All About Cucumbers Herman F1 - Variety Description, Planting, Care And Other Nuances + Photo
All About Cucumbers Herman F1 - Variety Description, Planting, Care And Other Nuances + Photo

Cucumbers Herman F1: growing an appetizing hybrid in the country

Cucumbers Herman F1
Cucumbers Herman F1

Cucumbers German F1 is one of the most demanded varieties that is grown throughout our country. It has an ultra-early ripening period (only 35–40 days). Cucumbers are superior to many other varieties in terms of flavor and yield stability.


  • 1 History of selection
  • 2 What is so special about the variety?
  • 3 Key advantages and disadvantages

    3.1 Table: strengths and weaknesses of cucumbers Herman F1

  • 4 Rules and dates for disembarkation

    • 4.1 Seed preparation
    • 4.2 Soil preparation
    • 4.3 Landing features
  • 5 Video: practical tips for planting
  • 6 Crop care

    • 6.1 Loosening and watering the soil
    • 6.2 Table: norms and dates for watering cucumbers
    • 6.3 Fertilization rules
    • 6.4 Table: top dressing scheme
    • 6.5 Tying and shaping cucumbers
    • 6.6 Video: shaping master class
  • 7 Potential diseases and pests

    • 7.1 Table: diseases typical for the culture Hermann F1
    • 7.2 Photo gallery: typical plant ailments
    • 7.3 Table: insects attacking the plant
    • 7.4 Photo gallery: pests characteristic of the variety
  • 8 Harvesting and storage
  • 9 Reviews of gardeners

Breeding history

Cucumbers Herman F1
Cucumbers Herman F1

Cucumbers Hermann F1 - a popular hybrid variety of Dutch origin

The German F1 variety was developed by breeders of the Dutch company Seminis, which is a subsidiary of the agricultural firm Monsanto Holland. In 2001, the variety was entered in the State Register of the Russian Federation and recommended for cultivation in all regions. These cucumbers can be grown outdoors, as well as in greenhouses or greenhouses.

What is so special about the variety?

Cucumbers Herman F1
Cucumbers Herman F1

Cucumbers German F1 - a variety loved by gardeners for its excellent taste

Summer residents have long fallen in love with German F1 cucumbers for a number of positive characteristics, and today they are successfully grown in all regions of the country. The characteristic features of the culture are as follows:

  1. This is a high-yielding variety, the productivity of which reaches 25 kg per 1 m 2.
  2. The plant is characterized by early ripening. It takes 35-40 days from the emergence of seedlings to the formation of fruits.
  3. Cucumbers have powerful stems that grow up to 4–5 m. They are quite resistant to external influences, do not break as a result of bending.
  4. The flowering type is female. The variety is determinant, that is, the growth of the main shoot is limited.
  5. Leaves are medium in size, have a rich dark green color. In one node, 6–7 ovaries are formed.
  6. Fruits are cylindrical, ribbed, grow up to 10 cm long. Their weight ranges from 70 to 90 g. The skin is dark green in color with light stripes, covered with a weakly expressed waxy bloom and pubescence. White thorns can be seen on the cucumbers.
  7. The pulp is fragrant with a characteristic crunch and medium-dense structure, has a sweetish taste without bitterness. According to the tasting scale, the fruits of this variety received the highest mark - 5 points out of 5.

Key pros and cons

Cucumbers Herman F1
Cucumbers Herman F1

Cucumbers German F1 are distinguished by their persistence, stable yield and good preservation

Table: strengths and weaknesses of cucumbers Herman F1

Benefits disadvantages
Ultra early ripening Weak seedlings
High yield Low temperature instability
Lack of bitterness in the taste Susceptibility to rust
Self-pollination Average fruit hardness
Resistant to fusarium wilt, powdery mildew, brown spot and cucumber mosaic
Small fruit size
Good keeping quality of cucumbers
Resistant to outgrowth

Disembarkation rules and dates

Seed preparation

Cucumber seeds in manganese solution
Cucumber seeds in manganese solution

Seed preparation is a mandatory step before planting cucumbers

The first step in the process of planting cucumbers is choosing a good planting material. To select healthy seeds with high germination rates, they should be poured with brine (2 tsp. Salt per 1 liter of water) and wait 20 minutes. High-quality planting material will remain at the bottom. These seeds need to be rinsed with running water, and the floating ones should be thrown away.

To increase the resistance of the planting material to diseases, it is necessary to carry out preliminary processing. The seeds are dipped in a weak solution of light pink potassium manganese for 15–20 minutes. After this procedure, they do not need to be rinsed.

Next, the planting material is wrapped in a damp cloth soaked in a solution of 1 tsp. fertilizer "Wonderful vegetable garden" and 1 liter of water. After a day, the seeds are placed in the refrigerator for 12-15 hours. As soon as they begin to germinate, you can start planting in the ground.

Soil preparation

Digging the soil
Digging the soil

The site for planting cucumbers is dug up and fertilized

The second stage is the correct choice and preparation of the place where the planting of cucumbers is planned. The site must meet several criteria:

  1. Cucumbers are grown in soil with a low acidity level - pH 6.2-6.8.
  2. You should select a place where tomatoes, legumes, potatoes, cabbage previously grew. But the place where the crops of the pumpkin family were previously grown is not suitable for cucumbers. This increases the likelihood of disease and pests. You can use such a place for growing cucumbers no earlier than after five years.
  3. Cucumbers should be planted in partial shade, since burns form on the leaves under the influence of direct sunlight.

The beds must be prepared in the fall, for which gardeners do the following:

  1. First, plant residues are removed from the site. In order to avoid the spread of diseases, it is recommended to burn them.
  2. The soil is dug up to a depth of 20–30 cm and humus is added at the rate of 15 kg per 1 m 2. In the next two to three years, only mineral fertilizing should be applied to this place.
  3. After that, the beds are treated with copper sulfate (1 tbsp. L. Per bucket of water, consumption of 1 l per 1 m 2).
  4. Then 1 glass of dolomite flour and ash is added to the soil, as well as 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Digging is repeated, but this time by 15 cm.

Preparation continues with the onset of spring 10 days before the start of planting of cucumbers. At this time, work involves the following actions:

  1. The soil is dug up to the level of the shovel bayonet and added in a bucket of peat, rotted manure and sawdust, as well as 1 glass of ash per 1 m 2.
  2. Then the beds are leveled and watered abundantly with hot water (about 60 ° C) at the rate of 5 liters per 1 m 2. Alternatively, you can use a solution of sodium humate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters) or manganese potassium (1 g per 10 liters). However, in this case, the rate must be reduced to 3 liters per 1 m 2.
  3. After that, the area is covered with a film, which is removed 1–2 days before planting the cucumbers.

The soil for the greenhouse also needs to be prepared in advance. Cucumbers love loose, fertile soil that retains air, water, and heat well. Acidity - neutral (pH 6-7). The culture grows well both on flat ground and in ridges (the optimum width is 100 cm, height is 20-25 cm). In any case, the soil is fertilized in the fall. To do this, it is necessary to remove the top layer of the earth by 35–40 cm, then put rotted manure and straw in a layer of 20 cm in the resulting depression. Such components will become a source of nutrients and warm the earth. Then the soil is poured back and left until the moment of planting the cucumbers.

Landing features

Cucumber seedlings
Cucumber seedlings

Seedless growing method - less laborious, but does not guarantee 100% germination

Planting is carried out in May when the daytime temperature is set to + 15 ° С.. + 17 ° С and the night temperature is not lower than + 8 ° С. If the seeds are placed directly into the ground (i.e., with the seedless method), the actions are performed in this order:

  • prepare holes with a depth of 2 cm, placing them at a distance of 20 cm (rows are placed every 40-50 cm);
  • 15 g of urea is added to the pits (it will positively affect the development of the vegetative mass of the plant) and watered with 0.5 liters of water;
  • then put from 2 to 4 seeds in each hole and cover with soil.
Seedlings of cucumbers in the ground
Seedlings of cucumbers in the ground

Seedling method - more reliable, but time consuming

The seedling growing method guarantees excellent germination, as weak plants can be identified and removed even at the stage of their growth. This method involves performing the following actions:

  1. The seeds are planted in peat or paper cups. They are filled with a nutritious composition of one part of sawdust, two parts of humus and a similar amount of peat. Cucumbers do not tolerate transplanting well, therefore it is not recommended to dive seedlings.
  2. The seeds are buried by 2 cm. One piece is placed in each container.
  3. After that, the cups should be placed in a room with a temperature of + 25 ° C … + 27 ° C before sprouting. It is advisable to place in a slightly shaded place, but not to allow direct exposure to sunlight.
  4. Then the temperature indicators in the room are reduced to + 20 ° С.. + 23 ° С in the daytime, and at night - to + 18 ° С. In cloudy weather, the seedlings must be provided with artificial lighting for 10-12 hours a day.
  5. To avoid moisture evaporation, the cups are covered with a film until the first shoots, then it is removed.
  6. As the soil dries in cups, the seedlings must be watered (by spraying from a spray bottle). The water should be at room temperature, using cold water can kill the cucumbers.
  7. Plants begin to harden in 1–2 weeks. Cucumbers are taken out into the air for 2-3 hours a day, then the time is increased daily by 1-2 hours.
  8. The seedlings are moved to the ground at the age of 3 weeks after the appearance of 4–5 leaves. The holes are dug at a distance of 30 cm, 50-60 cm are left between the rows.

Video: practical tips for planting

Culture care

Loosening and watering the soil

Watering cucumbers from a watering can
Watering cucumbers from a watering can

Timely watering and loosening of the soil is the key to successful crop yields

The soil in the aisles should be regularly loosened and cleaned of weeds. Weeding close to plants is not recommended as the roots of the cucumbers are located in the top layer of the soil. For irrigation, you need to use water at a warm temperature (15–20 ° C).

In hot weather, it is advisable to spray the leaves with a hose. This procedure will help cleanse the plant from dust, increase soil and air moisture, and also reduce the negative impact on cucumbers of high temperatures. Especially such spraying is needed by plants whose leaves begin to wither.

Table: norms and terms of watering cucumbers

Watering time Periodicity Water rate per 1 m 2
Before flowering Every 6-7 days 3-5 l
During flowering In one day 6-12 l
At the stage of fruit growth Once every 3-4 days 8-10 l

Fertilization rules

Fertilizers in a bucket
Fertilizers in a bucket

Cucumbers need feeding in order to produce a stable harvest

It is customary to make top dressing for cucumbers in the evening. Do not allow fertilizer to get on the leaves, as in sunny weather this can cause burns. If the solution gets on the plant, it must be washed off with a watering can. After feeding, precipitation and watering, shallow loosening is carried out, then the beds are mulched with a layer of humus 5 cm thick.

Table: top dressing scheme

Period Nutrient formulations Consumption
When forming three true leaves 20 g nitroammophoska per 10 l of water 10 l for 3-4 m 2
At the flowering stage 10 g of potassium sulfate per 10 l
During fruiting, once a week 30-40 g of mineral fertilizer (Master-Agro, Wonderful garden) per 10 l

Garter and shaping of cucumbers

Garter cucumber
Garter cucumber

Cucumber garter is an important step in crop care

Cucumbers Herman F1 are recommended to grow in the form of a single stem:

  1. In the axils of the first four leaves, shoots and ovaries are pinched (this will contribute to the development of a powerful root system).
  2. In the axils of the fifth and sixth leaves, leave along the ovary. But at the same time, the shoots pinch everything.
  3. At the level of the seventh leaf, you need to leave two ovaries. Shoots are removed completely. This completes the formation.

It is advisable to grow this variety with a trellis. For the construction of the structure, pillars with a height of 2.8 m are installed on the site after 5-6 m, which are buried to a depth of 60 cm. The supports located at the edges should have a cross section of 50 mm, and the rest - 35 mm each. A wire with a minimum thickness of 2 mm is pulled between the posts at a height of 20 cm, the next rows are pulled every 70 cm.

The main load will be on the top of the trellis. Therefore, for the last row, you need to use 3.5 mm wire. The stems can be directed downwards and pinched at a height of 1 m from the surface or run along the trellis.

Video: shaping master class

Possible diseases and pests

Cucumbers Herman F1 are able to resist many diseases. But rust for this variety is a serious danger.

Table: diseases typical for the culture Hermann F1

Diseases Symptoms Treatment methods Preventive measures
  1. A thick white oily coating forms on the leaves.
  2. Peduncles and shoots are bent. Seeds do not develop.
  3. In the absence of the necessary measures, leaves and stems die, flowering worsens.
  1. Spraying with Arcerid solution (50 g per 1 liter of water).
  2. In May, treatment with 1% Bordeaux liquid.
  3. Removal of affected shoots and leaves and spraying the plant with Topaz (1 ampoule per 10 l). Processing is carried out 2-3 times for 10 days.
Deep digging of soil in the fall.
White rot
  1. The plant is covered with a bloom of white, then the affected areas soften and rot.
  2. Black dots appear on the stems.
  3. Leaves wither and dry up.
The affected parts are cut out, the cut sites are treated with copper sulfate of 0.5% concentration or sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.
  1. Destruction of plant residues.
  2. Watering the wells when planting with a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 l).
Root rot
  1. Roots and shoots are brown.
  2. The color of the lower leaves turns yellow.
Spraying with 4% bleach solution. Watering twice with a solution of Previkura With a break of 2 weeks (40 g per 10 L).
  1. Yellow-brown and gray spots appear on the stems, leaves and fruits.
  2. The diseased areas die off, the fruits acquire an irregular shape.
Spraying with Bordeaux liquid 1% concentration.
  1. Disinfection of seeds before sowing.
  2. Cleaning of plant residues.

Photo gallery: typical plant ailments

White rot of cucumbers
White rot of cucumbers
White rot is a fungal disease that depletes the crop
Root rot of cucumbers
Root rot of cucumbers
Root rot can completely destroy the bush
Rust of cucumbers
Rust of cucumbers
Rust infects leaves, slowing down development
Ascochitosis leads to the death of leaves

Table: insects attacking the plant

Pests Signs Control methods Prevention
Gall nematode
  1. The pest infects the root system, on which swelling appears.
  2. The plant dies because it cannot absorb nutrients.
The diseased plant is removed, and the soil is poured with 2% carbation or 5% formalin solution. Weed control.
Melon aphid Leaves wrinkle and curl up. Subsequently, they die off, and the fruits slow down in growth. Treatment with Inta-Vir solution (1 tablet per 10 L of water) or Strela (50 g per 10 L).
Sprout fly The larvae penetrate into the shoots, as a result of which the cucumbers die. Spraying with Funanon (10 ml per 10 l). Digging the soil in the fall to a depth of 20 cm.
Cucumber gnat The pest makes small holes in the roots and stems, which leads to rotting of the plant. Application of the drug Iskra (1 tablet per 10 liters, consumption of 1 liter per 1 m 2). Soil cultivation with hot water.

Photo gallery: pests characteristic of the variety

Melon aphid
Melon aphid
Melon aphid eats cucumber leaves
Gall nematode
Gall nematode
Gall nematode leads to the death of the bush
Cucumber gnat
Cucumber gnat
Cucumber gnat attacks roots, destroying culture
Sprout fly
Sprout fly
The sprout fly damages the shoots by depriving the crop

Harvesting and storage

Harvesting cucumbers
Harvesting cucumbers

Cucumbers Herman F1 are used both for fresh consumption and for preservation

They begin to collect fruits 35-40 days after germination, when they grow up to 10 cm. Cucumbers are removed at intervals of 1-2 days. The stalk should be left on the whip. Harvest with a sharp knife. It is undesirable to twist, pull or pull the stalks. The collection is carried out in the morning or evening hours.

It is recommended to immediately place the cucumbers on the lower shelf of the refrigerator, where they will be in the necessary conditions: at a humidity of 85–95% and a temperature of 6–7 ° С. You should not pack the fruits in an airtight bag, otherwise they will lose their taste. A large amount of the crop is put in boxes and stored in the cellar. Cucumbers Herman F1 are used for salads, pickling and canning.

Reviews of gardeners


Valentina Timofeeva

Lyudmila Volkova

Seryoga Soghomonyan

Cucumber variety German F1 is one of the most popular among summer residents. It gives an excellent and tasty harvest, and its care consists in watering, loosening the soil and feeding. Particular attention should be paid to seedlings, since at this stage the plants are most vulnerable. You also need to protect the cucumbers from direct sunlight, which can provoke the development of burns.
