Beer Belly In Women: Why It Appears And How To Get Rid Of It
Beer Belly In Women: Why It Appears And How To Get Rid Of It

"Beer" belly in women: where it comes from and how to get rid of it

fat girl
fat girl

The expression "beer belly" we are more accustomed to addressing men. Seeing a woman with a big belly, we do not associate it with a love for a foamy drink. And it is right. Doctors call a protruding tummy in women male-type obesity, or abdominal. Where does the "beer" belly of women come from and can you get rid of it? It all depends on the reason for its appearance.


  • 1 Where does the "beer belly" come from in women

    • 1.1 Features of the figure
    • 1.2 Posture
    • 1.3 Seizing stress
    • 1.4 Hormonal imbalance
    • 1.5 Mom's tummy
    • 1.6 Digestive problems
    • 1.7 Physical inactivity and nutritional errors
  • 2 Video: 10 Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Where does the "beer belly" come from?

A bulging fat belly most often appears in women after 30 years. A common cause is general obesity, in which deposits primarily build up around the waist. It is in the abdomen that fat is deposited from "garbage" carbohydrates - sweet, flour and fatty foods. And love for beer plays an important role here. Not only is the drink itself loaded with fast carbohydrates, it also whetts your appetite. And a standard snack, in addition to carbohydrates, contains a lot of fat and salt - these are chips, crackers and cured-salted-smoked fish, thanks to which the body retains fluid and distributes it throughout the body in the form of edema. And here you are - six months of pleasure ends with a bulging belly, on which your favorite skirt does not converge.

Big belly in a woman
Big belly in a woman

Getting rid of a beer belly is much more difficult than acquiring one.

If a young woman, indifferent to alcohol and junk food, has a "beer" tummy, she should think about her health and lifestyle. So, there are at least 7 more reasons for the appearance of a beer belly.

Features of the figure

Women with an "apple" or "lollipop" physique sometimes have to limit themselves all their lives in all sorts of goodies and sweets so as not to gain weight. It is this figure that begins to "creep" in the first place in the abdomen. In this case, the only way out is to continue to follow the diet, to pump the abs, buttocks and legs and to adjust the figure visually, focusing on the lower body in clothes.

Reese Witherspoon
Reese Witherspoon

Even with a slim figure, apple women have a small bulging tummy


In some cases, an ugly bulge in the lower abdomen is the result of poor posture. Such a tummy occurs in slender women who are not overweight.

Incorrect posture
Incorrect posture

In addition to a bulging belly, poor posture is also bad for health.

The curvature of the spine can be pathological or be the result of scoliosis acquired in school years, which the parents left without attention. In an adult state, displacement of internal organs leads to the formation of a bulging abdomen. And here neither diet nor abdominal exercises will help you.

We seize stress

In rare cases, a woman, experiencing stress, loses her appetite. Most often, nervous tension is relieved by the pleasure of tasty and by no means healthy food. It's all because of the hormone cortisol, which increases adrenaline levels, which, in turn, requires fast and affordable glucose. This is why stress is so often eaten up by something sweet. Increased cortisol levels cause the body to store fat in the abdomen. They push the muscles forward, forming a round "beer" belly.

If stress cannot be avoided, you need to learn how to relieve nervous tension in other ways. The simplest advice is to drink more water and eat dark chocolate, which can lower cortisol levels. But this, of course, is not enough. Go for a walk, exercise or dance. An interesting hobby distracts well from problems.

You can learn to seize stress correctly. And these are not treats for pleasure, but healthy products that will quickly and permanently improve your well-being:

  • add spirulina algae powder to your food or morning smoothie, it is rich in B vitamins, which strengthen the nervous system;
  • eat vegetables, they will fill the lack of vitamins and give you vitality;
  • grapefruit - an excellent antidepressant rich in ascorbic acid, it will quickly cheer you up;
  • nuts - a source of zinc, which is intensively consumed by the body during stress;
  • chamomile tea is a well-known folk sedative;
  • avocado neutralizes the effects of cortisol;
  • a ginger drink with honey and lemon will calm you like chamomile.

Hormonal imbalance

The body's metabolism is regulated by thyroid hormones. Their lack leads to weight gain and the formation of fatty deposits in the abdominal region. The appearance of a "beer" belly for no apparent reason is a reason to visit an endocrinologist and undergo examination. Compensation for the pathology of the thyroid gland will quickly normalize the weight and get rid of the tummy that has appeared. For the gland to work smoothly, the body must receive a sufficient amount of iodine, without which thyroid hormones cannot be synthesized.

Examination by an endocrinologist
Examination by an endocrinologist

One of the most common reasons for sustained weight gain is a reduced thyroid function.

Ovarian dysfunction is another hormonal cause of abdominal obesity. A decrease in the level of female sex hormones leads to an increased production of adrenaline, and the body begins to store fat like a male. After 40 years, the function of the ovaries naturally fades away, and the woman begins to gain weight. From now on, her diet should contain fewer calories to keep fit.

Mom's tummy

Young women often suffer from the fact that after childbirth, a bulging tummy remains, which is quite difficult to get rid of. It's all about the abdominal and pelvic muscles stretched during pregnancy. They come back to normal for a long time, but they can be helped. True, this should be done no earlier than 2-3 months after giving birth.

Belly after childbirth
Belly after childbirth

After childbirth, the uterus sinks and it is much harder to remove the belly with exercise than before pregnancy

Immediately after childbirth, it is best to start with nutrition so that the resulting free space in the abdominal cavity is not filled with fat. If it doesn't hurt your baby while breastfeeding, fill your diet with 60% vegetables - fresh, boiled, stewed, steamed. Do not give up animal food; your menu must include meat, eggs, dairy products. Eat legumes for a source of plant-based protein. Snack on nuts, fruits, bread. Such food will help to improve the work of your intestines, which also suffered during pregnancy.

A good habit after childbirth is to suck in the stomach, it will quickly restore weakened muscles. Master Kegel gymnastics to strengthen your pelvic muscles. Fitness trainers do not recommend getting involved in exercises such as crunches and squats. After giving birth, they will not be useful.

Digestive problems

Unhealthy nutrition and pathologies of the digestive system lead to an extremely unpleasant phenomenon - flatulence. The belly swells up from the gases accumulated in it. To get rid of bloating, most often it is enough to adjust your diet or normalize the intestinal microflora with the help of special preparations. The abdomen can also increase with constipation, when stool deposits form in the intestines. Bloating in many women accompanies menstruation.


Modern medicine offers bowel cleansing procedures, but you can do it yourself by including fiber-rich foods in the menu.

The main way to deal with a bloated belly is to correct the diet:

  • limit the amount of salt in food, it retains liquid, and accumulating gases are one of the indirect signs of this delay;
  • Minimize the use of simple carbohydrates - sweet and baked;
  • eliminate any soda and drink less coffee;
  • avoid eating legumes, rye bread and dairy products, they cause fermentation processes with increased gas formation.

Move more, any activity normalizes bowel function.

Physical inactivity and nutritional errors

Low physical activity is a direct road to the appearance of an unaesthetic "beer" belly, coupled with folds on the back and breeches on the hips. It's all about the difference between calories in and out. They are deposited as fat in the waist area. A fundamental principle in maintaining a slim figure and a flat stomach is that the amount of energy consumed should be equal to the amount spent.

Healthy eating and being active
Healthy eating and being active

With a balance of calorie intake and expenditure, you can eat whatever you want

The reason for the appearance of a saggy belly can also be errors in nutrition:

  • a plentiful meal once a day;
  • constant snacks with pies, puffs or buns;
  • consumption of the highest number of calories at lunchtime or evening;
  • addiction to fast food.

If you have breakfast the most hearty meal of the day, instead of buns you will snack on fruits or nuts, give up fast food and fried in oil, accompany all this with physical activity, your belly will gradually take on the look that every woman aspires to.

Video: 10 Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Only genetics or disease can prevent you from getting rid of the "beer" belly. Everything else is in your hands - move, eat delicious healthy food, enjoy life and do not forget to monitor your health.
