Plants That Bloom Beautifully In Winter
Plants That Bloom Beautifully In Winter

How to turn a windowsill into a Garden of Eden: 5 plants that bloom beautifully and abundantly in winter


In winter, nature rests, gaining strength by the spring. With the onset of cold weather, indoor flowers are capable of making us happy with bright summer colors. Some of them begin to bloom profusely in winter.



In the East, azalea symbolizes home comfort, harmony and tranquility. There are early varieties that bloom in late autumn - early winter, and late ones that bloom in February - April.

Pinch young stems, leaving no more than five leaves on them. Azalea does not like strong heat, during the heating season it is recommended to put snow or ice in the pot without touching the trunk.



Plants of this genus are named differently, more often they are called calla lilies. Usually grown in greenhouses for cutting, indoor cultivation is also possible.

Zantedeskia is hygrophilous, prefers a stable temperature, bright light, requires periodic feeding and timely transplantation.



An ornamental perennial plant that grows quickly in favorable conditions. It blooms in mid-autumn, fades in late spring.

Poinsettia require moderate heat, high humidity, a lot of light, fertilization with a mineral complex during the growing season, annual pruning and transplanting.

Decembrist (Schlumberger)


An unpretentious plant, it is a genus of epiphytic cacti, requires systematic moderate watering, has flat branching stems, at the end of which flowers appear.

The color of the inflorescences is white, pink, orange, lilac, red. After the formation of buds, it is recommended not to rearrange the flower, otherwise the petals will be dropped.



A popular flower crop for indoor cultivation. The name translates as "cavalry star". There are many varieties of hyperastrum, varying in size and color.

Flowering period: late winter to early summer. Hyperastrum adapts to any temperature, but requires a lot of light; in winter, before the arrows appear, it is not watered, otherwise only leaves will grow.