Thin Pancakes With Holes On Whey: A Step-by-step Recipe With Photos And Videos
Thin Pancakes With Holes On Whey: A Step-by-step Recipe With Photos And Videos

Always a good recipe: serum-laced pancakes

Thin pancakes with holes on serum
Thin pancakes with holes on serum

Pancakes are one of those dishes that adults and children alike love. Thin, delicate, with holes and crispy golden edges - no one will refuse such pancakes. The beauty of the recipe is that neither milk nor kefir is required from dairy products, only whey is enough.

Thin pancakes with holes in whey: a step-by-step recipe

The recipe for whey pancakes is one of the most budgetary. The cost of the dish is ridiculous, and the result is excellent. From the indicated proportions, you can bake a whole stack of ruddy openwork pancakes.


Whey - the liquid that remains after curdling and straining milk

You can add a couple of tablespoons of strong alcohol to the dough. Cognac or vodka will do. This will make the dough more elastic, and thin pancakes will not tear.


  • 800 ml of serum;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for the dough and 2 tbsp. l. for greasing the frying pan;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1/2 tsp salt.


  1. Warm up the serum (700 ml) to 38–40 ° C.

    Serum in a saucepan
    Serum in a saucepan

    The serum must be fresh

  2. Sift flour through a sieve.

    Sifting flour
    Sifting flour

    Sifted flour makes the dough airier

  3. Add sugar and salt to the whey. Add flour and mix.

    Adding flour to whey
    Adding flour to whey

    It is very convenient to knead pancake dough with a special spring-like jar

  4. The dough should be liquid and similar to thick kefir.


    The dough for thin pancakes does not need to be made too thick

  5. Bring 100 ml of whey to a boil.

    Boiling whey
    Boiling whey

    The whey shouldn't boil for a long time

  6. Add the egg and butter to the dough. Stir well.

    Inserting eggs and butter into the dough
    Inserting eggs and butter into the dough

    For better binding of all ingredients, you can use a mixer

  7. In hot whey, extinguish the soda and pour this solution into the dough. Stir quickly.

    Adding slaked soda to the dough
    Adding slaked soda to the dough

    Soda will give the pancakes elasticity and create openwork holes on the surface.

  8. Grease the pan with oil.

    Greasing the pan with oil
    Greasing the pan with oil

    You only need to grease the pan for the first two or three pancakes.

  9. Pour the dough and fry for 1.5-2 minutes.

    Frying pancakes
    Frying pancakes

    Immediately after frying, holes will appear on the surface of the pancakes

  10. Turn the pancake over and fry for another 1 minute.

    Pancake fried on one side
    Pancake fried on one side

    A hot frying pan instantly creates a golden crust on the surface of the pancakes

  11. Serve hot whey pancakes.

    Ready-to-use whey pancakes
    Ready-to-use whey pancakes

    Ready pancakes can be greased with butter

Video: whey pancakes from Marina Miroshnichenko

Last year, before Maslenitsa, I thought about setting a generous table for my family and friends. Unfortunately, I do not have a signature pancake recipe to surprise and delight my family, so I turned to my mother-in-law, a noble cook, for advice. She advised me to try making pancakes with whey, claiming that there was no better recipe. She was right! The pancakes turned out to be the thinnest, lacy, with an appetizing crunchy edge - just delicious!

Serum openwork pancakes can be served as a separate dish for breakfast or dinner. With jam, sour cream or lightly salted fish - thin pancakes will become the main dish for the Maslenitsa table.
