White Bloom On Raw Smoked Sausage: Why It Appears, Is It Possible To Eat The Product
White Bloom On Raw Smoked Sausage: Why It Appears, Is It Possible To Eat The Product

Why does a white bloom appear on raw smoked sausage and is it possible to eat the product

Raw smoked sausage with white salt coating
Raw smoked sausage with white salt coating

Even with proper storage, a white bloom sometimes appears on the surface of uncooked sausage. What is it and is it possible to eat such a product, it is interesting for many to know.

White bloom on raw smoked sausage: what it is and why it appears

White bloom on the outer surface (natural film) of raw smoked sausage can be of different origins:

  • mold - appears as a result of a violation of the production technology, conditions and shelf life of the product, in which case other signs of spoilage are usually present, for example, a bad smell or a sticky coating;
  • salts - their release to the surface of the product is a normal process, indicates the maturity of the product and is usually typical for a loaf of sausage dried to a normal level.
Sausage with white bloom
Sausage with white bloom

White dry bloom on uncooked sausage is either mold or salt crystals

Is it possible to eat sausage with a coating on the outer shell

If the product has a dry white coating formed due to the appearance of salt crystals on the surface, it can be eaten without fear of harm to health.

How to distinguish white from mold

It is possible to reliably determine what type of plaque is present on the sausage only under laboratory conditions. But if such a check is not available for any reason, for example, due to lack of time, then you can perform it at home. There is a simple way, for which, in addition to sausage with a touch, you will need:

  • a towel or napkin;
  • matches or a lighter.

The procedure is simple:

  1. Wipe the coated sausage surface with a napkin. You can limit yourself to a small area.
  2. Light a match or lighter. The latter is more convenient to use.
  3. Burn the cleaned surface of the sausage at the tip of the flame, taking care not to damage the casing and not to smoke it too much.
  4. Place the loaf in the same storage conditions for several hours, for example, overnight, and then evaluate the result:

    • if plaque appears, then it is salt;
    • if there is no plaque, then it was mold - the fire destroyed the spores of the fungi.
Sausage with mold
Sausage with mold

If the plaque on the sausage is mold, especially of a yellowish or greenish tint, that is, it cannot be

It is not necessary to remove plaque, since it is not dangerous to health. But if you want to do this, you can simply wipe the surface of the loaf with a napkin dipped in vegetable oil. The greasy layer will be an obstacle to moisture release, and, accordingly, drying of the product and the appearance of salt crystals on the surface.

White bloom on raw smoked sausage in a natural casing is not a defect, not a sign of poor quality or spoilage, but just salt. You can eat such a product. But it is important to learn how to distinguish it from mold.
