Cucumbers Courage F1 - A Description Of The Features Of The Variety And Important Nuances Of Growing + Photo
Cucumbers Courage F1 - A Description Of The Features Of The Variety And Important Nuances Of Growing + Photo

Cucumbers of the Kurazh F1 variety - how to achieve a harvest all year round?


Cucumbers today are the most beloved vegetables grown by all gardeners without exception. Breeders are constantly working on breeding varieties that are more productive and resistant to diseases and pests. Among them, a hybrid, unique in all respects, can be distinguished - Courage F1. A detailed description of the rules of care will help to get good harvests for both beginners and experienced gardeners.


  • 1 Features and characteristics of the Kurazh F1 variety

    1.1 Photo gallery: from seed to harvest

  • 2 Description of the pros and cons of the hybrid variety

    2.1 Video: features of growing cucumbers Kurazh F1

  • 3 Where can cucumbers be planted?
  • 4 Seed preparation
  • 5 Getting seedlings
  • 6 How to plant seedlings?
  • 7 Sowing in open beds
  • 8 How to grow a crop in a greenhouse?

    8.1 Video: ways to grow a whip vertically in a greenhouse

  • 9 Care and watering

    • 9.1 Table: watering in open beds
    • 9.2 Table: plant feeding in the open field
    • 9.3 Table: Greenhouse Watering
    • 9.4 Table: Plant feeding in the greenhouse
  • 10 Disease and pest control
  • 11 How to harvest and store crops correctly?

    11.1 Methods for storing cucumbers

  • 12 Reviews of gardeners

Features and characteristics of the variety Courage F1

The homeland of cucumbers is India, but the miracle vegetable thrives in most climatic zones. To get a full-fledged crop, you must follow certain rules for planting and caring for the crop. The Kurazh variety is a self-pollinated hybrid with a high yield and is one of the latest developments of the Gavrish breeding company. Plants enter the fruiting period 50–55 days (winter) and 35–40 days after germination in spring and summer.

The Kurazh variety is a medium-sized shrub with a well-developed root system. With proper illumination, bundles of ovaries (from 2 to 10) are formed in the leaf axils. The fruits, covered with small tubercles and white thorns, have a cylindrical shape up to 13-14 cm in length and weight up to 130 g. The flesh of the cucumbers is fragrant and crispy, absolutely without bitterness.

Photo gallery: from seed to harvest

Variety Courage
Variety Courage
Harvest cucumbers in the greenhouse
Flowering period
Flowering period
The first flowers appear on the main stem
Seed material
Seed material
Processed (colored) and untreated (light) seeds

Description of the pros and cons of the hybrid variety

There is only one drawback - the high price of planting material. But Courage has enough advantages:

  1. Productivity: from 6 to 12 kg per square meter.
  2. Self-pollination.
  3. High quality fruit.
  4. Resistant to downy mildew and powdery mildew.
  5. Transportability.

Video: features of growing cucumbers Courage F1

Where can you plant cucumbers?

Courage is an ideal variety for growing outdoors and in greenhouses by sowing seeds in a garden bed or using seedlings. Planting crops in open beds is allowed to begin after the threat of frost has passed and the average daily temperature is kept at + 15 ° C. Usually, gardeners use the method of growing cucumbers in the open field during the warm season. The soil on the site must be fertile and neutral, since land with high acidity is not suitable for Courage. To reduce the acidity of the soil, from autumn, fluff lime (per 100 sq. M. - 60 kg) or wood ash (per 100 sq. M. - 70 kg) is introduced into the garden. Such an event is held every 4-5 years. For the garden bed, you must choose a lighted and wind-protected place.

Cucumber planting
Cucumber planting

Choose a place protected from cold winds for cucumbers

Seed preparation

Caring for a good harvest begins with the selection of quality seeds. As a rule, the seeds of hybrids offered in stores are already prepared and disinfected, therefore they do not need additional preparation. If the seed has not been processed, it is necessary to carry out mandatory pre-sowing measures, consisting of several stages:

  • sorting seeds with a saline solution: water - 1 liter, salt - a tablespoon with top. Dip the seeds into the solution for 10 minutes, remove all floating ones, rinse the rest with water;
  • disinfection - protection of plants from diseases. In a solution of water - 100 ml and potassium permanganate - 1 g, soak the seeds for 30 minutes, rinse with clean water;
  • soaking - will help the sprouts pass through the shell of the grain. Wrap the seeds in cheesecloth and lower them in a saucer of water so that the liquid barely covers the cheesecloth, otherwise a large amount of water will prevent the seeds from breathing;
  • hardening - will help plants adapt to colder temperatures after sowing. Wrap the seeds in damp gauze and put them in the refrigerator at 0 ° C for two days. It is important that the seeds are not germinated. After this procedure, the seed is ready for planting.

Getting seedlings

Using the seedling method, you can get a harvest much earlier. The seeds of the Courage hybrid must be sown in special containers, then covered with foil and left in a warm room until shoots appear. For sowing, you can use any containers: cups for sour cream, tetra packets for milk. The main requirement for choosing containers:

  • the diameter of the container is not less than 6–7 centimeters;
  • the number of drainage holes is the maximum.

An important factor in obtaining good seedlings is high-quality soil. For this purpose, you should not take the soil from the garden, since it will quickly be compressed and the sprouts will not receive the proper amount of oxygen and moisture. It is recommended to purchase special soil. Cucumber seedlings do not dive, since they take root for a long time and get sick during transplantation.

How to plant seedlings?

During the period when the first and third true leaves appear, 20–25 days after germination, the cucumber seedlings are ready for planting. If the seedlings outgrow, it will not take root well. By the time of planting in a permanent place, the soil should warm up to 14 ° C to a depth of 10 cm. Seedlings are planted on a protected bed by mid-May, if the beds are without shelter - in early June, but depending on weather conditions, the time frame may shift slightly. Approximately a week before disembarkation, you need to take hardening measures.

An important condition for growing Courage is adherence to planting dates

Sowing in open beds

Sowing beds are prepared in advance. It is advisable to choose areas where legumes, potatoes or cabbage grew in the previous season. Spring preparation of the beds consists in deep digging of the soil, after which they are covered with a film to warm the earth. If the garden bed is being prepared in the fall, then for each square meter of the area you need to add: 3 buckets of manure, 3 glasses of ash and 70 g of nitrophoska. The optimal time for sowing cucumber seeds is April-May.

The sowing scheme, which is followed by experienced gardeners, is 50 x 50 cm at a depth of 3-4 cm, 2-3 seeds per hole. The emerging seedlings must be thinned out after two weeks.

The horizontal cultivation method assumes that the lashes will creep along the ground without any formation, they are simply distributed over the surface of the bed. The method of vertical cultivation is that the plants are provided with the presence of supports, allowing the cucumbers to grow upward. Sowing is carried out in grooves, the distance between which is 1 meter. The seeds are located 15 cm apart at a depth of 2-3 cm. After germination, they are thinned at a distance of 35 cm between the bushes.

To maximize the yield, do not increase the recommended planting density

Cucumber beds
Cucumber beds

To obtain a high-quality harvest, the sowing scheme must be followed

How to grow a crop in a greenhouse?

First you need to properly prepare the soil:

  • after the end of the season, you need to clean the surface of the earth from the remnants of previous plantings and weeds;
  • use the fungicides Strobi, Bayleton or Topaz for soil treatment, following the instructions on the package;
  • in the spring it is recommended to add bulk manure to the soil;
  • water the surface of the earth with a strong solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection;
  • loosen the soil, form rows with holes.

Caring for a crop planted in a greenhouse requires the implementation of certain rules:

  • plants need to be formed into one stem. This method significantly increases the yield of cucumbers;
  • on the main stem, remove all lateral shoots in the axils of 4 true leaves;
  • the number of ovaries should not be normalized;
  • the main attention should be paid to the lighting of greenhouses.
Greenhouse cucumbers
Greenhouse cucumbers

Pay attention to greenhouse lighting to keep your cucumber plantings strong and healthy.

Video: ways to grow a whip vertically in a greenhouse

Care and watering

The Kurazh hybrid needs maintenance and watering, which is standard for all varieties. It is advisable to water the plants with settled and warm water, and in hot weather you need to mulch the beds. Long breaks in irrigation activities can affect:

  • to shedding ovaries;
  • on the appearance of bitterness in fruits;
  • to slow down the growth of bushes;
  • to reduce resistance to disease.

Table: watering in open beds

Watering time Periodicity Volumes
Before flowering every 4-5 days, focusing on the air temperature 5-7 liters per 1m 2
Flowering and fruiting everyday 6-12 liters per 1m 2

Watering cucumbers is recommended in the evening. For an uninterrupted process of watering cucumber crops, you need to put containers in the summer cottage, which are filled with water from a hose in the evening. During the day, the water warms up enough and is ready for watering in the evening.

Considering that the roots of plants are near the surface of the ground, a strong pressure of water cannot be used so as not to damage the root system. When watering, you need to make sure that the water does not fall on the leaves, otherwise the bushes can get sick

Table: plant feeding in the open field

Cucumbers in the open field need to be fed a little, but quite often - 5-6 times per season. Fertilizers are applied at the root or by foliar dressing.

The sequence of dressings Application time Means and proportions
First feeding the appearance of two real leaves water - 10 l, urea - a tablespoon
Second feeding 2 weeks after the first water - 10 liters, mullein - 0.5 liters
Third feeding beginning of flowering any store potash fertilizer - according to the instructions, or solution: water - a bucket (10 l), ash - 2 glasses, urea - 10 g
Fourth, fifth and sixth fruiting period, as needed water - 10 l, chicken manure - 0.5 l, ash - 1 glass

Table: watering in greenhouses

For watering cucumbers in greenhouses, special grooves are made along the planting and exclusively warm water is used.

Watering time Periodicity Volumes
From planting bushes to flowering every 5-7 days 5-6 liters per 1m 2
Flowering period every 2-3 days 8-10 liters per 1m 2
Ovary formation, fruiting period in one day 15-18 liters per 1m 2

On cloudy and cold days, watering is skipped.

If the leaves of the plants begin to wilt, watering is required immediately. To prevent the cucumber bushes in the greenhouse from overheating, the outside of the greenhouse should be sprayed with an aqueous solution of low concentration chalk.

Table: feeding plants in the greenhouse

The culture growing in the greenhouse, as well as in open beds, needs to be fed in small quantities. It will be enough to fertilize the bushes 4-5 times a season.

The sequence of dressings Application time Means and proportions Method of application and quantity
First feeding the appearance of 3-4 true leaves water - 10 l, potassium sulfate - 15 g, double superphosphate - 20 g, ammonium nitrate - 10 g enough to water 10-15 plants
Second feeding flowering time water - 10 l, liquid mullein - 0.5 l, nitrophoska - 1 tablespoon, ash - a glass, boric acid - 0.5 g, manganese sulfate - 0.3 g 3 liters of solution per 1m 2
Third feeding fruiting period water - 10 l, ash - a glass, urea - 15 g watering
Fourth and fifth feeding fruiting period water - 15 l, liquid chicken manure - 1 l watering

Disease and pest control

In case of disease or damage to cucumbers by pests, it can be quite difficult to cure them, so it is worth paying attention to prevention.

The best preventive measure in this matter is proper care: timely and correct soil preparation, autumn cleaning of the beds, soil cultivation with special preparations. If, nevertheless, diseases could not be avoided, it is worth finding out what the cucumbers are sick with, and, if possible, fix the problem.

Anthracnose affects already fruiting and well-developed plants. The symptoms of the disease are: the appearance of brown spots, drying of the foliage and rotting of the fruit. Treatment consists in spraying plants with a solution of copper sulfate (water - 5 liters, copper sulfate - 50 g). During the growing season, the bushes need to be sprayed 3 times, and the last treatment is carried out a week before harvesting the fruits.


The first sign of anthracnose is the appearance of brown spots on the sheets.

Corner spot, bacteriosis. Bacteria can infect crops at any stage of growth. The appearance of leaves with brown spots, which subsequently fall off, speaks of the disease. In the form of preventive measures, fungicides are used, starting to spray the seedlings 10 days after germination. The solution is prepared from a bucket of water with the addition of 40 g of the Hom preparation. A liter of solution is enough to process 10 square meters of crops. During the fruiting period, you need to additionally spray the cucumbers with Energen (a bucket of water, the drug is 5 ml). Re-spraying is carried out after a week.

Cucumber leaves affected by bacteriosis
Cucumber leaves affected by bacteriosis

Bacteriosis must be fought as soon as possible

White rot or sclerotinia is a fungal disease that affects all parts of the plant. White bloom on fruits and shoots, which eventually turns into mucus, is a characteristic sign of the disease. All affected parts of the bush should be removed immediately, and the cuts should be treated with dry lime or crushed coal.

White rot on the plant
White rot on the plant

All parts of the plant affected by white rot should be removed immediately.

Gardeners are in big trouble with pests, among which aphids are most often found

The appearance of aphids can destroy the entire landing. As a result of the invasion of insects, the leaves and shoots on the plant curl, dry out and gradually die. Weeds are a breeding ground for insects, therefore, in order to prevent it, you need to weed out the grass in a timely manner. You can fight aphids with the help of chemicals: Intra-vira (dilute 1 tablet with a bucket of water) or Arrows (solution from a bucket of water and the drug - 50 g). For those who prefer folk remedies, you can try an infusion of red pepper: pour hot water -30 g pepper, tobacco dust - 200 g and insist for a day, then add a tablespoon of liquid laundry soap to the strained solution and use it for spraying. Repeat the procedure in a week.

Aphids on the leaves
Aphids on the leaves

The appearance of aphids is a signal for the gardener

Spider mite. The appearance of the pest is indicated by the cobweb on the plant and yellow spots on the foliage. The main threat to the tick will be spraying the bushes with an infusion of garlic (garlic - 100 g and water - half a bucket) or plain clean water. Spraying should be carried out as often as possible.

Whitefly - another pest that feeds on the juice of cucumber bushes, brings plantings to death. The leaves begin to blacken and fall off. In this case, it is recommended to spray the plants with a soapy solution: dissolve the crushed laundry soap in water (6 parts of water, 1 part of soap) or whip the composition into a foam and apply it to the plants with a sponge. Yarrow infusion also has a good effect: pour 80 g of yarrow leaves with 1 liter of water, leave for two days, strain and spray the affected beds 2-3 times with a weekly interval.

Whitefly on cucumber leaves
Whitefly on cucumber leaves

Whitefly feeds on the juice of cucumber plants

As a chemical agent for whitefly, you can use Aktara, a systemic drug that has a long-lasting effect (up to 5 weeks) and simply water the planting of cucumbers under the root, diluting it according to the instructions. In advanced cases, you have to spray the planting with Aktara up to 3 times with a break of 7 days.

How to harvest and store crops correctly?

Courage fruits must be removed every 2 days, otherwise they will outgrow and interfere with the formation of new greens. After the first frost, the fruits are harvested in a row.

  • the fruits must be cut with a knife so as not to damage the plant, leaving the stalk on the stem, without turning or shifting the whips;
  • the best time to harvest is early morning or evening.

Methods for storing cucumbers

  • the fresher the cucumbers, the longer they will last in the refrigerator. In a loosely closed bag, they remain fresh for at least a week;
  • pouring cucumbers with water and putting the bucket in a cool place, you can save them for 3-4 days with regular water changes;
  • greens can be coated with egg white. This method will allow you to store fruits without a refrigerator;
  • a large number of fruits can be stored in boxes on special racks. Courage retains its freshness and presentation for up to 10 days, regardless of conditions.

Reviews of gardeners

zinaida denisenko


MariMish [25.4K]

Courage F1 is a new generation hybrid that meets almost all the requirements of gardeners. In addition to its excellent taste, cucumber is also often used for making homemade cosmetics. The general love for this vegetable brought it to the first place among all garden crops.