Why You Can't Sleep With Your Phone And Carry It In Your Pocket, Including For Men
Why You Can't Sleep With Your Phone And Carry It In Your Pocket, Including For Men

Why you can't carry your phone in your pocket and sleep with it

Phone in your pocket
Phone in your pocket

Most often, a mobile phone is carried in a pocket. And almost every gadget owner keeps it on the bedside table. Is it harmful? The answer of experts to this question is ambiguous.

Mobile phone harm

The harm that a mobile phone can cause to our health comes from electromagnetic fields. Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced specific standards for smartphone manufacturers. If they are observed (and all major manufacturers are forced to comply with them), the radiation that a smartphone produces does not have a significant effect on the body of an adult. This applies to any location of the device - by the bed, and under the pillow, and in the pocket.

Effect on the reproductive system

Several studies have been conducted on this topic, including in Norway, Germany, and Russia (Khimki). Now these scientists agree that carrying a cell phone in a trouser pocket does not in any way affect the reproductive system in either men or women.

However, Imra Fejes from the University of Szeged (Hungary) disagrees with these studies. He argues that placing a cell phone close to a man's groin can negatively affect reproductive functions. Dr. Feyes conducted an experiment in which 221 volunteers participated. The group, who carried a smartphone in their pocket for 13 months (model not specified), had a 30% reduction in sperm count. Imra Feyes did not conduct research on women's health.

Phone in your pants pocket
Phone in your pants pocket

Scientists argue that wearing a smartphone in a trouser pocket will not affect male potency.

For kids

We will separately discuss the influence of electromagnetic fields on the child's body. In Khimki, scientists have been studying for several years the changes that can provoke excessive use of a mobile phone by a child. Everything is not so rosy here - even modern smartphones that follow all the standards set by the WHO can cause changes in the functions of higher nervous activity. But this only happens if the child too often brings the phone to his ear or, for example, falls asleep with it under the pillow - that is, when the device is in close proximity to the head. This is due to the thinner bone of the skull.

Child with phone
Child with phone

The phone is most dangerous for a child only near the head.

The telephone has no significant effect on the health of adults - both men and women. But for children, it can become dangerous if stored under a pillow.
