It Is A Pleasure To Bake Pancakes On Kefir. Delicious Custard Pancakes On Kefir First Hand Recipe
It Is A Pleasure To Bake Pancakes On Kefir. Delicious Custard Pancakes On Kefir First Hand Recipe

Custard lace pancakes: the best breakfast you can imagine

Pancakes on kefir
Pancakes on kefir

Hello dear readers

Who else, but in our family we often bake pancakes, pies and buns for breakfast. Both I and my husband love them very much. And the eldest daughter, if not stopped, will probably be able to eat fifty. Perhaps the largest pancake in the world that was baked on August 13, 1994 in the city of Rochdale (Great Britain) would have been fine for her. The diameter of the huge pancake was 15 meters, height 2.5 centimeters, and it weighed 3 tons. Can you imagine such a giant? But what's that, the calorie content of this pancake - the big guy was 2,000,000 kilocalories !!!

Pancakes with kefir - this is the recipe I want to present to your court today. More precisely, custard pancakes.

Features of ready-made pancakes, depending on the type of flour and dough

In fact, pancakes are made not only with kefir, but also with milk, yogurt, beer, mineral water and plain water. And you can use a wide variety of flour: rye, corn, rice, oat, buckwheat. Depending on the type of flour used, the properties of pancakes also change, for example:

used with the addition of wheat flour, preliminarily poured with hot milk or water for a while
easy to mix, almost no lumps remain
requires more eggs due to poor flour stickiness
the properties of flour are close to wheat, due to the high content of gluten and starch, the batch is uniform, excellent for pancakes
The dough is as good as wheat dough, but requires a little more liquid

What kind of flour you will use is up to you. But delicious custard pancakes with kefir will undoubtedly come out with wheat flour. It is she who should be used in this recipe. Wheat flour is also the main ingredient in delicious white bread. By the way, kefir can be replaced with kefir "Bio Balance" 1% fat. In the photo you see exactly the custard pancakes on kefir recipe with "Bio Balance".


For the test we need:

Kefir 3.2% fat - 500 ml.

Eggs - 2 pcs.

Salt - ½ teaspoon

Sugar - ½ teaspoon, Soda - ½ teaspoon

Vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons

Flour - 400 gr. (2 cups)

Boiling water - 200-250 ml.

Step-by-step preparation of custard "lace" pancakes

Step 1. Mix kefir with eggs. With a simple whisk or whisk with a blender.

Pancakes on kefir recipe
Pancakes on kefir recipe

Step 2. Add salt and sugar. And the resulting mass is heated to 55-60 ˚С.

Kneading for pancakes with kefir
Kneading for pancakes with kefir

Step 3. Sift the flour and gently add it to the kefir, stirring with a whisk or blender. You get a rather thick mass, like a cream. But do not be alarmed, in the next step we will dilute it with water.

Pancake dough with kefir
Pancake dough with kefir

Step 4. In 200-250 ml. water (brought to a boil) dilute soda. Pour water and soda into the dough and mix well. Finally, add vegetable oil.

Ready-made custard pancake dough
Ready-made custard pancake dough

I don’t let the resulting test stand. After all, while there is a reaction with soda, carbon dioxide is released, which gives bubbles. And the bubbles, in turn, give the effect of "lace", the very desired holes on the pancakes. Therefore, halfway through the process of kneading the dough, I put the pan on the fire and when the dough is ready, I begin to bake, from both sides. A little clarification: I bake pancakes in a Teflon-coated pan, so they turn over perfectly and nothing sticks. If the kneading is thick, the pancakes will not spread well in the pan, add a little water.

We fry pancakes on kefir
We fry pancakes on kefir
Custard pancakes
Custard pancakes

Such pancakes can be served with jam, butter and sugar, honey, sour cream. But what can I say, there are many options and everyone has their own, favorite! For a change, bake festive early ripening pancakes according to an old Russian recipe.

Pancakes with kefir - a recipe that will not disappoint you! It will be a good helper in healthy and nutritious nutrition!

Enjoy your meal

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Video: "Lace custard pancakes on kefir"

In the near future I plan to describe in detail the entire process of making dumplings with cottage cheese. Visit our blog more often, everyone is always welcome.

Best regards
