When To Plant Pumpkin For Seedlings In 2019: General Dates And Lunar Calendar
When To Plant Pumpkin For Seedlings In 2019: General Dates And Lunar Calendar

It's better not to rush: when to plant pumpkin seedlings in 2019

pumpkin sprout in a pot
pumpkin sprout in a pot

Beloved by many, pumpkin, like other pumpkin crops, is characterized by the fact that it is not pickled. Therefore, there are two growing options for her: directly into the ground or seedlings. We plant the seedlings earlier. When exactly?

When to plant pumpkin for seedlings: general rules

Typically, a pumpkin planting-to-harvest cycle is 120–140 days. In the southern regions, most often it has time to grow perfectly well without seedlings, by sowing directly into open ground. If you live in more severe climatic conditions, and you want to see the pumpkin on your table early, you can try the seedling option. Grown with seedlings, it can be on the windowsill for no more than 30 days, then keeping it in the house is impractical: it will outgrow.

Pumpkin seedlings
Pumpkin seedlings

A pumpkin sown in a pot will bloom earlier and set the fruits

To prevent overgrowth from happening, you need to plant pumpkin seeds on seedlings no earlier than April. The fact that it planted in open ground it is possible only after the soil warms up to 20 of the C. Most often this happens at the beginning of the first or even the second decade of June.

Pumpkin planting lunar calendar for 2019

Specifically for the pumpkin, the 2019 lunar calendar recommends sowing seedlings (in April) and usual in May on the following dates:

  • April: 7, 8, 11, 12, 18;
  • May: 8-10, 13-15, 16.17.

Features for regions

It goes without saying that you will be planting seedlings in open ground based on the real weather conditions in your area. And you will not risk it if the forecast promises a cold snap, or even frost. But the estimated time frame will be approximately as presented in the table below.

Table: sowing dates for pumpkin seedlings by region

Region Sowing time for seedlings Landing time in open ground
Middle zone of Russia April 25-30 The end of May
Ural and Siberia Second decade of May (10–19) Mid june
North-West and Karelia After May 9 The beginning of June
Southern regions April 15-20 Early May directly by seed

To expect pumpkin fruits early, I also use the seedling version for pumpkin and zucchini. Two weeks before planting, the seedlings need to be hardened, for this I take them out on the veranda with increasing time. When planting in the ground, I organize temporary shelters for the plants, depending on the weather and their size: a cut plastic bottle or a mini-greenhouse made of film.

Pumpkin seedlings ready for planting in the ground
Pumpkin seedlings ready for planting in the ground

It is important that the seedlings are not overgrown

Video: how to germinate pumpkin seeds

Sown on time, pumpkin seedlings will have time to form without overgrowing and will more easily transfer the transplant into open ground. Do not rush to sowing so as not to harm your favorite pumpkin and not create problems for it.
