Why Kalanchoe Does Not Bloom And What To Do About It
Why Kalanchoe Does Not Bloom And What To Do About It

Why Kalanchoe does not bloom and what to do about it


Kalanchoe is a frequent guest on our windowsills. This plant has a number of medicinal qualities and is successfully used in folk medicine to treat burns, wounds, ulcers and other damage to the skin, as well as various inflammatory processes of the oral cavity. The flower is not only useful, it is also extremely decorative due to its abundant and bright flowering. But it does not always bloom.

Kalanchoe: the reasons for the lack of flowering and how to fix it

The reasons why the Kalanchoe does not release peduncles:

  • improper illumination;
  • illiterate or untimely feeding;
  • lack of bush formation;
  • unsuitable soil;
  • excessive or insufficient watering;
  • wrong temperature regime;
  • lack of a rest period.
Elongated Kalanchoe
Elongated Kalanchoe

Most often Kalanchoe does not bloom due to improper care

Video: why Kalanchoe does not bloom and what to do about it


Kalanchoe loves bright light. It can be safely placed on the southern, southeastern and southwestern windowsills. If there is a lack of lighting, it is necessary to provide additional lighting with fluorescent or phytolamps, especially in the autumn-winter period. However, the length of daylight hours should not exceed 9–10 hours, so the plant will have to be covered (with a box, thick cloth, paper cone, etc.) or put into a dark cabinet.

Lighting for Kalanchoe
Lighting for Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe loves good bright lighting

Top dressing

You need to fertilize Kalanchoe very carefully, because in its homeland it feeds very poorly. In the spring and summer, this is done no more than once every 15–20 days, using specialized feeding for succulents or any mineral complex in a half dose. In autumn and winter, the flower is not fertilized at all.


On sale you can find specialized fertilizer for cacti and succulents

Video: how to feed Kalanchoe


Flower buds form only at the ends of young shoots, so faded and old tops should be trimmed regularly to stimulate branching. During the winter dormancy period, the plant is not touched.


After the end of flowering Kalanchoe must be cut off

Video: the importance of pruning Kalanchoe


Since Kalanchoe is a succulent, it should grow in light and permeable soil. Such a soil mixture can be purchased at the store by choosing ready-made soil for succulents and cacti, or you can prepare it yourself from:

  • humus - 2 parts;
  • coarse river sand - 1 part;
  • brick chips or small pebbles - 1 part;
  • chopped charcoal - 1 part;
  • sod fertile land - 2 parts.

Ready-made soil for succulents and cacti can be purchased at the store


You can transplant Kalanchoe only after flowering.


Kalanchoe must not be poured, an excess of moisture is deadly for it. The culture does not need frequent watering. Moistening is carried out with settled water at room temperature only after the top layer of the earth in the pot has completely dried:

  • in summer - 2-3 times a week;
  • in winter - no more than 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

Excess water when watering the Kalanchoe should flow out through the drainage hole


When keeping Kalanchoe at home, special attention is paid to the temperature regime. In the warm season, the temperature is maintained within + 23 … + 27 ° C. In the autumn-winter period, temperature indicators should be lowered to + 13 … + 16 ° C, creating artificial conditions for a tropical winter.

Kalanchoe in autumn
Kalanchoe in autumn

In the autumn-winter period, the Kalanchoe needs relative coolness

Video: cool wintering for flowering Kalanchoe

Dormant period

Kalanchoe necessarily needs a period of rest, it is at this time that the buds are laid. In autumn, reduce watering as much as possible, lower the temperature and stop all feeding. The plant can be taken out onto a glazed loggia or an insulated balcony. Then the flower, staying in a ten-hour day for 14–42 days (depending on the species and variety), forms flower buds.

Kalanchoe buds
Kalanchoe buds

If all conditions are met, at the end of the dormant period, buds will appear on the Kalanchoe

Hybrid kalanchoe
Hybrid kalanchoe

Some hybrid varieties of Kalanchoe bloom only once.

Kalanchoe was presented to me by a friend for the New Year. The plant was densely covered with bright pink flowers and looked extremely elegant. It bloomed for a long time, the last buds wilted only by summer. Then two ugly shoots with small leaves stretched out and the plant lost its attractiveness. All my attempts to revive him were unsuccessful, there were no more flowers on it.

Video: how to cause flowering Kalanchoe

Having the necessary information and possessing some skills in caring for indoor plants, it will not be difficult to achieve luxurious flowering of Kalanchoe.
