When To Plant Chinese Cabbage For Seedlings In 2019: General Dates And Lunar Calendar
When To Plant Chinese Cabbage For Seedlings In 2019: General Dates And Lunar Calendar

When to plant Chinese cabbage for seedlings in 2019: general dates and lunar calendar

Chinese cabbage
Chinese cabbage

In case of untimely planting of Peking cabbage, the period of heading formation can coincide with long daylight hours and hot weather. In this case, it is more likely to get arrows with peduncles instead of juicy forks. But you can get rid of this risk if you observe the timing of sowing crops.

When to sow Chinese cabbage for seedlings

With a daylight of more than 13 hours and a temperature above + 25 ° C, Chinese cabbage does not form heads of cabbage, but goes into color. The optimal conditions for the formation of a full-fledged crop are as follows:

  • the duration of daylight hours is not more than 12 hours;
  • temperature in the range of + 13-22 ° C.
Chinese cabbage in bloom
Chinese cabbage in bloom

To avoid shooting Peking cabbage, planting dates must be strictly observed

To determine the timing of spring sowing for seedlings, you need to count back the following periods from the expected date of planting seedlings in open ground:

  • 5-7 days required for full mass shoots to appear.

    Sprouts of cabbage
    Sprouts of cabbage

    The first sprouts of Peking cabbage appear in 2-3 days, mass - in 5-7 days

  • 20-25 days, during which the sprouted seedlings reach the required age. Adult seedlings should have 4–5 true leaves.

It is easy to calculate that from the moment of sowing the seeds to moving the seedlings to a permanent bed, it takes about 30 days

Peking cabbage in terms of ripening (from the moment of full sprouting to technical maturity) is:

  • early - 40–55 days;
  • mid-season - about two months;
  • late - up to 80 days.

Seedlings of medium and late ripening varieties develop 5-10 days longer.

Features of sowing dates for regions

Since the crop is early maturing, the crop can be harvested twice during the season:

  • Having sown cabbage in spring, early heads of cabbage are obtained. For this purpose, predominantly early maturing varieties are cultivated by seedlings.
  • In summer sowing, late cabbage is grown for autumn consumption and storage. In this case, it is not necessary to grow seedlings, you can sow seeds in open ground, providing shelter from the scorching sun.

Peking cabbage belongs to cold-resistant plants, it can tolerate short-term temperature drops (up to -4 ° C) and its drops without damage. Sowing dates for seedlings in regions with different climatic conditions depend on the timing of planting seedlings in a permanent place.

Table: terms of spring sowing of seeds for seedlings in the context of climatic zones

Region Sowing dates for seedlings Planting seedlings in open ground
Southern latitudes 05.03 - 30.03 15.04 - 30.04
Middle lane 20.03 - 15.04 01.05 - 20.05
Northern regions 15.04 - 10.05 20.05 - 10.06

With the spring planting of ultra-early maturing and early maturing varieties in southern latitudes and the middle lane, heads of cabbage have time to form in comfortable conditions. In the northern regions, during the period of crop formation, the duration of daylight hours exceeds the recommended. If varieties that are not resistant to shooting were planted, it is necessary to cover the beds with black film or other opaque material in the late afternoon to reduce the duration of illumination, and also protect the plants with agrofibre from direct sunlight during the day.

When growing crops in unheated foil or polycarbonate greenhouses, spring sowing dates for seedlings are shifted back by 2-3 weeks:

  • Southern regions - 15.02–05.03.
  • The middle band is from 01.03 to 20.03.
  • Northern latitudes - 25.03-15.04.

Summer planting is excellent for Peking cabbage: daylight hours by autumn decrease, and the temperature also decreases, so optimal conditions are created for the formation of heads of cabbage. Sowing dates for summer-autumn cultivation, depending on the region, are as follows:

  • Southern latitudes - 20.07–10.08.
  • The middle band is 10.07–30.07.
  • Northern regions - 01.07–20.07.

Lunar calendar 2019

If you plant on the moon, you will collect twice. This old proverb says that lunar cycles have a significant impact on biological processes. Therefore, gardeners quite often, when calculating planting dates, are guided by the lunar calendar.

Table: favorable and unfavorable days for planting Chinese cabbage in 2019

Month Auspicious days Inappropriate dates
February 6-8, 15-17, 23-25 4, 5, 19
March 8-12, 15-17, 27-29 5, 7, 21
April 6-18, 24-26, 29, 30 5, 19
May 1-4, 8-10, 12-14, 17, 18, 21-23, 26-31 5, 19
June 5, 6, 9-15, 22-25 3, 4, 17

It is not difficult to calculate the timing of sowing Chinese cabbage for seedlings for your region. Timely planting will give you the opportunity to get an excellent harvest of crispy heads of cabbage, and not flowering panicles.
