When To Plant Cabbage For Seedlings, Including Early Ones, In 2019: General Dates And The Lunar Calendar
When To Plant Cabbage For Seedlings, Including Early Ones, In 2019: General Dates And The Lunar Calendar

Moon and cabbage in 2019: planting dates and secrets of interaction

The earthly and heavenly worlds are so interconnected that the role of the moon on the development of plants cannot be denied
The earthly and heavenly worlds are so interconnected that the role of the moon on the development of plants cannot be denied

There are so many gardeners in the world, so many approaches to growing seedlings. Some sow on a day off from work, others carefully plan the event, referring to the lunar calendar.

How the moon helps cabbage

It is important to understand that the lunar calendar does not drive into the framework of "from now until now", but acts as an unobtrusive adviser. Someone takes note of the days when the moon is in a certain zodiacal sign, while for someone only the phases of the moon are important. But mostly they are guided by the rising and falling moon.

Secrets of "good" signs

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Capricorn are fertile signs, and the first three patronize precisely cabbage. According to the theory of Maria Tun (the practice of biodynamic farming), the zodiac sign has a stronger effect on the vegetable than the celestial body. Therefore, the descending moon in the sign of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces is considered auspicious.

Cabbage under the moon
Cabbage under the moon

On a moonlit night, rounded cabbage heads in the garden soak up the mysterious power of the heavenly body

Sowing and planting dates

You can enthusiastically paint the days that have an impact on the "fate" of cabbage. But relying on the mercy of the moon does not mean getting an enviable harvest. Shoveling the ocean of information, I came to the conclusion that cabbage is sown in Russia at about the same time - in mid-April. Only the South breaks ahead in terms of timing - at the end of February. When sowing cabbage, take into account its growing season and the age of the finished seedlings.

Table: the required age of cabbage seedlings

Type of cabbage Seedling age, days
Early 45-60
Average 35-45
Late 30-35
Seedling cabbage
Seedling cabbage

A well-developed seedling of white cabbage by the time of planting in the ground should have 6-8 leaves, cotyledons are not considered

Cabbage is sown in greenhouses or in the ground under a film - in the light and in the cool (+ 6 … + 15˚C), the seedlings do not stretch, and later dense heads of cabbage form

The determining factor for planting cabbage in the ground is still the weather. It is believed that after the flowering of bird cherry, the threat of recurrent frosts disappears. But if this is applicable for my Donbass, then in Siberia it can freeze even on June 10.

Sowing and planting by region

The regional specificity of the seedling and planting period is due to climatic conditions. The table will help you decide on auspicious days. You can even try M. Tun's rule in action.

Table: lunar calendar for white cabbage for 2019

Days March April May June
Excellent - waxing moon + sign

7 Pisces

15, 16 Cancer

11, 12 Cancer

8-10 Cancer

17, 18 Scorpio

5, 6 Cancer

1315 Scorpio

The good ones are the growing moon + neutral sign

10-12 Taurus

19, 20 Virgo

7, 8 Taurus

16,17 Virgo

18 Libra

6 Aries

13, 14 Virgo

15, 16 Libra

9, 10 Virgo

11, 12 Libra

16 Sagittarius

Unfavorable - waning moon + cabbage sign

5 Pisces

23, 24 Scorpio

2, 3 Pisces

20, 21 Scorpio

29, 30 Pisces

1 Pisces

26-28 Pisces

23, 24 Pisces
Dangerous - new moon, full moon 6, 21 5, 19 5, 19 3, 17

Middle lane

Early and medium varieties are sown on a windowsill or in a heated greenhouse from March 7 to April 24, late ones - from March 15 to April 24. In an unheated greenhouse, early and medium varieties - from 7 to 20 April. Early and middle ground is planted from April 20 to May 15, late - from May 10 to June 1.

All types of white cabbage ripen in the region.

Ural and Siberia

Early and medium varieties are sown on April 16-17 on a cold windowsill, in a greenhouse; planted in the ground from May 25 to June 5-6. Late sowing in a greenhouse from April 20 to 30 or in holes in a bed under a film; seedlings in the ground from 15 to 25 May.

Seedless way
Seedless way

With the seedless method, cabbage is sown thickly, grown sprouts are thinned out

Early and mid-late varieties are preferred.


Cabbage is grown only in seedlings.

Early cabbage is sown on March 15-25, medium on April 10-20, late on April 5-15. The early one is planted in the soil on May 15-25, the middle one is planted on June 5-10, and the late one is planted on May 20-30.

Video: how to grow cabbage seedlings

Cabbage, of course, reacts to the moon, but it will not do without good weather and careful care.
