How To Quickly Disassemble Cabbage For Stuffed Cabbage
How To Quickly Disassemble Cabbage For Stuffed Cabbage

5 ways to quickly sort cabbage for stuffed cabbage


Many housewives cannot imagine a festive table without cabbage rolls. This long-standing tradition continues to this day. A hearty dish is loved by both men and women. Here are 5 ways to get a quality cabbage leaf for your favorite dish.


Wrap in plastic wrap and microwave

The easiest and fastest way to get stuff for stuffed cabbage rolls without tearing and damage. Peel cabbage forks up to 2 kilograms from the first leaves, wrap them in cling film and place them in the microwave at full power for 15 minutes. Then we cut out the stump and disassemble it into leaves.

If the cabbage forks are more than 2 kilograms, you will have to separate the leaves in several stages, each time wrapping the rest of the head of cabbage in a film and keeping it in the microwave for 10 minutes. To achieve ideal softness for rolling cabbage rolls, put the disassembled leaves again for 5 minutes in the microwave.

They will become transparent and softened, stuffed cabbage from such leaves will turn out to be smooth and beautiful. We cut off the coarse parts of the leaves and use only a smooth surface. This method is used if you want to cook small cabbage rolls: the cabbage base, prepared in the microwave, is pliable and plastic, it will be perfectly wrapped even in a small envelope or triangle.

Cut the stump and pour boiling water

Young cabbage can be poured with boiling water, cutting out the stump first. The middle of the fork is retracted so that the beginning of each leaf is visible. Next, boil water, add citric acid and vinegar to it (0.5 tsp for every 2 liters). This will help maintain the integrity of the cabbage material.

Fill the cabbage with the mixture so that the water gets inside. Outside, the pump is completely immersed in liquid. Cover the container with a lid, leave for 3-5 minutes, or boil for one minute. We take out the forks and disassemble them into leaves with a fork. You can let it cool and then perform the undressing steps.

Lower and remove from boiling water

This method requires a deep saucepan with a volume of at least 5 liters. Pour in water and add 1 heap tablespoon of salt. Let the brine boil. In the meantime, remove the damaged upper leaves from the head of medium-sized cabbage and make cuts around the stump, as if separating the bases of the first leaves. Then we proceed as follows:

  1. Put a head of cabbage in boiling water, leave it on the fire to cook until the leaves, cut at the base, begin to separate.
  2. Using a fork, separate them completely, take out the head of cabbage, and leave them for another 2 minutes to cook in boiling water.
  3. We spread the finished leaves in a dish and repeat the procedure until all suitable leaves are separated: again we lower the head of cabbage into boiling water, making cuts and so on.

Having disassembled, thus, all the cabbage, beat off the hard part of the leaves (base) with a hammer for meat, or better cut off with a knife, leaving only the tender soft part. We will form a cabbage roll from it. We will leave part of the cabbage broth for making sauce for cabbage rolls. The brine is saturated and flavored with salt, which means that the sauce does not have to be salted anymore.

Freeze cabbage

One of the simplest and proven ways is to freeze cabbage. The most convenient option is to put the forks in the freezer overnight and take it out after 12 hours, let it defrost and easily separate the leaves. Cabbage leaves remain crispy, but it is convenient to wrap the filling in them, they do not break, do not tear. Favorite way of many housewives.

Warm up in the microwave

In the CB oven, you can quickly get cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls. To do this, simply put a head of cabbage with a stump in the microwave and turn it on at full power for 5-6 minutes. After that, the leaves will be easily removed, it remains only to cut them at the base. If the forks are large, then the procedure should be repeated several times until all the leaves necessary for rolling the cabbage rolls are removed.

In all methods, it is advisable to remove coarse veins and leaf bases. You can beat them off with a culinary hammer, but it is still better to twist only the softest part of the cabbage, and use the leftovers for cooking cabbage.
