Plum Memory Timiryazev: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features With Photos And Reviews
Plum Memory Timiryazev: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features With Photos And Reviews

Plum Memory Timiryazev: cultivation features

plum memory Timiryazev
plum memory Timiryazev

Large yields of delicate sweet fruits allow the plum to occupy an honorable place in Russian gardens. Scientists have developed different varieties of this culture that are perfectly adaptable to a variety of climatic conditions. For example, Memory of Timiryazev, which appeared more than half a century ago.


  • 1 Description of the variety

    1.1 Table: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

  • 2 Harvesting
  • 3 Landing features

    3.1 Step by step process

  • 4 Plant care

    • 4.1 Watering
    • 4.2 Fertilization
    • 4.3 Cropping

      4.3.1 Video: how to cut a drain

    • 4.4 Preparing for winter
    • 4.5 Video: the nuances of plum care
  • 5 Diseases and pests: table

    5.1 Photo gallery: what can hit the plum

  • 6 Reviews of gardeners

Description of the variety

The tree is medium-sized, about 3 m. The crown is medium thick, round. The shoots are pubescent, the leaves are light green, slightly wrinkled, with the edge below, and without it above.

Fruits are egg-shaped, yellow, on the side from the sunny side with red subcutaneous dots. Plums without edges, a slight waxy coating is visible on the skin. The abdominal suture is implicit. The pulp is yellow, fine-grained, dense, the juiciness is not very high, as well as the sugar content. The aroma is weak. A small bone separates well from the fetus.

Plum Memory Timiryazev
Plum Memory Timiryazev

Plums in Memory of Timiryazev are not very juicy

Table: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Advantages disadvantages
High yield Strongly susceptible to ticks
Self-fertility There are lean seasons
Recovers well after stress The fruits are not very juicy
High transportability of fruits
Quality fruits Average indicators of drought resistance and frost resistance
Good resistance to clasterosporium disease and fruit rot
Suitable for industrial cultivation
Fruits ripen when stored


Memory of Timiryazev is a universal variety, that is, it can be eaten immediately or used for processing. The average fruit weight is 22 g.

Plum jam
Plum jam

Memory of Timiryazev is a universal variety

Plum blooms in mid-third decade of May, and ripens in late August and early September. The first crop appears after about 4 years of life. On average, a plum gives from 9 kg per tree. Fruits are harvested in dry weather, in the morning or evening, in wooden or plastic boxes. The plum will remain in the refrigerator for 2-4 weeks.

Landing features

The variety is zoned for the Central and Middle Volga regions of Russia. The optimal time for planting plums here is mid-April. Then, during the summer season, the tree will get stronger and endure the winter without loss.

For a plum of this variety, it is necessary to select a site with light and fertile sandy loam or loam. The place should be well-lit by the sun's rays, protected from the wind, with a groundwater level of about 2–3 m. The soil is prepared in the autumn - it must be dug up, weeds pulled out. Then they dig a hole 70 cm deep, 80 cm wide. The top layer is laid separately, and then fertilizers are applied:

  • 10-15 kg of rotted manure;
  • 250 g double superphosphate;
  • 0.5 kg of ash;
  • 100 g of potassium sulfate.

Step by step process

  1. In the pit, after a bit from the center, a stake is installed, which will be a support for the tree (the peg should be on the north side of the seedling).

    Peg installation
    Peg installation

    The peg will serve as a support for the still weak trunk

  2. Pour 20-30 liters of water into the hole.

    Preparing for landing
    Preparing for landing

    Before planting, the pits are watered with 20-30 liters of water

  3. Wait until moisture is absorbed.
  4. The seedling is placed, making sure that the roots lie flat, without creases.
  5. When filling the hole, the ground must be compacted.

    Planting a seedling
    Planting a seedling

    When planting, the ground must be compacted

  6. The root collar should be 6 cm above the ground.
  7. The seedling is tied to a peg (the loop must be free).
  8. Bumpers are made around the trunk and the hole is again poured with 20-30 liters of water.
  9. The trunk circle needs to be mulched with peat - this will help to retain moisture in the soil for a long time.

Plant care

Compliance with simple rules of care will keep the tree healthy, which helps to increase the yield.


It is worth remembering that the Pamyat Timiryazeva variety is not very drought-resistant. Watering regime depends on soil moisture and rainfall. For one irrigation use 3-4 buckets of water.

Watering the plum
Watering the plum

Water is poured into a specially dug furrow in the trunk circle


The seedlings are fed 2–3 years after planting.

  1. The first feeding should be done before the flowering of the plant: 30–40 g of potassium sulfate and urea each.
  2. During the ripening of the fruits - 30 g of nitrophoska and urea.
  3. After the end of fruiting - 30 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.
  4. In autumn or early spring - organic fertilizing (0.5–1 bucket of humus when digging a trunk circle).


Pruning of fruit trees is divided into formative (the formation and maintenance of a beautiful, non-thickened crown) and sanitary (removal of dry, diseased branches damaged by pests). These important measures will increase yields and save the tree from diseases.

Pruning rules:

  1. When planting, the branches of a young seedling are shortened by 1/3.
  2. In late March-early April, in the 2nd year of the tree's life, the central conductor is pruned at a height of 1.5 m from the ground. All branches growing up to a height of 50 cm from the ground are also cut off, the rest - by 1/3.
  3. Year 3: Shorten the main guide by 2/3. The branches of the 1st tier (the lowest) should be 40 cm in length, the 2nd tier - 30 cm. The “floors” of the crown are located at a height of 30–40 cm from each other. Each of them consists of 6-8 branches. The stem to the first tier must again be cleared of shoots.
  4. In subsequent years, weak branches, damaged by diseases and frost, growing inside the crown are removed (it is important not to overdo it, no more than 1/4 of the crown is removed in one pruning, otherwise the stress for the tree will be too strong).
  5. Pruning in emergency cases can also be carried out in the summer - for example, remove diseased or pest-infested shoots.
  6. The root shoots are cut out without leaving hemp.

Video: how to trim a plum

Preparing for winter

Timiryazev's memory does not tolerate frosts very well. Therefore, you need to prepare thoroughly for winter. Thick branches and the trunk can be wrapped with a thick soft cloth, on top of this - with nylon. So you will not only save the tree from frost, but also protect it from rodents. When snow appears, you need to paddle it to the trunk and make a snowdrift 30 cm high.

Whitewashing plum
Whitewashing plum

Whitewashing will protect the tree from rodents and sunburn

Video: the nuances of plum care

Diseases and pests: table

Variety Pamyat Timiryazeva hardly resists various ticks.

Diseases / pests How do they manifest Prevention Control measures
Plum mite Small growths of a reddish tint on the bark indicate its appearance. The mite also infects leaves. The growths multiply, the affected shoots dry up.
  1. Regular loosening and weeding.
  2. Destruction of fallen leaves and fruits.
  3. Digging the soil in spring and autumn.
  4. Profitable annual pruning to prevent crown thickening.
  1. Spraying the tree after flowering with a solution of colloidal sulfur (if necessary, repeat every 10 days).
  2. Damaged shoots are removed from the tree and burned.
Spider mite Symptoms of a spider mite infestation are small red spots on the plant. The next sign is the appearance of a thin web on the leaves. The insect draws sap from the tissues, which causes them to dry out.
Hole spot A disease that affects all parts of the plant. Ulcers appear on the tree - dark spots with an even darker border. The affected tissue falls out, forming holes. Fruits are deformed and stop developing.
  1. Cut off affected branches and shoots and burn them.
  2. After 2-3 weeks after flowering, spray the tree with 1% Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride (30-40 g per 10 l of water).
Rust Round swollen bright spots appear on the leaf plate, which quickly increase. Plants affected by rust lose their strength, leaves fall early.
  1. Before flowering, spray with copper oxychloride (40 g per 5 liters of water, 3 liters of wood solution).
  2. After harvest, treat with 1% Bordeaux liquid.
Gray rot The fruits become brown and soft, with gray clusters of fungal spores visible on the skin. Before and after flowering, spray the plum with copper chloride (40 g per 5 liters of water) or 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Photo gallery: what can hit the plum

Hole spot
Hole spot
As a result of damage, the leaves may have through holes
Rust cannot be confused with another disease due to bright red spots
Gray rot
Gray rot
Gray rot affects all parts of the plant
Plum mite
Plum mite
Ticks live in growths (galls) on shoots

Gardeners reviews

For more than 50 years, the Timiryazev memory plum has gained popularity among Russian gardeners. High-quality fruits and high productivity are the skates of the variety. The self-fertility of the plum means that there is no need to take care of pollinators. However, there is also a fly in the ointment - the variety is highly susceptible to ticks.
