What To Give A Doctor For The New Year, Especially Gifts For Men And Women
What To Give A Doctor For The New Year, Especially Gifts For Men And Women

What to give a doctor for the New Year: ideas and advice

Christmas tree toy Aibolit
Christmas tree toy Aibolit

Choosing the right gift is not always easy. Especially if the boundaries of choice are narrowed by the profession of the recipient and a specific holiday. But even in this case, you can find a non-trivial option that will be interesting and useful. A gift for a doctor for the New Year is no exception.


  • 1 How to choose the right gift for the New Year

    • 1.1 Gift ideas for a doctor

      • 1.1.1 USB storage
      • 1.1.2 Portable Battery
      • 1.1.3 Books
      • 1.1.4 Antistress toy
      • 1.1.5 Handle
      • 1.1.6 Stapler
      • 1.1.7 Note holder
      • 1.1.8 Clock
      • 1.1.9 Mug
      • 1.1.10 Sweets
    • 1.2 Video: what to give to a medic
  • 2 What is better not to give to the doctor

How to choose the right gift for the New Year

Basic selection rules:

  • In order for the gift not to be abandoned on the mezzanine as unnecessary, useful and pleasant things should be given.
  • Any gift must be of high quality. It will not work well if the product breaks on the first day.
  • If you want the gift to evoke pleasant emotions and remain in your memory for a long time, present something original and stylish.
  • The price of the gift is not that important. It is only relevant in the sense that quality products are usually not cheap. However, a New Year's gift does not imply large expenses. It is more of a souvenir, a pleasant trifle, and not something large-scale.

Express your congratulations in handwritten words on the New Year's card

Doctor Gift Ideas

There are a lot of options for gifts to Aesculapius. Here are just a few of them.

USB stick

In the age of computer technology, additional gigabytes of memory will not hurt anyone. The doctor can be presented with a thematically stylized flash drive in the form of a medical capsule, thermometer or ambulance. An interesting option is the "Doctor" flash drive from the Chinese manufacturer. It is made as a constructor with rotating parts. Stands firmly on the surface and can also be used as a tabletop figurine.

Flash drives
Flash drives

Flash drives "Doctor" are available with different memory sizes and designs

Portable battery

The doctor should always be in touch. After all, at any moment someone may need his help. And an external battery will quickly and safely charge any mobile device and, possibly, save someone's life. There are medical-style options on sale, for example, in the form of a notebook or a doctor's notebook. You can purchase a battery with a congratulatory inscription and words of gratitude. The doctor will be pleased to receive such a gift from the patient.

External battery
External battery

An external battery with congratulations and gratitude from the patient is a pleasant and practical gift for a doctor


Today, in the era of electronic sources of information, the value of real paper books has not diminished in any way compared to the old days. Such a gift will be appreciated by educated and thinking people. The doctor can be presented with popular science or specialized specialized medical literature, an anatomical atlas of good quality or a volume of a collector's edition of one of the founders of medicine. And knowing about the doctor's hobbies, interests and literary preferences, the boundaries of choice can be significantly expanded.


The works of N. I. Pirogov are a good gift for both a young and an experienced doctor

Antistress toy

A doctor is not an easy profession. While helping people, doctors face pain and suffering every day. And like no other, they are exposed to stress and depression. And therefore, an anti-stress toy will be useful for them, which will cause positive emotions, help calm the nerves and relieve tension.

Anti-stress figurine
Anti-stress figurine

A gentle, good-natured "Doctor" will allow you to wrinkle yourself and help get rid of stress in a difficult situation

A pen

A ballpoint pen is hardly an expensive gift if it's not Parker or Visconti. But the doctor uses this simple stationery every day, writing out prescriptions and prescriptions for patients. Present him a pen in the form of a syringe. The gift will be original and useful.

A pen
A pen

Unfortunately, in state polyclinics, doctors are not given stationery, so donating a beautiful pen will come in handy


An equally popular office item is a stapler. In the design version, it can be a tube attached to the working mechanism.


The stapler "Tube of Futsidin" can only be at the doctor

Holder for notes

You won't surprise anyone with an ordinary magnet. But if the notes are held on a metal board with the help of a pharmaceutical container, it looks fresh and interesting.

Note holder "Bank" with magnet
Note holder "Bank" with magnet

Holder for notes "Bank" with a magnet - a useful and original gift for a doctor


Having entered the doctor's office with an opportunity, pay attention to whether there is a clock there: table or wall clock. If not, then this is an option for a gift. After all, time (like health) is the most important thing a person has. And it must be controlled.

Wall Clock
Wall Clock

The Medicine watch will look good in a doctor's office


In order not to ruin the stomach and not die from exhaustion at the workplace, the doctor, like any person, needs to replenish the calorie supply on time. And tea with cookies is the best option during the work process. Therefore, the mug will definitely come in handy for the doctor. It is good if it has a lid so that you can close the drink from viruses brought by the next patient.

Mug with lid
Mug with lid

The mug can also be chosen with a medical design


Well, if the doctor already has a mug, then you can present sweets for tea. Both women and men love them. The latter, however, do not always admit this. But if you give an original bouquet of sweets or a box with unusual gingerbread cookies, no male doctor can resist them.

Sweet set
Sweet set

No doctor will refuse such a sweet gift

Video: what to give to a medic

What is better not to give to the doctor

You should always use common sense when choosing a gift. And in order not to get into an incidental situation, even before purchasing a gift, you should think about how appropriate it will be. So, you should not give intimate items to the doctor, unless you are in a close relationship with him. Or another example, "A Handbook for a Young Doctor" will be very useful for a novice physician, but will certainly offend an experienced specialist. That is, in each case, the approach must be individual.

But there is also a general group of goods that should not be given to doctors:

  • Alcohol. You don't want to be treated by a drunk doctor if the need arises. Plus, drinking alcohol does more harm than good.
  • Cigars, cigarettes, hookahs and related products such as ashtrays. Remember the phrase "The Ministry of Health warns …". You should not give something that is dangerous to health, especially to the one who returns this health to people.
  • Food. No matter how tasty the sausage is, it looks extremely unpresentable. And the doctor, most likely, is not starving and does not need feeding. The exception is the sweets described above, elite varieties of tea and coffee. Or something out of the ordinary that can't be bought at your local supermarket. For example, sturgeon fish brought by you personally from the Arctic.
  • Personal hygiene products. Even if the shampoo is delivered straight from France, it suggests that the person would do well to wash.
  • Perfumes (perfumes, colognes, creams), on the other hand, do not evoke any dirty thoughts and are generally good for a gift. But each person has their own personal preferences, which we cannot predict. And if you are not sure that the presented doctor will definitely like the perfume, then it is better to refrain from such a gift.

We have considered the options for gifts for doctors for the New Year. Now it will be easier for you to make your choice.
