What Is Argued About In Every Family
What Is Argued About In Every Family

5 things almost every family argue about every day


Family disputes are not always loud and serious. There are a number of things that people are willing to argue about on a daily basis.

Pet care


If a pet has appeared in your house, get ready for the eternal disputes - who will walk the animal and care for it. No one wants to leave a cozy home, especially when there are other things to do.

To avoid these controversies, you can create a walking schedule for your pet. Today the son is walking, tomorrow is the husband, the day after tomorrow is the wife. If the schedules don't work for you, try to come to a compromise: the one who has free time will walk.

Home help


Unwashed dishes are in the sink, and a layer of dust on the cabinet has already been waiting for someone to remove it from there. Eternal disputes between spouses often lead to minor quarrels and conflicts.

Try to delegate responsibilities to all family members. Let the child do the dishes, the wife mops the floor, and the man removes the dust from all the cupboards in the house. If delegating responsibilities doesn't help verbally, consider scheduling a cleaning schedule.

Who will go to open


The whole family is comfortably seated on the couch watching TV, but the unexpected doorbell suddenly breaks the calm. No one wants to get up and trudge into the hallway to open the door for a guest. While the family is solving this problem, the person may not wait and leave.

The solution to this problem is simple - flip a coin. When all family members are in the same position, chance is the only fair solution to the situation.

What to watch


Dad wants to know what's going on in the world by switching to the news channel. Mom at this time wants to enjoy watching her favorite television series, and the children restlessly demand to turn on cartoons.

There are several solutions in this situation. For example, you can look at everything in turn, however, the solution is not universal - someone will still have to wait.

The second solution is to buy one more or even more TVs at home so that all family members can watch what they want at any time.

Who will go to the store


How do you not want to leave the house and go to the store. And it happens that none of the family members decisively wants to. Dad fixes the vacuum cleaner, mom cooks, and the child does homework. Who should you send to the store?

The solution in this situation is simple - make a schedule. If the last time there was a child, then this time let the husband or wife go. This decision will be as fair as possible.

If you approach all family problems with optimism and look for an opportunity to solve them, then you can significantly reduce the number of conflicts in the house, or even reduce them to zero. The main thing is to love and appreciate your loved ones, without attaching serious importance to insignificant things.
