots with soil, shaking the tree occasionally to create as few voids as possible in the roots. Tamp, then pour with a bucket of water. This will finally distribute the soil between the roots.
  4. Top up the remaining soil. Watch the planting level - the root collar should not remain in the ground.
  5. Form a watering circle around the seedling, building a roller of earth around its perimeter, and pour 2 buckets of water into it.
  6. After all the moisture has been absorbed, tie the seedling to a stick and mulch the ground to conserve moisture.

Video: planting a cherry seedling

Pollinators for Iput

In order not to wait in vain for high yields and large berries, next to the sweet cherry Iput, you need to plant varieties, cross-pollination with which will help her delight you with delicious fruits. Bryansk pink, Tyutchevka, Revna, Ovstuzhenka, Raditsa will cope with this task.

Photo gallery: the best cherry pollinators Iput

Sweet cherry Bryansk pink
Sweet cherry Bryansk pink
Sweet cherry Bryansk pink
Cherry Tyutchevka
Cherry Tyutchevka
Cherry Tyutchevka
Cherry Revna
Cherry Revna
Cherry Revna
Cherry Ovstuzhenka
Cherry Ovstuzhenka
Cherry Ovstuzhenka
Cherry Raditsa
Cherry Raditsa
Cherry Raditsa

Cherry tree care

The care and concern with which the gardener surrounds the cherries pays off with unprecedentedly generous harvests.


Cherry Iput is a moisture-loving plant. But this does not mean at all that the root zone needs to be brought to the state of a swamp. There will be some problems from such waterlogging. The soil under the tree should be moderately moist.

In central Russia, where the summer is not hot and there is enough precipitation, you can water the cherries once a month. The norm for one tree is 50-60 liters of water. In the south, the sun shines more intensely, which means that moisture evaporates faster. And the rain is not always lucky. Accordingly, the frequency of watering increases up to 2 times a month.

The main watering is performed by:

  • before bud break;
  • 2 weeks after flowering;
  • 20 days before the fruit ripens. Waterlogging of the soil at the time of fruit ripening will lead to their cracking.

Do not forget also about water-charging irrigation for the winter if there is no precipitation in the autumn. Adequate amount of water should saturate the roots through which moisture flows to the crown. During the period of winds and frosts, this will save the branches from drying out and freezing. Such irrigation should be carried out in the second half of September in the central regions, and in the southern regions - in early or mid-October.

Watering in the near-trunk circle
Watering in the near-trunk circle

To prevent water from spilling over the soil surface, build a watering circle before watering.


Cherry Iput, characterized by its rapid growth at a young age and bringing stable yields in subsequent years, constantly needs competent feeding. Fertilizers applied during planting will last for 2 years. Then you will have to add food annually. Usually young trees are fertilized 2 times per season - in May and June, fruiting more often - 3 times.

Table: fertilization schedule for cherries

Periods Types of dressings

In early spring, during the

rosebud period

To support the rapid growth of shoots, a urea solution is introduced - 200 g per 10 liters of water. You can use slurry by diluting it in a 1: 6 ratio with water, and adding 1 tbsp. l. complex mineral fertilizers.
End of summer - beginning of autumn 350 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potassium sulfate are scattered in the area of the near-trunk circle, followed by watering.
Late autumn, in November Organic matter is introduced - 1-2 buckets of humus and 0.5 liters of wood ash in a near-trunk circle with shallow digging, but with the condition that on fertile soils this is done once every 3 years, on sandy soils - every year.

Care must be taken with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. If you sort it out with them, then the sweet cherry will grow actively, but to the detriment of the harvest. In the fall, it is categorically impossible to use nitrogen, as the tree will continue to grow its green mass and will not have time to prepare for winter.

Organic fertilizers
Organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are applied once every 3 years

Barrel circle care

The area called the trunk circle should be kept clean by the grower. Weed control will save you from pests that like to settle under the shade of a tree and at a certain moment organize a friendly invasion. In addition, cherries grow a lot of growth, which takes up some of the nutrients and moisture. The root growth should be cut at the very surface of the soil.

Periodic loosening, carried out after each humidification (even after rain), will help maintain gas exchange in the roots, which will only benefit the tree. It also helps the soil retain moisture longer.

After watering and loosening, the trunk circle is mulched. Mulch is an excellent prevention of weed growth, retains moisture and gives nutrients to the soil.

Mulching the trunk circle
Mulching the trunk circle

The trunk circle must be kept in order


A properly formed tree will yield good yields of sweet cherries that are easy to harvest.

  1. You need to start forming the crown the next spring after planting. If the seedling is not older than 1 year, it is crowned at a height of 1 m. From the remaining buds, lateral branches will grow, with which you need to start working the next year.
  2. In the second year, a stem is formed, it should be about 60–70 cm high. What grows below is cut to the ground. From the remaining branches, choose 3-4 of the strongest ones and align them in length.
  3. In the third year, the formation of crown tiers begins. The second tier, as well as the subsequent ones, is laid at a height of 50–70 cm from the lower one. In this case, the number of branches should be reduced by 1. That is, the second tier consists of 2–3 branches.
  4. In the fourth year, the tiers of the crown are finally formed. Above the third and last tier, it is recommended to transfer the central conductor to the side branch, thus it will be possible to control the height of the sweet cherry.

Video: pruning cherries in spring

Subsequent thinning pruning needs to control the degree of thickening of the cherry. You need to cut off all competing branches growing deeper into the crown. The thinned crown will receive more light, it is better to be blown by the wind, which will avoid many diseases and pests. In addition, the quality of the fruit will improve. In the fall, sanitary pruning is carried out, cutting out sick, broken, dried branches.

Cherry branches in the sun
Cherry branches in the sun

Thinned cherry crown is better illuminated by the sun

Preparing for winter

Preparation for winter includes several mandatory stages:

  • Top dressing and water charging watering.
  • Clearing and digging the trunk circle.
  • Boot and branch care. It is necessary to clean off the old peeled bark, under which pests can hibernate, and whitewash the trunk and skeletal branches.

Cherry Iput shows high frost resistance, but young seedlings are much more vulnerable. In order for young trees to survive the harsh winter, you need to wrap the trunks with any breathable material before frosty weather. The root zone is covered with a layer of mulch (horse manure, dry grass) at least 5 cm thick. If the winter is snowy, then a snowdrift gathered around the tree will serve as additional protection. You just need to update it periodically and shoot down the snow crust. For an adult cherry, one mulching layer will be enough, under which the roots will be intact.

Preparing the tree for winter
Preparing the tree for winter

The trunk of the tree is wrapped in any breathable material

What diseases and pests threaten the health of Iput cherries

Having good disease resistance, the Iput cherry is still not immune from possible infections that pests often carry. An attentive gardener should be able to recognize the disease in time to help the tree cope with the disease.

Table: diseases, control and preventive measures

Diseases Symptoms Control measures Prevention


cherry mosaic disease

This viral disease manifests itself on the leaves in the form of ring circles or discolored stripes. Deformation and leaf fall occurs. The tree weakens due to the disturbance of photosynthesis. In its advanced form, the disease affects the channels along which the juice moves.

There is no cure.

The tree needs to be uprooted.

  • Buy only healthy planting material.
  • Prevention of the spread of pests.
Moniliosis It manifests itself not only on fruits in the form of rot, which then leads to the drying out of the berries. The disease can affect branches. They turn brown and as if boiled, then the bark becomes covered with gray growths. Before treatment, remove all diseased branches from the cherry, treat the cuts with garden pitch. Treat the tree with Horus twice - before flowering and 10 days after the first treatment. A solution is prepared from 2 g of substance per 10 l of water. Consumption rate - 1 liter per 10 m 2.
  • Pest prevention.
  • Removal from the tree of all

    mummified fruits, diseased branches and their destruction.

  • Autumn whitewashing of the trunk and skeletal branches.
  • Loosening the soil around the trunk.
Coccomycosis It affects wood in warm and humid weather. It appears in the form of small spots that quickly grow on the surface of the leaf. The diseased leaf changes color, becoming brown, the surface is covered with holes and it dries up.

Copper preparations such as Bordeaux liquid or Horus will cope with the disease.

Several sprays are carried out:

  • until the kidneys are swollen;
  • before flowering;
  • after harvest;
  • before the beginning of leaf fall.
  • Collection and destruction of fallen leaves and remaining fruits.
  • Weed control and loosening of the trunk circle.
  • Sanitary pruning.
  • Treating the land under a tree with an antifungal agent.
Gommoz Often appears on cherries as a result of mechanical damage, frost damage or affected by moniliosis and clasterosporium. It manifests itself as protruding drops of a sticky liquid, which then hardens, forming a vitreous body. May cause branches to dry out. The vitreous growth is cleaned off with a sharp knife, grabbing some healthy tissue. The wound is treated with a 1% solution of Copper sulfate and sealed with Garden Var.
  • In winter, young tree trunks must be protected from frost.
  • Autumn whitewashing of the trunk.
  • In the fall, nitrogen is excluded from top dressing.
  • Gardening should be done carefully to avoid damage to the trunk.
Scab It affects leaves and fruits. The leaf plate is covered with dark brown spots. The berries are cracked and deformed. In early spring, treatment is carried out with the help of Nitrofen: 200 g of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • Collection and destruction of fallen leaves.
  • Regular pruning of the crown.
  • Autumn digging of soil under a tree.

Photo gallery: how lesions manifest themselves on cherries

Mosaic disease
Mosaic disease
Mosaic disease is an insidious disease that cannot be treated
Moniliosis affects not only fruits, but also cherry branches
This is how coccomycosis manifests itself on the leaves.
Gomoz, at first glance a frivolous problem, can lead to drying out of branches
Scab infects fruits and leaves

Table: garden pests - how to recognize and resist

Pest How to recognize Control measures Prevention
Hawthorn The danger is not a butterfly, but a gray-yellow caterpillar. It consumes a significant part of the green mass, leaving the tree without leaves in a short time. Threatens with loss of harvest. To cope with the problem, in early spring, in March-April, treat the cherries and the soil under them with a urea solution. The working mixture is prepared from 10 l of water and 700 g of the substance. Attract tits to the garden, they are the ones who fight the hawthorn caterpillars. Collect pest nests by hand. Butterflies can be caught early in the morning or late in the evening, when they are lethargic, and the caterpillars can be shaken off the tree onto the cloth.

Goldtail, or



The pest caterpillar harms the tree, eating up its foliage to bare branches.

When the buds begin to bloom, Nitrafen or Oleocobrite is used. The solution is prepared according to the instructions.

Before flowering, spraying with one of the insecticides is carried out: 10% Karbofos, Antilin - 50 g per 10 l of water, Lepodocid - 50-60 g per 10 l of water.

Collect or prune winter nests of the pest with shears. Wear gloves, caterpillar hairs irritate the skin. Use metal scrapers to scrape off the eggs.
Black aphid It feeds on the sap of the leaves, after which they stop growing, curl and dry out. Contaminates fruits with sticky secretions. In early spring, before the buds swell, they are treated with Fitoverm, Aktellik, Inta-Vir or Commander. The instruction is attached.
  • Until the buds open, the cherries are sprayed with soapy water - cut a half of the laundry soap and dilute it in 10 liters of water.
  • You can apply an ash solution: 0.5 kg per 10 liters of water, leave for 3 days, strain. Cut root growth and control weeds.
Cherry fly The most dangerous pest that can destroy up to 90% of the crop on cherries. The fly larva feeds on juicy fruits, after which they rot and fall off. Processing is carried out 2 times a season: at the end of April and 2-3 weeks after the first treatment. Apply 20% Karbaphos, Spark (8 ml per 1 liter of water) or Lightning (2 ml per 10 liters of water). After treatment, once a week, spray the trunk circle with the same preparations.
  • In the fall, deep digging of the soil will help.
  • In summer, you need to constantly loosen the ground around the trunk, take care of the trunk and branches: peel off the old bark, whitewash.

Photo gallery: learning to recognize pests

The hawthorn caterpillar is able to leave behind bare branches
Golden Silkworm Caterpillar
Golden Silkworm Caterpillar
The golden silkworm caterpillar damages buds and leaves
Black aphid
Black aphid
Ladybug will help fight aphids
Cherry fly
Cherry fly
Cherry fly larvae develop in the fruit, damaging it


Birds in the garden are both helpers and a threat to the cherry crop. It is not surprising that the people call the sweet cherry "bird cherry". There are several methods to save the harvest from uninvited guests.

Applying a mesh, you can even fishing. They cover the crown of the cherry tree and the fruits will not be available to the birds. It is a pity that this method can only be applied while the sweet cherry is young, not having a large crown.

Bird net
Bird net

The net will save the cherry harvest

The classic, time-tested method is the use of glittery tinsel. New Year's rain, stripes of colored foil, old CDs will be used.

Shiny objects on cherries scare birds away
Shiny objects on cherries scare birds away

Shiny objects on cherries scare birds away

The ultrasonic repeller has proven itself very well. True, its cost is decent, and it is more expedient to use it in large areas - 90 m 2.

Bird scarer
Bird scarer

The bird repeller is more expedient to use on large areas.


The early maturity of this variety is average. Fruits appear 4–5 years after planting. But the harvest ripens early - in mid-June. This, of course, is a conditional date, since everything depends on climatic conditions. Cherry Iput is famous for its regular harvests. Adult cherries, with proper care, will be generous up to 50 kg of juicy berries from one tree.

Bountiful harvest of cherries on a branch
Bountiful harvest of cherries on a branch

Sweet cherry Iput is famous for its large harvests

You will have to collect cherries in several stages. Earlier, the fruits ripen on the most lighted branches. They begin to pick the sweet cherries as soon as they have acquired the color corresponding to the variety - dark red, but at the same time the stalk should remain bright green. The fruits are removed very carefully, trying not to damage the bouquet twigs. If you have a small tree, then you can resort to the shearing method using scissors with which to cut the berries without violating the integrity of the bouquet branches. Harvesting is done only in dry weather. Try to collect in boxes or shallow containers so that the delicate berry does not crinkle.

Cherry harvest
Cherry harvest

You need to pick cherries with a tail

Cherry contains more than 80% water, so it cannot be stored for a long time. Whole berries can stay in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. At room temperature - only 2 days.

Sweet cherry is a very healthy berry, so have time to enjoy the fruits in their natural form. The Iput variety is also suitable for blanks. For the winter, you can use it to make confiture, jam, fruit puree, cherries in your own juice, boil compote and make a filling for baking.

Cherry compote
Cherry compote

Cherries make a wonderful compote

Reviews from the forums of gardeners about the cherry Iput

Owners of the Iput variety willingly share their impressions of it on popular forums:

Cherry varieties Iput - early ripening, frost-resistant and simply beautiful. The variety is rightfully successful - after all, it is distinguished by its ability to bring bountiful harvests annually with minimal physical costs on the part of the gardener. The fragrant fruits are delicious fresh, and the workpieces from them are wonderful.