The Most Religious Signs Of The Zodiac: Top 5
The Most Religious Signs Of The Zodiac: Top 5

5 most religious zodiac signs whose faith is stronger than any adversity


All people have different attitudes towards religion. Someone sincerely believes in God and celebrates all church holidays, while others consider themselves an atheist. Astrologers are sure that a person's piety is determined by his zodiac sign.


Capricorns respect religion itself, they study it a lot. Representatives of this zodiac sign honor all traditions, observe any rules of the church. It is important for Capricorns not only to follow God's laws, but also to teach them to others, so it is difficult for less devout people to get along with them under one roof.


For Cancers, faith is the guarantor of peace and peace of mind. In principle, they love everything mystical, they often understand astrology, omens and fortune-telling. Most often they choose the religion of their parents. Faith Rakov is not fanatical, they have logic and common sense. As a rule, representatives of this sign perceive God as a source of luck and help, nothing more.

Hands are on the Bible
Hands are on the Bible

Cancers believe in God but almost never become fanatics


There are a lot of believers among Libra, but it cannot be said that these people depend on religion. They practically do not go to church, but they pray a lot during difficult life periods. Libra treats God as some kind of miracle that will surely save them in difficult times. In case of illness, they will first turn to religion, and only then - to a doctor.


Sagittarius is primarily interested in religion from a cultural point of view. They admire the rituals of different countries and peoples, study the history of various beliefs. Sagittarius are sure that there is some kind of intelligent mystical entity in the world. Sooner or later, most of the representatives of this zodiac sign consciously accept some kind of faith, quite often they become priests.

Catholic church inside
Catholic church inside

Sagittarius are interested in religion as a cultural phenomenon


Pisces believe in any mysticism. They do not question the fact that there is something in the world that is not visible to the human eye, they can calmly deal with astrologers or psychics. Pisces from birth are endowed with "Christian" character traits (humility, sacrifice, selflessness), but they can find themselves in another religion. They honor God's laws and try to follow all traditions.

Astrologers consider Cancers, Pisces, Libra, Capricorns and Sagittarius to be the most devout. Among the representatives of these signs of the zodiac, most of all believers, they try to keep the covenants of the church and follow traditions.
