Why Modern Women Take On All Household Responsibilities
Why Modern Women Take On All Household Responsibilities

From work to work: why women get tired, but continue to drag on the whole life


Society stops developing when it comes to the status of women. It turns out that girls are obliged to give birth, bring up, work, and also keep the house clean.

Parents example

It so happened that there are not enough men in Russia. Some died in wars, others from the green serpent. Returned from the battle - well done. Relax on the couch. You go to work - great. Think only about business.

The solution to the problem is delegation of responsibilities. The daughter will wash the dishes after lunch and dinner, the son will vacuum, and the husband will become a chef a couple of times a week.

Children can be encouraged by a supplement of pocket money, and simply ask the spouse for help. This is normal.

Fear of losing your husband

A tired man comes home, and there is a mess. This is a real story, especially if there are children whom a woman collects in the morning for kindergarten or school, and then rushes to work herself, where she will stay until the same hour as her betrothed.

At the same time, the husband allows himself to criticize his wife's homework. The wife has to do the cleaning until nightfall, so as not to anger the soul mate.

There are 2 solutions.

  1. Remove the tyrant from your life;
  2. Agree with the spouse and children on the distribution of family responsibilities;

A man cannot be deterred by sparkling floors and fantastic cooking. Beautiful housewives are also abandoned.

There is no one else to help


A single woman does not always want to meet. Most often, she wants to take care of children and not drown in endless household chores.

You should not mourn your loneliness when you can use a few tricks to make your life easier.

  1. Cook from blanks. I bought minced meat - stick on cutlets and freeze.
  2. Wash the floor with water and fabric softener. This prevents the surface from getting dirty quickly.
  3. Buy wrinkled bedding. It does not require ironing.
  4. Wipe the dust with a cloth and polish.
  5. Install a humidifier, the dust will be less.
  6. Get rid of unnecessary things.
  7. Immediately clean up after yourself, teach children to do this.

These techniques will help not only single ladies, but also family ladies.

Education imposed by society

It is the 21st century, and the people are still living with “grandfather's” attitudes.

And other girls often say so. Out of envy or a dull mind.

Women have long worked on an equal footing with men, and attitudes about the distribution of domestic work tend to favor the former. Our state has always been patriarchal, and it is difficult to get rid of old vestiges.

I am glad that many modern couples are increasingly agreeing, distributing cases, and sometimes a man goes on maternity leave if it is financially beneficial.

Psychological problems


There are women who are not ready to shift their responsibilities to others. For them, this is almost the meaning of life. A lady who says cleaning calms her down should think about her psychological health.

Such relief from stress very often spills over into illness. Cleaning becomes a struggle for life against invisible microorganisms.

In this case, specialist consultation is necessary. A woman should not be realized at the expense of cleaning or replace the rest of her life with household chores, neglect her beauty and health.
