Tbilisi Salad With Beef And Red Beans: A Classic Recipe, A Photo, A Delicious Dish For The Whole Family
Tbilisi Salad With Beef And Red Beans: A Classic Recipe, A Photo, A Delicious Dish For The Whole Family

Amazing Tbilisi salad: preparing a bright dish with a rich taste

Classic salad
Classic salad

Georgian cuisine is a delightful combination of brightness, juiciness, satiety, unique tastes, dizzying aromas and benefits. Having tasted the dishes of the culinary masters of this Caucasian country, it is already impossible to get rid of the desire to enjoy them again and again. One of Georgia's mouth-watering business cards is the classic Tbilisi salad.

A step-by-step recipe for the classic Tbilisi salad

I got acquainted with this dish in one of the Georgian restaurants on the waterfront of a small resort town in Crimea. Once in a small but cozy establishment by chance, I fell in love with it and became a regular customer. Among the many incredibly mouth-watering dishes, the Tbilisi salad is my favorite. The amazing combination of fresh vegetables, tender beef, beans, walnuts and savory dressing seems to me unique.


  • 250-300 g of boiled beef;
  • 1 red bell pepper;
  • 1 red onion head;
  • 50 g of walnut kernels;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 bunch of cilantro;
  • 1 tbsp. red canned beans;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar;
  • 1/2 tsp hops-suneli;
  • 2 tbsp. l. balsamic sauce;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Prepare food. Boil the beef until tender. Rinse and dry vegetables and herbs. Peel the garlic and onion. Place the beans on a sieve.

    Products for the classic Tbilisi salad
    Products for the classic Tbilisi salad

    Pre-prepared foods allow you to prepare a salad very quickly

  2. Fry the nuts in a hot dry frying pan for 2-3 minutes.

    Walnut kernels in a large skillet without fat
    Walnut kernels in a large skillet without fat

    Thanks to roasting, the nuts reveal their taste and aroma to the maximum.

  3. Cool the nuts, chop finely, set aside.

    Chopped walnut kernels on a cutting board
    Chopped walnut kernels on a cutting board

    Nuts give the salad a very rich flavor

  4. Transfer the beans to a salad bowl.
  5. Cut the onion into half rings and place over the beans.

    Tinned red beans and blue onion rings in glass salad bowl
    Tinned red beans and blue onion rings in glass salad bowl

    Salad onions cut into half rings or feathers

  6. Cut the bell pepper into strips, send to the salad bowl.

    julienned red bell pepper in a salad bowl with onions and beans
    julienned red bell pepper in a salad bowl with onions and beans

    Fleshy bell pepper will give juiciness to the salad

  7. Finely chop the garlic with a knife, add to the rest of the ingredients.

    Beans, blue onions, bell peppers and minced garlic in a salad bowl
    Beans, blue onions, bell peppers and minced garlic in a salad bowl

    Garlic adds a piquant touch to your food

  8. Cut the meat into cubes, transfer to a salad bowl.

    Boiled beef cubes in a salad bowl with vegetables
    Boiled beef cubes in a salad bowl with vegetables

    Meat makes salad filling

  9. In a separate container, combine the sunflower oil and balsamic sauce.

    Vegetable oil and balsamic sauce in a small container with a metal spoon
    Vegetable oil and balsamic sauce in a small container with a metal spoon

    The amount of balsamic sauce and salad dressing in general can be adjusted to your liking

  10. Season the salad with the resulting mixture, add nuts, finely chopped cilantro, suneli hops and salt to taste.
  11. Stir the food thoroughly and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  12. After 30 minutes, stir the salad again and serve.

    Tbilisi salad in a glass salad bowl on the table
    Tbilisi salad in a glass salad bowl on the table

    Before serving, the salad should be infused for at least half an hour

Video: Tbilisi salad with beans and beef

If you are also familiar with the mouth-watering salad of Georgian cuisine, be sure to share your impressions in the comments to the article. Tell us if you like the taste of the dish and what secrets of its preparation you know. Enjoy your meal!
